
Okay, here’s a MUST see for history fans: Listy found in archives (amongst other things) accounts about Japanese tanks. Go check it out!

Russian server and EU server have this weekend a special offer – conversion of free XP to crew XP (yes, for free, you already paid for the free XP once – 1 free XP = 5 crew XP). For EU, you can read about it here.

Storm also reports that the physics test is going “really well”. There is an effect in the test that they call “gear shifting” (basically, the tanks slows down as if you were shifting gears), this is actually a bug and will be fixed (maybe even in the current test). Another bug is the strong drop of mobility in some vehicles (T-62A, AMX-50/100 and others), will be also fixed.

- according to Storm, 9.7 HD Superpershing is not getting nerfed, it will definitely not be possible to sell it for gold
- there are no plans to remove unhistorical M62 gun from IS-4
- for now it was not decided yet whether the fact that VK4502B will only have one loader while the Mauschen will have two will be compensated somehow (SS: for example by a “free” multi-skill loader)
- for now, there are no plans to introduce the Panther with GT turbine into the game, Storm is trying to prune the plans of “such nonsense”

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T34 Marathon on RU Server

Hello everyone,

just to inform you on what’s probably coming to EU as well: Russian server has a marathon again – do 150k damage on tier 6-10 vehicle of each nation (eg. 7×150.000=1.050.000 damage) AND you have to destroy 150 tanks as well, as a reward, you’ll get a T34 tier 8 premium.

For each separate nation completed, you will also get 3 days of premium.

And of course, you can again buy the “tickets” for each nation in the premium shop. Looks like that was pretty successful last time with WZ-111.

But that’s not all: another new mechanism is being introduced – destroy 2 enemy tanks and damage 3 more in battle, do that 25 times and you will get a premium tank… for four days (after that, it gets taken away).

Tank Chats 2: The Carden Loyd Carrier

Hello everyone,

the museum of Bovington published second part of the Tank Chats series about British vehicles with David Fletcher, this time about the Carden Loyd Carrier. I must say I absolutely love David Fletcher’s voice and the way he explains stuff, you can feel that this guy simply KNOWS things. Really, really good.



In next part: Medium Tank Mk.II…

Insider On Wargaming Meeting

Hello everyone,

the Insider is currently present at an interesting Wargaming meeting, here’s a bunch of stuff that was mentioned during the meeting:

- a new premium special edition Soviet IS-6 “Fearless” will be introduced, basically it’s just IS-6 with different camo, it’s possible this is an Xbox-only vehicle
- there will a new Soviet premium heavy tank with full MM and (apparently) BL-9, that will eventually replace the IS-6 in store. It will be modelled “before 2016″
- new fun mode is coming, which includes a new vehicle named “M24 Lunar Chaffee”. It’s apparently a special event, which makes you fight on a “special lunar landing zone” with 1/6th of the regular game physics (gravity). Vehicles also have their characteristics buffed to increase their durability from free-falls. There will also be objectives within the mission to complete, not just combat. This event was actually created from the bugs where you see tanks being launched to the moon (FT-17 “Lunar Program”, ELC to the moon, etc). It’s being decided whether this mode will appear on Xbox as well as PC.
- Polish T-34/85 “Rudy” looks nice, it’s just a regular T-34/85 with 85mm gun and full MM, with the “Rudy” decals (that are already obtainable currently in Soviet tree) and extra tidbits. The price will be almost the same as the one of Schmalturm Panzer IV
- new US tier 7 premium TD (Scorpion) will have full MM and its camo will be roughly on par with E-25, it will be reduced a lot when it fires (to 0?), but it’s also extrely nimble and agile despite low engine horsepower (almost as nimble as ELC). Might appear in 9.7 “if all goes well” – if not, 9.8

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The Last Battle of the M.13; Negba, Israel 1948

Author: Vollketten

And a big thanks to Ilan and Oded Negbi

Silentstalker’s foreword: As some of you probably know, I am a big fan of Israel. Vollketten tried to make the article as apolitical as possible – I’d have acted differently, were I him. That however doesn’t mean I won’t ban any anti-semite I will see in the comments. Respect Vollketten’s wishes, keep politics from it.

So, I have been remiss in writing this up for several months, for which I offer no excuse except saying I’ve been busy with other writings and been trying to add more to this story. In doing so, I was very fortunate to speak with an eyewitness of the actual battle. It first came up as a part of looking at post war-footage from the Middle East, originally for the Egyptian use of British armour after the war.

Also, just because the topic involves Israel in some way, don’t think that any political viewpoint is offered here by me or wanted from you either, this is just about the tanks. Not interested in politics.

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First Impressions of the New Physics

Hello everyone,

as you probably already know, the new motion physics test was started in the morning – you can check the details here.

All I can say about is… go try it, because it’s really hard to describe the feeling with which the tanks handle now – and no, videos don’t help either. You really have to feel it.

I’ll try to describe it a bit anyway though, as best as I can.

