Undocumented Nerfs in 9.0

Hello everyone,

there is a hidden M4 Sherman nerf, that wasn’t in the original patchnotes.

M4 Sherman – top turret:

- 105mm howitzer reload time nerfed from 8s to 9s
- 105mm howitzer aimtime nerfed from 2,3s to 2,5s
- 76mm M1A1 reload time nerfed from 4,2s to 4,8s
- shot dispersion on the move on hard surfaces increased by 12 percent

Conspiracy, Russian Style – WG controlled by Gays!

On the NA forums, there are lots of conspiracy theories. RNG rigging, favourable matchmaking for top clans, Russian bias. These are old and tired. In the Russian community, it’s much more fun.


I worked there for almost a year. The developers are specifically chosen to be gays. This project is sponsored by the West. When they told me I had to go on a date with the department head (male), I had to quit.

It’s about 80% gays. Our department had less, but the rest have tons. Why do they pick out gays? It is simple. Their hate of normal family life gives them additional stimulation to work. They also use “25th frame” subliminal messaging and subconscious zombifying. The main goal of this game is to drag the male population of this country into the web of addition, and destroy the family as a part of society. Also it gives massive profits from addicted gamers.

I know of suicides because of this game, mostly teenagers. The company knows this and spends massive amounts of money to hide it. I would advise unhappy wives to write to the Belorussian KGB with the goal of forbidding the game on the territory of the CIS.”

Breathing a sigh of relief, Yuri Pasholok embraces his secret nature.

So next time you post about a conspiracy theory on the forums, get creative!


European Tree part I – Introduction of the Concept

Hello everyone,

today, we are going to talk about one of the not-so-many things left to implement, when it comes to adding new tanks: the European tree concept. We’ll talk about what it is, what it could bring, how it is interesting for YOU and why it would be a big mistake to scrap it. It’s going to be a long read, so I’ll just make it into several parts and hope you like long texts, when it comes to FTR :)

What is it

Sometimes, people get confused, when “EU tree” is mentioned. “What is it” they ask (usually followed by “and why the hell would we want that”). In short: the EU tree would consist of all the European smaller nations, that actually had their own tank development, but didn’t make it to the game, because (in some cases) they do not fulfill the criteria for introducing the entire tree (the condition for that currently is that the nation in question has to have ALL the classes, researchable up to tier 10). These nations are actually many – the prominent ones are Italy, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and a few others. The development (or rather, “tank use” in some cases) in these nations ranged from pretty much copypaste (Bulgaria for example) to very original and interesting development (Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia) – there is this myth going around that European nations other than those in the game just used copypaste US/Soviet stuff, but that’s not true, not by a longshot. Well, at least in some cases anyway – some copying (or “inspiration”) is obviously inevitable, but it’s nowhere near the “world of T-54 clones” China (or even Russia) has for example.

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XVM and Politics

Hello everyone,

the developers of super-popular XVM mod made an interesting thing last night:


The blue-yellow test says “Slava Ukraini” – “glory to Ukraine”. According to a post (that was removed in the meanwhile), the text was added to XVM in last night’s build. It caused some butthurt in the Russian community…

Panzer IV Gun Depression

Hello everyone,

just a quick update (thanks to some very decent people from WG RU for confirming this). The patchnotes for 9.0 – at least the Russian ones – are fucked up. What it says there:

Угол склонения орудия 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/28 уменьшен с 7 до 5°.
Угол склонения орудия 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/43 уменьшен с 8 до 7°.
Угол склонения орудия 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 уменьшен с 8 до 6°.


Angle of depression of the gun 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/28 reduced from 7 to 5 degrees
Angle of depression of the gun 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/43 reduced from 8 to 7 degrees
Angle of depression of the gun 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 reduced from 8 to 6 degrees

This “common” depression applies only when the gun is aiming at the sides. It was reduced for the gun not to interfere with the Schurzen. The L/48 gun depression aiming forward is actually 10 degrees (in a 60 degree angle, eg. 30 degrees from the axis of the vehicle on each side), with 9 degrees when facing backwards.

For the L/43 it’s 10 degrees depression both facing forwards and backwards. For the 105mm howitzer, it’s 10 degrees forward and 8 backward.

Weekly FTR contributor review

Hello everyone,

once again it’s the time to thank the contributors, it’s you who keep FTR running after all! This time, following people donated via Paypal:

Ivan R. (Kazakhstan)
jrt5 (Czech Republic)
Byron G. (New Zealand) – thanks for the contribution of 0,01 Eur, appreciated :)
WinG_HU (Hungary) – he wanted to relay following message: “Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized tanks or 1 tank-sized duck? I’d like a proper answer publicly! Thanks, and keep up the good work!””)

I was recently made aware by several mails that I apparently don’t advertise the Patreon thingie enough, so here goes:

The best way to help me and FTR is via the Patreon service


This is the Patreon account of For the Record. In case you read this for the first time and feel like contributing, here is an explanation what it is, how it works and how to contribute. You can find a list of all those, who pledged and help to keep FTR running here.

Thank you all!

9.0 Patchnotes

Source: http://worldoftanks.ru/ru/content/docs/release_notes/

Official translation will most likely come tomorrow, so just for your information, what will 9.0 bring:

- historical battles (Kursk, Balaton, Ardennes)
- HD models (T-34/85, T-54, Maus, Tiger I, Panther, Sherman, Hellcat, M103, Centurion 7/1, Tortoise)
- changed the maps Malinovka, Serene Coast, Steppes, Redshire, Mountain Pass, Severogorsk, Pearl River
- changed the regular and premium hangars
- fixed the FPS drop on Widepark map
- added new graphic settings window
- reworked the graphic setting automatic mechanism
- added the “dynamic resolution” option
- added the FOV setting
- added the option to regulate the intensity of color filters
- added the option to set the screen frequency
- added the possibility of the turret flying off after ammo rack explosion
- added the new fullscreen sniper mode (can be disabled in settings)

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