Straight Outta Supertest: IS-2, ISU-122S

Hello everyone,

two move vehicles from supertest. Stats are not known yet, but these are NOT usual vehicles for sale, they will be a part of some event.



“Heavy tank IS-2 (IS-122) was the result of the IS-1 modernization and from 1944 onwards recieved a more simple vast frontal armor. As a part of the Independent guard heavy tank regiments, IS-2 was used actively to assault fortified enemy cities such as Budapest, Breslau and Berlin. In order to recognize themselves, these vehicles were carrying special recognition signs – white stripes. This model represents a tank of the 7th Guard Tank Brigade, the photography of it under the Brandenburg Gate became widely known.”

Tier: 7 HT
Hitpoints: 1280
Engine: 600 hp
Weight: 46,265 tons
Power-to-weight: 12,97 hp/t
Maximum speed: 34/14 km/h
Hull traverse: 38 deg/s
Turret traverse: 29,2 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,055/2,11
Viewrange: 350
Radio range: 440

Hull armor: 120/90/?
Turret armor: 100/90

Elite gun: 122mm D-25T
Damage: 390
Penetration: 175
ROF: 5,087
DPM: 1984
Reload: 11,795
Accuracy: 0,441
Aimtime: 3,26s
Depression: -6/+25

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From Steel: T-44 Restoration Video by Gaijin

Hello everyone,

a few days ago, I posted that Gaijin Entertainment (War Thunder developers) and experts from Kubinka managed to restore a broken old T-44 to its former glory. Well, here’s a video of the said machine in motion. It’s in Russian, but it has multiple subtitles, including (pay attention now, Wargaming) English, French, German and Czech (you don’t have to dub the video to English to release it for western audience as well, we can actually read, shockingly enough).



As I said before, I am not a huge fan of War Thunder, but this is something I can get behind. It’s always good to see more vehicles restored to their former glory.

How Gun Stabilization Works on Leopard 2

Thanks to Xardas060 for this one.

Hello everyone,

every modern main battle tank has its gun stabilized, but one of the best stabilization mechanisms is built into the Leopard 2 main battle tank. In this video, we can see the Leopard 2A5 from 11th “Lubuska” Armoured Cavalry Division of the Polish army. With the camera attached to the barrel of the gun, you can well see how the stabilizer compensates well for the rough terrain and keeps the gun levelled, allowing the vehicle to aim accurately and fire on the move.


Update on the Bastogne Barracks Museum

Hello everyone,

remember the Bastogne Barracks Museum post here on FTR? To give you a quick rundown: it’s a well-estabilished museum, unfortunately the Belgian army that runs it decided to possibly shut it down. A petition was made to prevent that from happening and I asked for your signatures, because there aren’t that many important armor museums around Europe.

Well, there’s an update and it is not good. The decision might be taken around Easter. By the words of the petition organizer:

“At this time not 6, but 15 bases are at stake. Handing over the base to civilians is not an option, the costs to keep the place open are too high, and the city of Bastogne itself might not be interested because of their focus on their own Mardasson museum which has just been renovated.”

Since I believe every bit of tank history is worth preserving (too much was lost already or went to private owners, never to be seen again), I am bringing this to your attention yet again: please sign the petition, it doesn’t cost you anything and it might help one museum escape from the clutches of bean counters.