Hello everyone,
in Test 3, the hangar UI got reworked a bit again. They added the server designation to the upper left corner.
Hello everyone,
in Test 3, the hangar UI got reworked a bit again. They added the server designation to the upper left corner.
Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/3490975.html
Hello everyone,
apparently, in 9.4, Malinovka and Swamp are recieving an overhaul. Here’s how.
Malinovka – the southern base will recieve more cover it seems.
Hello, everyone. Finnish player Kantti submitted this article for publishing and I find it very, very interesting. I think that the personal experience of a father of a WoT player, who is a player himself, is something that should be considered and… well, have a look at it. I am going to keep an eye on the discussion.
Author: Kantti
Hall of Shame tells it all. People really can’t stand players,who do not perform or who they don’t think will perform due low stats. More importantly, they don’t care about even the simplest rules of social interaction, when dealing with these players.
For me, the enlightening moment was when I taught my now 7 years old kid to play on Christmas 2012 (the kid was 5,5 years then). I was ready to see how he wouldn’t perform at all and got all the rage from team players. Luckily, he couldn’t read at that point. But my surprise was quite… um…. big. I admit that the kid is skilled for his age, but still, then 5,5 year old attaining 49% WR in low tier games alone was quite surprising. Seemingly, going under 47% would take some conscious damaging of your teams efforts. It really puts into perspective how bad the worst players are. Just for curious people here to put things in perspective, here are my now 7 year old kid’s statistics. Note the amount of matches, his performance ain’t anymore due to statistical anomalies.
Battles: 3320
WN8: 284
Win rate: 48,55
Avg. exp: 202
Max. exp: 1260
Average kills: 0,40
KDR: 0,46
Hit Ratio: 42%
Battles survived: 13,7%
Ace tankers: 1
1st class: 21
Hello everyone,
another batch of pictures by Rastaknight
US 155mm M1 howitzer
Hello everyone,
I am sure all of you are aware of what’s going on in Ukraine. Well, at least in general terms, as the actual situation seems to be very… fluid. In any case, you are probably also aware that as a retribution for Russian aggression, the European Union and the USA imposed various trade restrictions on Russia, which were recently confirmed to be in further effect.
As a part of the entire restriction, according to this Ukrainian article (and other sources), the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (the government) approved series of anti-Russian restrictions, which came into effect on 12.9.2014.
These restrictions include several points, but one point in particular (which was highlighted by Yuri Pasholok on his blog) is very relevant to Wargaming operations:
заборони передачі технологій, прав на об’єкти права інтелектуальної власності резидентам Російської Федерації та особам, які прямо чи опосередковано контролюються резидентами Російської Федерації або діють в їх інтересах.
“The prohibition on the transfer of technologies and rights to intellectual property to residents of Russian Federation and to persons, directly or indirectly controlled by Russian Federation residents or acting on their behalf.”
As you also probably know, the World of Warplanes studio is located in Kiev. So I have to wonder – will this influence the World of Warplanes development? Yuri Pasholok mentions “thousands of outsourcers, 3D-modellers and artists, who are not responsible for who took control of Ukraine”. On the other hand, he probably means other Ukrainian outsourcers, working for Russian companies directly. I asked the resident of Kiev, Edrard and his opinion is that this change should not affect the business with Wargaming, as it technically is a British company and Big Boss Victor Kislyi (company CEO) is Belarussian.
So, let’s hope the politics don’t mess up “the favourite game of us all” :)
Hmmm… I wonder if WoWp wins the Golden Donkey Joystick this year. If it does, well… I don’t have to finish that sentence, do I?
Source: VK Wotleaks community
Hello everyone,
in future patches (possibly 9.4), the Swamp map will be reworked as such:
Unfortunately we have no proper screenies at this time. The blue spots represent “new hills added” zones (so there will be more cover). The yellow lines in the north represent “more cover added” (likely buildings, stones or a ditch).
Source: VK Wotleaks community
Hello everyone,
as you probably know from the patchnotes, patch 9.3 is introducing new explosions to various objects, including gas tanks, wagons and some cars (not all, strangely enough). Here’s how it now looks:
Source: http://scalemodels.ru/news/7976-soglashenie-WargamingTamiya.html
Hello everyone,
it seems Italeri is not the only kit company Wargaming is teaming up with. Recently, it was reported that Korean branch of Tamiya signed a contract with Wargaming as well.
As a part of this agreement, marketing data will be shared and the game will be promoted by Tamiya. Plastic Tamiya kits will also have various coupons and “World of Tanks” stickers, the game will also be promoted using posters and videos on the Tamiya website. Tamiya will also become one of then main sponsors of cybersports events.
Hello everyone,
wanted to try the famous “jumping”? Here’s how you can do it, video courtesy of Marten724. Kharkov map has one bugged spot, which allows players to get launched into the sky. Well, actually there are more bugged spots like this, but this is the one that is most interesting.
Hello everyone,
a rather quick “Test 3″ iteration was applied to the 9.3 test server. This iteration includes the following changes:
- Players who researched the M24 Chaffee received 43,340 experience points for this vehicle (SS: this is a compensation for the Chaffee XP price, this is NOT free XP, it is simply the XP difference between old and new Chaffee research cost)
- Display of current server name added to the top panel in the Garage
- Low performance when entering/exiting the Artillery mode fixed (was not included in iteration 1)
- Issues with visual models fixed for the following vehicles: KV-85, T-34, and M3 Lee
- Turret damage boxes for the T67 tank destroyer fixed
- Some crashes and hang-ups of the game client fixed
- Some issues with the Strongholds mode fixed