Storm on new physics: “In the new physics, the interaction between the vehicle and small obstacles and irregularities on the ground is completely different. When going over such spots, the tanks lose much less speed, shrugging these obstacles off by the work of its suspension. It’s much easier to keep the target in your sights without losing your speed. I consider one of the positive aspects of new physics.”
- Storm confirms that the Chieftain in the game will be Mk.2 (SS: he was mistaken before with Mk.3, not a hard mistake to do, since Vickers MBT Mk.3 was considered for WoT)
- developers are not making the Chieftain model yet, it will be scanned in Bovington first
- Chieftain and the FV4202 switch will not come this year apparently
- it’s possible that 0.9.5 will come this year (specifically December 14 was mentioned by Storm)
- IS-7 “rectangular” gun barrel will be fixed later
- reworked historical battles will definitely not come in 2014
- vehicles in new historical battles will be “historical”, but which ones exactly will be used is not decided yet
- Chaffee 43k XP compensation will NOT be free XP
- tank corpses (destroyed tank hulls) do not ricochet in 9.3, only tanks that are alive do
- Chinese tank crew setup (where the radioman position switches from one crewmember to another) will be fixed
- T-54 HD model does not correspond the T-54 Light HD model. T-54 model has to be fixed according to Storm
- the “sunk turret” bug on RU251 was fixed
- Veider regarding the situation where the new LT’s have very good terrain passability and therefore, they can “hide” from other classes hunting them on places, that cannot be reached normally: “That’s what the base capture mechanism is in the game for.”
- the idea to rework Murovanka was born during the meetings of balancers, map-makers and community managers.
- M41 Walker Bulldog has a small mistake with the gun clipping apparently (SS: or rather, with the lack of, I am not exactly sure what Veider means here), it will be fixed in 9.4. This bug was fixed by the fact that it was balanced around SD model, which was changed a bit when it was reworked to HD
- E-50M is fine, when it comes to gun depression, model won’t be changed
- it’s unfortunately not possible for technical reasons to make more detailed depression setup – for example, if a gun can depress in frontal sector only to -7 degrees due to – say – periscopes on the hull (Panther case), it’s not possible to make the gun depress more, when it’s aiming forward between those periscopes. It’s possible in theory, but it would be resource-consuming to develop and would bring only small gain
- no plans to buff “121″ tank in forseeable future
- Storm states that the theory that Maus stats are higher than they should be because more experienced players play it than for example IS-7 was checked by WG and proven false
Hey, do you love SerB?
I would like to eat you and rape you…like in old times
The Donkey isn’t there, the food chain is broken. :(
neither is first guys
They are still around, but way fewer than before the nerf. :(
It’s all LoudStalker’s fault, he hates us. Perhaps he thinks we are from EFE and pray to QuickyBaby (which is true BTW). But we shall reemerge and conquer For The Reta… err, Record.
SS, you should make for FTR for one day that people would be able to freely make usernames and post anything they want at that time. RETURN OF DONKEY TIMEZ!!!
I challenge SS to make Friday the Donkey Day. This means everyone can freely spam Donkeys, Lorraines and 113′s during that time.
Or perhaps we could make every week the Donkey Week. Sounds even better!
I’mtthere :D
Hey, prepare your anus 8=====D
Now we are three! We need first.
”- no plans to buff “121″ tank in forseeable future”
Yeah my stupid sister needs buff rather than me :P
srsly tho, rather asking buffing her than ME?
Shut up, I deserve to be buffed first.
Hi Lorraine…
*ding* *ding* *track* *0 damage hit* *ding* *ghost shell*
French precision at work.
First Lorraine comment ever.
First 113 comment ever.
Golden days of our glory.
Indeed :)
Now married, ahahahah=).
You suck at playing it
No, you suck my gun, n00b.
I’m all about buffing people’s sisters. And I don’t know about other people, but I rather buff a medium than a heavy. (Though I’m always looking for a light).
I never said that my sister is better than me, but buffing that dull med rather than mighty heavy? ehh
We all know 113 is retardedly OP. <3
yes ofc i am when i love lorraines
I win
Yeah that’s one of those spechul questions. I recently aquired one and the vehicle is more than fine. Sure it doesn’t have the same high DPM as other tanks of it’s tier-class, is kind of on the sluggish side when it comes to accelerating and the gun’s depression is horrible, but goddamnit is it evil. The obvious psychological effect of recieving 440 damage hits from a sufficiently agile medium, does bring people quite often out of their comfort zone, resulting in stuff like winning 5 vs 1 in a corner fights (especially because the vehicle is rare enough so that most people don’t know it’s reload times). I’m regularly racking in 3k+ damage games with plenty of 4k+ to spice it up (I aquired 8 Ace Tankers in less than the first 100 battles even) and I am just a little bit better-than-average player… The vehicle is perfectly fine as is.
