today, we are going to have a look at an article, published on the Wargaming blog, about the public API system. Now, I am not a programmer, so excuse me if something gets mistranslated – I think it’s interesting for quite a few folks (especially some modders and web programmers) so it would be a shame not to attempt to translate it, but if I make a mistake somewhere, feel free to correct me. Here goes. Public API is a set of public programmer interfaces, providing access to Wargaming projects, including the game content, player statistics, data from encyclopedias and many other things. In this article, we will talk about the background of the API, how the interaction of our internal components looks and about how the API is built and how it works and a bit about the developer contest we are planning to do in the near future.
as you probably know, Wargaming is working on new motion physics, which will, amongst other things, include rolling the tanks over on their roof. According to Storm, if that happens to a tank, that tank is quite finished, unable to tip itself back over on its tracks. Now, this is not a new thought. The developers were actually considering this way back when the physics in the game were introduced (I am sure the very old players remember the time when you couldn’t jump off a cliff for example). Normally, I don’t repost Wargaming old videos (there is no point), but this video shows very nicely, why having tanks ending on their roof is a pretty bad idea – check what happens to the tanks in it…
today, we are going to have a look at the characteristics of the T-54 Model 1945 (as based on the book that Wargaming uses for reference). Should be an interesting comparison.
Now, what do we know about this upcoming premium tank from Wargaming itself:
- it will be slow, but heavily armored
- it will resemble Super Pershing in the gameplay more than Type 59
- developers stated they do not want another Type 59
Now, the book I am referring to is “Отечественные бронированные машины, том 2 1941-1945″ (Domestic armored vehicles, part 2 1941-1945) by A.G.Solyankin. Let’s have a look at it and compare it to the famous Type 59. Looking at the comparison table in the book, it’s possible to notice that this vehicle is somewhat different from all the other T-54 versions and clones (usually not in a good way, the prototype still had some pretty serious issues, that got reworked only in later versions). It’s not that heavy (35,5 tons, compared to the ingame weight of the elite T-54 (34,68 tons) or Type 59 (35,72 tons)). The general dimensions of the vehicle are roughly the same as well – it’s however worth noting that this tank is lowerest than other T-54 versions (2275mm, compared to 2400mm of later versions), it however also has lower clearance (400mm, compared to later 425-450mm), hinting at poorer terrain passability (we’ll get to that later). It’s a bit shorter and bit narrower than the later versions as well. This does not influence the gameplay directly, but for example the height of the turret has some nasty side-effects, as we’ll see later.
once again it’s the time to thank the contributors, it’s you who keep FTR running after all! This time, following people donated via Paypal:
Simone L. (Italy)
Konachu (United Kingdom)
Jellis (Finland) – thanks for the well wishes :)
Kim H. (Norway)
Golem501 (Netherlands)
Tony R. (United Kingdom)
NTEngineer (USA) – thanks for the VPS offer as well :)
Robert I. (USA) – special thanks for continuous support :)
Timour A. (USA)
Elcomadante_ch (Switzerland) – thanks for a massive contribution, mate :) Much appreciated!
Thanks a lot you all – I am really glad to have such great fans and supporters, I couldn’t ask for better ones.
The best way to help me and FTR is via the Patreon service
as usual, there are some undocumented things in the 9.2 test client. First, some tanks got their textures simply changed, at least that’s how it can be seen in WoT viewer, in order to make them look better on worse computers. Generally, it looks like this (the dark one is the old one)
as usual, 9.2 contains some interesting undocumented features, two in this case. Not sure either will appear on live server (probably not), but, we’ll see.
Enabled Spectator Mode
First feature is the enabled spectator mode in the training battles. In the menu, it looks like this:
Text is by Soukoudragon, I hope he doesn’t mind I borrowed it, but this is too good not to share :)
Japanese man, a father and a husband hand built a 1/2.4 scale drivable tank to the details is featured on a TV program. Everything from the treads and gears to the outside armor. He started working on it 10 years ago (since the show aired). He loved tanks ever since he was a child. It was his dream to build his own tank. So as his hobby, he has been working on it. At first as just small pieces inside the house but later outside as it come together. People in the neighborhood always wondered what he was working on in the driveway. His mother and wife kept saying that they want him to quit. The tank is a Panzer IIIF.