Author: Daigensui
A problem with Japanese armor research is that most of the records have either been destroyed by firebombing, burned up after the surrender to hide involvement, carried off to the United States where they became lost (along with perhaps problematic translations made), or kept sleeping in private collections. That is why there is relatively little material to work on, leading to endless copying of the same old research (and the accompanying spreading of myths, like a 88 mm gun for Chi-Ri). However, not all is lost, since even now there are new discoveries happening.
I’ve been looking through the archives recently at the National Institute for Defense Studies (when going to Tokyo on business), and came across two files which might be used to buff Chi-To, and by extension Chi-Ri, in the future. While I cannot guarantee anything, given that these are historical records, WG might include them for accuracy in later updates. We’ll see.
For your convenience, I’ve reverse-searched the digital versions of the files at the Japan Center for Asian Historical Record, so look there if you want to do research for yourself.