
Today was a bit technical, so I hope I got everything right

- SerB is not afraid of WoWp stealing players from WoT, he thinks the migration will be normal
- SerB describing the difference between US and Soviet penetration methodology: “The difference is in the amount of shell fragments, that make it past the armor. In the common American and German system it is based on “primary penetration” (20 percent of fragments make it behind the armor), while the Soviet data are based on the “guaranteed penetration” (80 percent). We compared the data of German and American 75mm guns tested in USSR and with German 50mm, 88mm and British 57mm. There is a 1,17 times difference on average”

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Ilosz WoT Magazine – 2nd Issue

Hello everyone,

for those who don’t know, Ilosz is the guy on EU forums, who makes his own (monthly I assume) WoT magazine. Its 2nd issue has some significant improvements from the 1st one, so if you want to have a look at it, you can find it online at this adress:


And no, promoting it has nothing to do with the fact there’s an interview with me! Or…. does it? :D

Discussion: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/291056-world-of-tanks-magazine-issue-2/


Check out Listy’s article on the famous Finnish BT-42 SPG, pretty interesting stuff

- as was mentioned before, currently, WoWp average battle time is roughly 4 minutes (which is about half of that of WoT). SerB states that the XP income will be set so that tier 10 can be reached roughly within the same amount of battles as in WoT

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Historical Accuracy: Guns of the KV-1S

I have briefly visited this topic for 122 mm guns specifically, but since Wargaming is adding the S-34 into the mix, I’ll start from the top.

The KV-1 was king of the battlefield, enjoying comfort that the “Queen of the Desert” could only wish for. Its powerful F-32 gun, and later ZiS-5, was capable of handling any armour the enemy could throw at it. Later on, as high velocity 75 mm guns became more common and 88 mm guns became more mobile, the armour of the tank became more of a liability than an advantage. The KV-1S shaved off some of this unnecessary armour, leaving the tank largely invincible to 50 mm guns, but making it faster and more reliable. The gun remained the same. In 1942, the ZiS-5 was enough to handle nearly any threat. The ballistically identical F-34 enjoyed the same privileges. The gun was good enough, to the point that it was the “original” gun of the first IS tank (Object 233IS).

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STB-1, Japanese tier 10 medium tank

Author: Soukoudragon, Daigensui

Hello everyone, today we have another article from Soukoudragon, (revised by Daigensui) this time about (sort of confirmed) Japanese tier 10 tank. Enjoy!


After the culmination of many tested core components, the STB-1 was completed in 1969. The STB-1 was the first of two development phases in the development of the Type 74. Despite its technical and rather unimposing name, the first phase was an ambitious and successful creation while the second phase was largely about taking a katana to the cost of the tank while improving endurance and reliability. The STB-1 is indeed an imposing tank and would be a very competitive tier 10 tank in World of Tanks.

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- when the turret of the IS-7 rotates sideways from the hull and its silhouette overlaps the hull itself, it’s actually possible to shoot the bottom of the turret, if your tank is significantly lower than the IS-7 itself. The bottom of the turret is 20mm thick
- there are plans for more crew perks – it will happen in WoWp much sooner than in WoT
- SerB on linear XP requirement for crew skills in WoWp: “Linear system was implemented as an experiment. It is easier to understand than the exponential one, despite the average effective skill when levelling up being 75 percent (compared to exponential system’s 87 percent). The total XP cost of levelling the crew skills up is the same as in the exponential system” Continue reading