Straight Outta Supertest: PvE “Tower Defense”

Hello everyone,

at this point, several sources from supertest already confirmed that the PvE mode on supertest is some sort of “tower defense” mode. Basically, a team of players defends against stronger and stronger waves of enemy bots. Currently, it is in a stage of “discussion” – the developers are trying to gather feedback from supertesters, whether such a mode would be interesting.

Well, would you be interested?

Straight Outta Supertest: PvE

Hello everyone,

from the “usual” source – developers currently dealt with PVE battles on Supertest. There are no details yet as everything is still in flux and the supertester thinks that they will announce it soon anyway. But looks like we will be fighting bots outside of random battles as well…

Visiting the WG EU Office with Jean Nouvel

Source: website

Thanks to Barilzar for the link and the translations from French.

Hello everyone,

this is a translation of an article (or, rather, a picture gallery) of the new Wargaming EU offices (seen from stylistic point of view) with the comments from Jean Nouvel, a well-known French architect. The article is about design and architecture mostly, Wargaming name is there just to “sell it”, but let me tell you, seeing the pics in connection with today’s “insider” post about WG EU not being able to afford good translators… you know, I can see why.

Photo 1/28
“The Horizons tower” (la Tour Horizons) in Boulogne-Billancourt was built by the ateliers Jean Nouvel*. The construction work started in Feb 2009 and was completed in Nov 2011. * (means Jean Nouvel Workshop, but it’s a kind of posh name for an architect office; you know, the guy is french AND trendy…)


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Get better soon, Ed Francis!

Hello everyone,

as you know I usually don’t use FTR for personal messages to specific people, but I will make an exception in this case. Those, who are on EU forums as long as I am (over two years now) probably do remember one of the more interesting forum dwellers, Ed Francis, aka Edfrancis001, a (well deserved) community contributor, an author of many historical articles on EU forums (example) and a man known for his passion for tanks and their history.

Unfortunately, today, I recieved an e-mail from his brother, Ben. I hope he won’t be angry for me publishing it, but… here goes.

Good Morning

This is Ed Francis brother Ben

As some of you may know, my brother after a long period of illness was taken into hospital in a critical condition in June after multiple blood clots damaged his lungs and heart. despite the odds he has survived and is slowly recovering in care. he is worried about any projects or outstanding work he had left unfinished but not able to go into detail at this time.

I’ve sent a round robin email from his account just to let everyone know where he is and why he may not be answering his emails or replying to queries etc. if there was anything outstanding or something he was working on please let me know and I will pass on the details, but for now its rest and rehab.

Thanks in advance for your patience and hopefully he will be up and back to his old ways soon

Ben Francis

So, without any more comments – best of luck, Ed, wishing you all the best and get well soon!

Insider Talks: Why does WG EU get less content than WG RU?

Hello everyone,

the Wargaming insider is back, scouring the internal channels for bits of information. This time, he decided to talk about the differences in content between WG EU server and WG RU. Actually, this entire thing is quite complex and the talks about it span last 2 years, so – as he did put it – it’s very difficult to actually cover the entire issue. Some parts of it we have also figured out on our own, but it’s nice to have it confirmed from different sources. Please note that this article is not also the “ultimate truth”, but an interpretation of what the insider did read and hear over last months and years, merely an explanation.

One of the main reasons of the content amount difference is Soviet Bias. Yes, you heard right, it does exist, but not in the form of what you usually imagine under the term (the Insider called it “sovietism”, but I think the Soviet Bias is more comprehensive). Basically, it’s a Russian market specific element, where the customers expect and demand the seller to celebrate and praise their past, specifically the Soviet era, because of the “RUSSIA STRONK” notion, that is still present in the many Russian players’ minds. The Insider notes that the typical example for this could be the book, written by SerB, called “Yesterday there would be War” – in Russia, Sergei “SerB” Burkatovsky is a well-known sci-fi author and a typical example of a very specific sci-fi genre, that is popular there – about men falling through time, preventing (in this case) the German attack on Soviet Union in WW2. The book itself is mostly junk (it has mediocre reviews), the Germans are depicted as idiots and the abovementioned “Russia Stronk” element is prevalent.

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Swiss Tanks – Part 2 (Tank Destroyers)

Swiss Tanks – Part 1

By Vollketten

Part 1 of Swiss tanks gave a quick run down of some light and medium tank options for Switzerland. In this part we’ll have a little look at some of the tank destroyers, the most famous of which is the G-13, ‘The Swiss Hetzer’. There is more than just that, but because there is so much, it will have to be in more than one article. So expect a part 2b with the post-WW2 tank destroyers.

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