Didn’t see that on EU portal, so….
Didn’t see that on EU portal, so….
Hello everyone,
a lot of people asked in their time, why isn’t the armor model more detailed? Specifically, the question, that arose quite often was: “why aren’t track links modelled as pieces of armor”?
Well, this is why (thanks to Legiondude for the video):
So that retarded shit like that doesn’t happen. Sometimes, less is more. And no, this is not realistic (the shell would just rip the tracklink off).
Hello everyone,
yesterday, the developer contest, that was announced in July ended with the publication of results. The results can be viewed here in Russian of course.
But – I am happy to announce that Edrard won the first prize in the “special award for product and service development for Wargaming community” category with his wot-news website – congratulations to him! :)
Oh yea, XVM developers won a special prize as well (15k USD). Not bad, congratulations to them as well. The final ceremony will take place on 13.12. and 14.12.2014 Minsk.
Hello everyone,
I am pleased to say that apart from one specific case, the Panther competition is finally handled. I was waiting for last two people to send me their addresses, the earlier ones recieved their prizes already (I hope!) :) Some countries’ posts are just slow, so please wait for next week. If anyone didn’t get their prize by then, definitely contact me for alternative solution.
Anyway, once again it’s the time to thank the contributors, it’s you who keep FTR running after all!
This time, following people donated via Paypal:
Jim C. (Pennsylvania, USA)
Michael G. (Massachusetts, USA)
Thank you guys, I really appreciate it, as always.
The best way to help me and FTR is via the Patreon service
This is the Patreon account of For the Record. In case you read this for the first time and feel like contributing, here is an explanation what it is, how it works and how to contribute. You can find a list of all those, who pledged and help to keep FTR running here.
Thank you all!
Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/3592745.html
As predicted, in 9.5, some vehicles will have a viewrange nerf. Here is a list of some, I am not quite sure whether the list is complete, my bet is that it is not. On the other hand, scouts got theirs buffed. The old one is in the brackets.
IS-8: 370 (400)
WT Pz4: 320 (410)
Т-54: 370 (390)
Т-44: 360 (380)
ISU-152: 310 (370)
IS-3: 360 (350) (a buff, odd)
Rhm.-Borsig: 310 (400)
Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger (P): 360 (380)
Jagdpanther: 300 (370)
T20 350: (390)
Lorr.155 51: 280 (360)
GW Panther: 270 (370)
AMX-13-75: 430 (390)
T21: 420 (390)
Thanks to Razven for the screenies. As announced earlier today, there will be a special summer camouflage awarded to one tank (regardless of nation), if you are amongst the third campaign winners. This is how it looks.
Thanks to whoever sent me this (sorry mate, I didn’t find your mail/message :/ )
Hello everyone,
the following video shows the Russian BMD vehicles (the name itself means Boyevaya Mashina Desanta – paratrooper combat vehicle) being dropped from Russian planes (IL-76MB) during a training before the first ever joint Russian-Serbian excercise in Serbia. These vehicles (manned by Russian troops) were used then to attack a simulated “terrorist base” during the operation. The BMD lands and immediately enters combat, covering the Russian troops cleaning the area. The base was also scouted by small Russian UAV’s.
Meanwhile, Serbian special forces (Specnaz) drop from the helicopters and arrive in armored transports, flanking the “enemy” and laying down fire support for the Russian troops. The “terrorist base” was completely destroyed. The training went well and the excercise itself will take place on Friday. Altogether, 7 Russian BMD vehicles arrived in Serbia along with other tech and more than 100 troops.
Hello everyone,
last night, several players on US server reported that for some strange reason, Province returned to hightier rotation. I am not sure this concerns any other server than the US one, since all the reports came from USA/Canada, but in any case, it’s true (screens by Admiral_Bane):
A link to the replay can be found here. How well did that go (when both teams got spotted from the start), you can probably imagine.
Hello everyone,
WG EU employee (likely using a fake account called Count__FFall – CNNK claims it’s some e-sports player but whatever, the info was confirmed by other insiders) disclosed the following things in game chat (thanks to Szymon4325 for this one):
- the New Year gift tank will be the Panzer II Ausf.D, as expected
- apparently, there might be Christmas/New Year missions, allowing players to get two tanks: the Grosstraktor and T-34-85M. Now we know what WG plans with them :)
Well, I guess the second part is pretty interesting :)