Hello everyone,
Mr. Jiří Tintěra, a Czech military historian, who is currently cooperating with Wargaming on creating the Czechoslovak branch, published the historical information on the T 40 medium tank on the web for everyone to see – in Czech language of course, so here it is in English. This is the primary tier 6/7 premium medium candidate.
This is the Škoda proposal for the TVP program from 8.12.1946. The drawing looks so “ruffled” (damaged) because it actually was damaged by the floods in Prague.
Length – gun forward: 9060mm
Hull length: 6700mm
Width: 3200mm
Height: cca 2800mm
Clearance: 450mm
Sprocket diameter: 666mm
Number of drive sprocket teeth: 16
Frontal wheel diameter: 500mm
Roadwheel diameter: 750mm
Roadwheel rubber banding thickness: 130mm
Suspension: torsion bars
Track width: 700mm
Number of links per track: 110
Length of the track segment touching the ground: 4600mm
Ground pressure: 60,8 kPa (0,62 kg/cm2)