9.1 Hotfix Tomorrow

Hello everyone,

tomorrow, there will be a hotfix minipatch on the EU server with following changes

- fixed moving corpses of tanks issue
- fixed various small UI bugs

Patch will be applied between 6:00 and 6:45AM CEST

Object 610 “Buyvol”

Hello everyone,

recently, a picture was published (or, rather, re-published) in the Russian “shushpanzery” community and, subsequently reposted to EU forums, displaying an alleged “derp version” of the SU-122-54, called Object 610. Here’s the picture in question. At first glance, it really might resemble some sort of short gun, but I’ll have to disappoint you, it’s not a gun.


This is indeed the Object 610 “Buyvol” (“Buffalo”). This vehicle is an armored artillery observation post, developed in 1955 by Plant No.174, based on the SU-122 chassis, which in turn was built on the T-54 chassis. The task recieved the code name “buyvol” and in July 1955, the vehicle recieved an official factory designation “Object 610″. By the end of 1955, two prototypes were built and they went through the series of army tests, but they were never accepted in service and thus, the vehicle was never mass-produced.

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Engines of War 2014

Hello everyone,

last weekened (20.6.-22.6.2014), in the village of Ivanovskoe (Moscow region), a military fest/re-enactment event called “Motory Voyny” (“Engines of War”) took place, with Wargaming as one of the official partners. More thank 120 tanks, cars and motorbikes participated in this event, including some very rare operating pieces. The re-enactments included battles such as “Khalkin Gol”, “Normandy landings” and “Barbarossa”, with the re-enactors dressed in historically correct and proper uniforms and functioning vehicles taking part as well.

Here for example, a T-34/76 is “attacking german positions”, gets “knocked out” (video, posted by Yuri Pasholok on his blog – he personally participated as well)



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Introducing Invite Bazaar

Hello everyone,

in need of invite code, but forgot where to get one? Just check the upper tab of For the Record – in the upper right corner, you will see an “Invites” button. There, you will find the active invite codes – either in the post itself (currently, there is the Alienware code promo), or in comments.

Alternatively, if you have an invite code you don’t need, you can simply donate it by posting it in the comments under the Invite post. I hope this will be useful for some people. I will be checking regularily for Invite events so that the code distribution is up to date.

World of Tanks: Rush – Where did it go?

Thanks to Dom1n for this one.

Hello everyone,

an odd thing. You know how other Wargaming products are promoted over World of Tanks? There is one product that is not promoted practically at all: World of Tanks – Rush. For those who do not know, it is a card game, something like – dunno, Magic the Gathering? These card games are not my strong side :) Either way, this game, in case you are interested, is alive and well.

In fact, it’s going to have its (first I think?) additional card pack with new tanks. This pack seems to be available in Poland for pre-order (in fact, thanks to Dom1n for this piece of news, the game was distributed in Poland even before).


In case you are interested, Dom1n actually was able to get a pre-order discount for his readers, using a promo code. Obviously, it’s in Polish. The price of this pack is cca 20 EUR or so (plus the dispatch). It can however be obtained in other countries as well I think. Personally, I am mpre like looking forward to World of Tanks: Generals. Now that I think about it, I haven’t heard about that one for a while either…

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E3: World of Warships – First Impressions

Thanks to WARLOCK360100 for sending me this. This text was originally published on another site and I am not its writer (the author of the text was one of the few lucky ones who apparently saw the E3 playable WoWs demo). However, given the fact that the aforementioned site copypastes FTR stuff without so much as asking on regular basis, I do not feel in any way obliged to post the original source here.

World of Warships was one of the most impressive demos we saw at E3 2014. While Wargaming.net first showed a recording of pre-alpha footage in a theater presentation during last year’s show, this year the company demonstrated real-time gameplay against AI opponents in the current alpha build. What we witnessed makes us fear for our free time: World of Warships is likely to devour our lives when it releases, much like World of Tanks first did.

The premise of WoWS is similar to both World of Tanks and World of Warplanes; if you have played one of these Wargaming.net titles, you will instantly feel at home. There is the familiar out-of-battle interface, tech trees with up to ten tiers for a number of nationalities, instant-action PvP, and maps with base capture mechanics. Ship classes include destroyers, cruisers, battleships and aircraft carriers.

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MM Post Removed from WG EU Portal

Hello everyone,

an interesting thing happened – a post about how the matchmaking mechanism works was removed from the World of Tanks portal. The original address of the post no longer works, it displays 404 page missing error. It is quite unusual for a post to be purged this way, although the discussions actually remain.

The google cache version however remains and so we can see, what was inside. At first glance, I can’t see anything really wrong with the picture. Sure, it doesn’t explain the process thoroughly and there are some ambiguous statements (the “extreme situations” happen during very low online number hours, like around 4-5AM, when the MM, having trouble setting battles up, can throw some of the rules out of the window), but overall there are no obvious mistakes I think.


Wargaming to buy Crytek?

Thanks to Mesotronik for this one.

Hello everyone,

an article appeared on DSOGaming portal about the bad prognosis for the developer of Cryengine, Crytek. Apparently, Crytek is in deep trouble, with its latest game (Ryse – console exclusive) not doing as well as they hoped and with the danger of bankrupcy looming over the developer, the proverbial sharks smelled blood in the water and are starting to close in, expecting to get intellectual property and manpower out of the failing studio soon. Allegedly the studio is already in the stage of paying some of the salaries late and with employees senting applications to other companies.

The article has one very interesting part for us though:

For what is worth, Wargaming is listed as a possible buyer of Crytek. If Wargaming does buys Crytek, we can kiss goodbye to all of the studio’s single-player games (as Wargaming is best known for its Free-To-Play games). In short, this may be the end of the Crytek we knew.

Hmmm, Wargaming buying Cryengine? That would be actually cool for World of Tanks 2.0, wouldn’t it…

Regarding the Bovington Packages

Hello everyone,

as you might have noticed, Wargaming EU took some steps in the right direction this week. First, what I really like is the Operation Bagration special – historical specials are a good thing :)

Another good thing are the Bovington packages. There are three and they are not cheap (two 50 EUR ones and one 35 EUR), but the good thing is, the entire proceeds go for the Bovington museum tank restoration and that’s a worthy thing. If you feel like buying some gold anyway, might do it as well now.

There are three things I would like to point out about.

First: the LeFH artillery is – as far as arties go – quite overpowered, because it was the ONLY artillery (well, maybe along with the premium Sexton, but there I am not sure) not to be influenced by the massive artillery nerf from last year and as such, it is currently pretty overpowered (statistics and characteristics can be viewed here):


If you are thinking of buying it, yea, it’s a good purchase.

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