Author: Karika
In my previous article, we examined the main aspects and problems with the Hungarian tech tree, which could look something like this in the future as a part of the European tech tree:
From now on, I’ll show you how could these Hungarian tanks and tank destroyers perform in World of Tanks with their historical characteristics.
But, before I start, I must note that I could/would not and predict game parameters like the vehicle health pool (HP), or gun alpha damage, because these are the aspects of in-game balance, and I’m not an expert in that. This applies also to the historical attributes, which are sacrificed to vehicle balance, such as the reload time, rate of fire (RoF), hull/turret traverse speed, terrain passability, radio signal range, and so on. These so not or only rarely correspond to their real life equivalents. Consequently, properties like historical RoF or the type (or even existence) of the radio does not really matter from now on, but I’ll write them down anyway. The armor penetration values are in WoT terms, thus how much armor would they penetrate in 90° at 100m distance with standard armor piercing (AP) rounds.