- E-50M is fine
Lies! E-50M is weak!
QuickyBaby is weak.
you are weak
and prepare your anus 8==D
You dont have any armor
you are ugly as hell
you suck alot as hell
your design is lazy, using car tires lol
you have no armor
you are big as maus
you have no armor
and you have no armor
You have armor, but it’s shit anyway
you are as slow, stupid and ugly as a EU mods after 2 weeks without bath
your gun elevation is so crap you can’t even maintain gun erection
you have no gun depression
you are gay puke green
have I already mentioned that your gun depression is shit?
It has armour, autobounce infact, just angle a little, and bounce all like that.
113 is PHAT.
You’re weak!
Storm on new physics: “In the new physics, the interaction between the vehicle and small obstacles and irregularities on the ground is completely different. When going over such spots, the tanks lose much less speed, shrugging these obstacles off by the work of its suspension. It’s much easier to keep the target in your sights without losing your speed. I consider one of the positive aspects of new physics.
I really want to see how for example the Panther or AMX 50B are driving over railroads. And i think this is something that we should get as fast as possible because then the movement gets more “realistic”.
For all of those who wants to remember old good times about Me, Donkey, And Lorraine
Ultimate battle of Me and Lorraine: (look at the comments)
Donkey shitstorm, that made me laught for days:
The legend never dies… It’s time to strike back with double strength. I SHALL HAVE MY REVENGE!
I need to look for first…donkey aswell
Soon…we will revenge. Lorraine…join with me…
Yes… Once we were enemies… But now that the Donkeys and Firsts are gone we have to combine our strengths to survive in this harsh environment. <— the advent of sad days, I even suggested SS to take onotherapy ( ), but apparently he didn't. :( <— discrimination of donkeys in Yemen, please stop raping them, thx
sup fgts?
lol you are nothing against my autoloader
shitty postwar british shit
This patch is VERY buggy including an unforeseen and unintended RAM nerf. How does a RAM nerf “bug” even happen?
Why is WG in a rush to install patches? Why not wait on buggy patches and do additional testing? Why do they have set dates like December 14th for patches? What’s the hurry?
management ? everyone has a boss.
RAM Nerf? WTF is that supposed to be? Are you refering to the tank?
“- Veider regarding the situation where the new LT’s have very good terrain passability and therefore, they can “hide” from other classes hunting them on places, that cannot be reached normally: “That’s what the base capture mechanism is in the game for.””
I predict two things:
1. The number of draws will increase as light tanks head for the hills near the end, coming out just long enough to break cap. Certain maps will suffer more than others.
2. The number of light tank drivers heading for previously impassable terrain to hide because they don’t know how to play their light tank on that map or XVM gives poor odds of a team win.
I give it three patches and they will reduce passability, if not for the tanks then the maps. Likely, as it’s easier to change the class of tanks than it is individual maps, they’ll change the tanks.
Your making a big deal over nothing. Your “predictions” are wrong. I predict that this will affect at most 1% of the games and probably MUCH less than this and be NO BIG DEAL other than to give light tank drivers more fun driving in weird places. I have already found and interesting place on a map where a T49 was camped up a steep hill that I had never seen anyone climb, but I was still able to get up there in an Obj 140.
If you believe my predictions wrong, you don’t pay attention much outside of what affects only you.
1. When the battle gets down to just a few at the end, there is always those that prefer to hunt than cap. Many times, these “hunters” will drive away from cap looking for a <50 HP kill. Those that prefer capping don't always tend to be the brightest of the team (exceptions being smart, but slow or hurt tanks that know they don't have the speed to go hunting). A good, but alone LT driver will take advantage of that. I know I will.
2. You already have this happening now. With the current set up, lame light tank drivers really have no place they can safely get away. With the new physics, they will, and they will. This will hurt their team, and prolong the games because of #1. The only difference here is that the lame LT driver won't try to break cap.
I disagree, this is a NON-FACTOR and will be VERY rare.
I would say it will affect less than .1% of the games. Maybe in one of a thousand games a light tank driver will hide and somehow force a draw, but this is one in a thousand and maybe one in ten thousand and the opposing team is stupid for not capping it out anyway.