First thing you’ll notice (apart from the laggy server, more than usual anyway) is that the tank movement (any tank really) is more… I don’t know, fluid. No longer does the tank react in a “choppy” manner (as if you were turning a tank toy with your hand instead of a real tank). Those, who are afraid of too many “drifting” tanks (like in War Thunder) can rest easy though, the tanks don’t have terrible tendencies to drift and the turning is quite accurate. If I was to compare it to something, I might think WG got heavily inspired by Armored Warfare alpha (there the movement feels just as fluid), but considering how long this feature was developed, I’d say it’s simply a case of parallel development, that reached roughly the same goals.

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How Wargaming Sabotages Competition (War Thunder)

Hello everyone,

more and more dirty laundry comes out on Wargaming lately and the more I learn, the more I feel disgusted and disappointed, even by Minsk. Let’s have a look at the latest scandal rocking the Russian server.

It all started with the former Russian community manager Dietolog (specifically for World of Warplanes), who blew the case wide open on his blog. Dietolog is no longer an employee of Wargaming and seeing some events concerning War Thunder lately, he decided to come forward and talk. It could also be his thirst of vengeance against Wargaming, who knows? Motives do not make the truth any different (we’ll talk about that below).

Now, what happened.

Let me get back a bit. Remember when the conditions for being a community manager were leaked? A part of the test were subversive tactics against other games – back then, we had a good laugh, but I am no longer laughing, because it’s all true.

Dietolog, as a community manager, was asked to participate in a subversive hate campaign as early as December 2013 against Wargaming’s competitor, Gaijin Entertainment, the developer of War Thunder. The campain was funnily enough called “G-spot” (WG has a sense of humor, I’ll give them that) and the entire leaked document is accessible here. It’s in Russian of course. The basic udea is that Wargaming-paid hate trolls were supposed to systematically attack Gaijin sites, forums, social network pages and fan pages and spread anti-War Thunder propaganda.

Dietolog states that he did not participate in the subversive operation and only a month later, he left or was fired. The entire campaign represents a reaction of Wargaming to the total failure of World of Warplanes and an attempt to damage the competition by other means than by creating a quality game. Anyway, back to the campaign. I imagine most of you don’t speak Russian (that’s why you are here), so let’s have a look at what the campaign consisted of.

Oh, one last thing, before we start. I reached out to several Wargaming ex-employees and employees. And you know what? It’s all true. Of course, I do not have a proof, so in the end, you’ll have to decide yourself, who to trust – a disgruntled whistleblower, or Wargaming corporate drones, who will deny the whole thing? One advice though: disgruntled employees are the major source of FTR news and Wargaming has MANY. These news are often proven to be correct. So, I wouldn’t discount them when it comes to credibility.

So, about the smearing campaign:

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Straight Outta Supertest: Renault G1

Hello everyone,

this is the last of the 9.7 French regular vehicles, the tier 5 Renault G1, also known as “G1R”.



“The development of the G.1 tank started in 1935 and continued until 1940. In its tactical and technical characteristics, the developed tank was close to the Soviet T-34, however it was a more complicated design. Many ideas, used in the G1, were implemented only many years later. Amongst the entire bunch of pre-projects, presented in the competition, the one to be chosen in the end was the Renault G1R project. The vehicle had an individual torsion bar suspension and original weapon mounting. In 1940 a mock-up was made, however due to the military defeat of France, the work on it was stopped.”

Characteristics (100 percent crew, elite configuration):

Tier: 5 MT
Hitpoints: 460
Engine: 450 hp
Weight: 34,74 tons
Power-to-weight: 12,95 hp/t
Maximum speed: 40/12 km/h
Hull traverse: 30 deg/s
Turret traverse: 26 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 1,055/1,151/2,301
Viewrange: 350
Radio range: 740,4

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First: Storm confirmed that physics test will come tomorrow.

- turret armor of IS-6 in the game is historical (won’t be buffed)
- Jagdtiger 88 armor will most likely not be changed much during its rework to HD (SS: the unhistorical LFP will stay)
- from time to time, when a battle ends, the client crashes. This is a known bug and will be fixed.
- post-mortem camera (specifically which friendly tank you will view next) apparently works as intended
- Storm is not sure whether the platoon spectator mode was postponed again
- Storm statest that T95 was NOT nerfed in HD (specifically the hatch weakspot size, clearance remained the same as well)

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Storm Talks about New Physics

Source: http://world-of-kwg.livejournal.com/311593.html

Hello everyone,

Storm wrote a post about the new physics test which will start soon (according to some leakers, even today at 6PM CET, but that’s unfoncirmed). The new motion physics system (MPS) will have following characteristics and changes:


- the new MPS will allow you to pass small terrain obstacles (rails, small stones etc.) without loss of speed
- with both tracks stable on the ground while going with sufficient speed, the vehicle will be able to jump (cross) over various obstacles such as ditches, trenches etc.
- when braking sharply, you will get a “bonus” to gun depression due to the way the suspension interacts with the hull (the entire vehicle will shift forwards)

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