Straight Outta Supertest: 9.3 Branch Changes

Source: VK Wotleaks community

Hello everyone,

this is how the branches setup will change in 9.3 – please note that these branch changes were confirmed as legit so yes, this is how it’s going to be.

Germans will recieve the RU251 on tier 8, that will merge with Leopard Prototype.


Soviet changes are more extensive. MT-25 will no longer be unlocked from tier 6 KV-1S, but from tier 5 T-34 and will lead to tier 7 LTTB, tier 8 T-54 Obl. (light T-54), which will merge with tier 9 T-54. Current KV-1S will be split into tier 5 KV-1S (unlockable from KV-1) and KV-85 (tier 6), that will be researchable from KV-1S.


American branch is pretty straightforward – Chaffe, T37, M41, T49 (which merges into T54E1). What is interesting is that the T49 tier 5 tank destroyer was renamed to T67 (which is historical, or at least more historical).


FTR Contributor Review (this time after two weeks)

Hello everyone,

last week, I was kinda gone, but don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten to thank publicly the contributors, it’s you who keep FTR running after all! This time, following person donated via Paypal:

Woddak (France)

Thanks a lot, mate :)

If you guys have any technical or WoT non-related questions, this is the place to ask them.

The best way to help me and FTR is via the Patreon service

This is the Patreon account of For the Record. In case you read this for the first time and feel like contributing, here is an explanation what it is, how it works and how to contribute. You can find a list of all those, who pledged and help to keep FTR running here.

Thank you all!

Saints and Soldiers – The Void: More Videos

Hello everyone,

some time ago, I wrote (or rather Wargaming made videos) about the upcoming “Saints and Soldiers – The Void” movie about Hellcat crews being chased in the Harz mountains by two Panzer III’s or something (the movie really is more like about “evil white man vs magical black guy kept down by racism”, but at least it has tanks).

Part 1 of the “behind the scenes” series can be found here, part 2 here.

Part 3 of the “behind the scenes” series – this time about the Hellcat:


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Gamescom Summary

Hello everyone,

I was wondering whether to make this post or not as a summary of the Gamescom stream and other things related to it, since it’s kinda all over now, no stream planned for today as far as I know. In any case, after sitting down in the evening and thinking about the entire thing this year, the word that comes to my mind is… “failure”. Well, at least to the 99,99 percent of players, who did actually not go to Gamescom in person, but were wondering, what it was all about. And it’s a pity – from what I heard, the booth was actually very cool.

I am not quite sure what to write that was not already written – so I will just sum it up from the perspective of someone, who did not go there.

What I liked

They finally showed the World of Warships. Well, partially, it’s not like we saw anything much from it, just a few tidbits of information and some hangar footage (unless more was shown in the last stream, I did not watch that). That however means one thing: it’s open season on leaks and as I write this text, I am looking at leaked video from the alpha test. We’ll get rid of the annoying watermarks and post something later, but for now, let me tell you that it looks VERY promising. Me gusta! Unfortunately, that’s about the only thing I liked.

What I did not like

I mean, where do I even start.

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Russia Wins the Tank Biathlon

Thanks to Xerkics for this one.

Hello everyone,

unsurprisingly to many, Russia won the 2014 Tank Biathlon.



Yesterday, on 16.8.2014, Russia was declared the winner at the Alabino grounds near Moscow with the top 4 teams consisting of Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and China. Other teams in the competition (that consisted of a course where the crews had to traverse the distance of cca 20km while shooting at targets in lowest time possible) consisted of Serbia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, India, Mongolia and Kuwait.

Meanwhile in Kiev

Thanks to Edrard for this one.

This is actually funny :) You probably know about the story how the separatists stole the IS-3 from a monument in Lugansk and pained “Onwards to Kiev” on it.


Well, the tank got to Kiev indeed… just not the way the terrorists and their Russian patrons expected. It was captured by Ukraine forces and brought to Kiev to resume the role it was meant to fulfill: a piece of history on a monument.