Besides, arty does this now anyway finding very create places to hide at the end of matches that could force a draw so again U R making a big deal over nothing.
- it’s unfortunately not possible for technical reasons to make more detailed depression setup – for example, if a gun can depress in frontal sector only to -7 degrees due to – say – periscopes on the hull (Panther case), it’s not possible to make the gun depress more, when it’s aiming forward between those periscopes. It’s possible in theory, but it would be resource-consuming to develop and would bring only small gain
BS. The M4A2E4 has it done. The E75 has it done. Both bring a lot of benefits. Imagine playing a Sherman or E75 with only -5 gun depression…
“The M4A2E4 has it done.”
“…bring a lot of benefits”
But FYI the E4 had the current max depression all the way forward – then they did this stupid depression nerf over the hatches on that damn UP crappy tank… totally worth it…
It doesn’t bring any gain – it would only bring nerf on current depression stats.
“it’s possible that 0.9.5 will come this year (specifically December 14 was mentioned by Storm)”
Is this the patch, which is supposed to introduce the new British MT/TD line?
What about world of tanks blitz?
Any news?
Android Blitz will be tested next week (it was postponed from this week due to some issues).
“- it’s unfortunately not possible for technical reasons to make more detailed depression setup – for example, if a gun can depress in frontal sector only to -7 degrees due to – say – periscopes on the hull (Panther case), it’s not possible to make the gun depress more, when it’s aiming forward between those periscopes. It’s possible in theory, but it would be resource-consuming to develop and would bring only small gain”
Horse shit. When they “fixed” the M4A2E4, they made it so that it can’t aim down it’s front as low when the barrel is over the hatches as it can when the barrel is aiming between them. Yes, it’s only 2 extra degrees of depression, but saying it’s not possible is horse shit.
what you waiting from asshole WG? %75 percent of their QA are lies. Before WoT and WT i have respect Russians. But after this games i learn from hard way. They are no diffirent than Any bad westerner company with less democracy more votka.
T-54 HD model does not correspond the T-54 Light HD model. T-54 model has to be fixed according to Storm
– That’s what you fucking get for using different contractors, same thing will happen with JT and JT88 and all 3 Matilda versions… like it already happened earlier to the non HD models of those 3 vehicles. Every hull was different.
We will get the log on T54 moved again? ;)
Serb put me in the game faster m8! I want to rek some wankers.
Poor Vickers MBT Mk.3 ):
Glad to hear they fixed the RU251, I was worried that they would leave it because the T49 was getting all the attention.
- Veider regarding the situation where the new LT’s have very good terrain passability and therefore, they can “hide” from other classes hunting them on places, that cannot be reached normally: “That’s what the base capture mechanism is in the game for.”
Great explanation and justification. Fucking genious.
“- Storm states that the theory that Maus stats are higher than they should be because more experienced players play it than for example IS-7 was checked by WG and proven false”
Prob, but most people get IS-7 as their first T10 tank, not many go for the Maus as their first T10.
“Storm states that the theory that Maus stats are higher than they should be because more experienced players play it than for example IS-7 was checked by WG and proven false”
Of course WG would say that. Any excuse not to buff German tanks or nerf russian tenks.
- it’s possible that 0.9.5 will come this year (specifically December 14 was mentioned by Storm)
i love how wot updates always come on my birthday or near my birthday :)
“- it’s unfortunately not possible for technical reasons to make more detailed depression setup – for example, if a gun can depress in frontal sector only to -7 degrees due to – say – periscopes on the hull (Panther case), it’s not possible to make the gun depress more, when it’s aiming forward between those periscopes. It’s possible in theory, but it would be resource-consuming to develop and would bring only small gain”
what a crock of shit, shows again how they are lazy fuck developers, btw, war thunder selective depression which does just that says “hello”
Hello, I barely read WoT news so I am confused with the following line:
“- Chieftain and the FV4202 switch will not come this year apparently”
What does this switch mean?
Chieftain Mk. 2 is planned to replace the FV215b as the British tier 10 heavy and the Action X Centurion is going to replace the FV4202 as the British tier 10 medium. The FV215b will be removed from the game and the FV4202 will be made into a tier 8 premium tank.
FV isn’t going prem this year? This is actually nice news since I’m already on Brit med branch. Started it like a year ago, got to Cromwell and became bored with this game once again and haven’t played for a year – starded again at the news of possibility of actual good prem med. Currently 50k from T8 Centurion…
And it will be like this with new terrain passability…