Hello everyone,
an extremely interesting post by Tanitha appeared on ASIA forums about how the bots will be punished and detected… well, instead of talking about it, I’ll just repost it. Here it is.
Dear Players.
We currently have 3 systems for which bots are detected, Which currently generates ~15 bots a day being reliably detected. And about 25 a day which are probably bots but not sufficiently proven to be so..
With the bots being perma banned, and the probably bots given a warning.
We now have access to two additional systems which are more reliable than the above..
The two new systems are specifically targeted at smart bots, where our previous detection methods weren’t great on the reliability..
I’ve reviewed the two new systems now, which Ru are currently using.. And decided these will be switched on on Asia shortly..
I will not go into the mechanics of these systems.. suffice to say they will cover the gap in bot detection that was previously there.
Due to the accuracy and thoroughness of the new systems,, one would assume bans to be placed on mass, regularly..
Due to the likely high detection rate, we will be using the new detection system similar to Ru server, and using it as a prevention tool.
In other words, we will “likely” be reducing the sanctions down from permanent to 15 days for first offense, 45 for second, perma for 3rd.
In addition to the above. An update on the captcha system.
Its still in progress, however development had slowed on it.. its importance was escalated again today and is back in motion again.
Currently its scheduled for work shortly, for which I’ve been allocated to assist in its development personally. However its final completion ETA is still not in the short future.
In short, bots nuked on mass, soon, by two new detection systems, for 15 days initially,, sanctions to escalated sharply for repeat offenders.
+ continued detection with the 3 old systems, as per the past, also for 15 days initially, sanctions to escalated sharply for repeat offenders.
Bot detection will continue on the old systems, until the new systems are put in place shortly..
Is it true? Does it really work as well as Tanitha says?
Yes. Russian forums are full of whiny little bitches, who got banned for botting. Of course, everyone claims innocence, but then, there is an old saying: “prisons are full of ‘wrongly conficted’”. The captcha development is a nice touch.
And what about EU? Oh, that’s right, no plans to implement this system, as far as I know (and yes, I asked). We wouldn’t want them to start chasing bots now, would we. That would – heaven forbid – add some ACTUAL WORK to their schedule, which is unfortunately totally full.
It turns out that according to Ectar, the system is already running on EU. I apologize for the misinformation.