Just a quick post about the preliminary comparison of both vehicles (keep in mind though that MT-25 will be tier 6):
Current T-50-2 / MT-25
Hitpoints: 560/570
Weight: 14,7/25,82
Engine: 550hp/600hp
Hp/T: 37,4/23,23 (major nerf here, we can expect slower acceleration)
Traverse: 38/48 (major buff, we can expect more maneuverability)
Maximum speed: 72/72
Hull armor: (37/37/37)/(45/40/40) (minor buff)
Turret armor: (45/40/40)/(45/45/45) (minor buff)
Shell damage for top gun: 85/85 (same)
Shell penetration for top gun: 112/112 (same)
If the gun is the same, we can expect:
Dam: 85/85/95
Pen: 112/189/29
Acc: 0.34
Aim: 2,3s
We can expect something not as quickly accelerating (thus reducing the motorbike effect), but somewhat more maneuverable. On flat ground, it’ll be even more motor-bike like, but on slopes it will have more problems due to the lower hp/t, it will possibly be a bit more challenging to play. The weaponry and armor practically remains the same – the difference here is: T-50-2 armor could be “double-overmatched” (improved normalisation) by 75mm guns, while MT-25′s armor will have that for 88-90mm guns only. Thus, we can argue MT-25 will be a bit more tougher than the small armor upgrade would suggest. The weaponry remains the same, with a slight buff in RPM. Overall, it will be an interesting and maneuverable tank, with roughly the same properties as the T-50-2.
For those who haven’t noticed yet, here’s a new ASAP video about 8.7 (better to tell everything in advance than let leakers leak it anyway, good choice):
Amongst other things, it brings:
- new Belogorsk 19 map (see previous FTR entries)
- Updated Port and Highway maps
- E-25 and 112 premium vehicles
- British arty:
Mod name: Replay Compatibility Pack (currently v1.1 for 8.6) Author: PTwr (US server)
Hello everyone,
here’s something pretty interesting – a mod, that allows you replaying old replays, without having to install old clients! For now, it supports only 8.4 and 8.5 replays, watchable in 8.6 client. Pretty neat. Well, since I don’t HAVE any 8.4 replays, I couldn’t test it, but you can, if you want to.
Basically what this article says: Storm states that on RU7 server (based in Amsterdam), there is a new MM version implemented, that fixes the issues of the 8.6 patch. Storm states that it’s looking good, it has been tested internally and no problems were found.
Storm states that the new MM specifically focuses on:
- top 5 vehicles of each team should be of the same tier now. If the timeout (waiting time) reaches 1 minute, this rule is reduced to top 3 tanks
- the scout balance (“both sides have the same amount of scouts” rule), that was disabled previously, should also work now.
Storm asked the players to give feedback in the comments. From the comments and feedback:
- a player reports an issue, that low tier platoons are too often on the bottom of the team. Storm states it’s possible that the new MM on RU7 did affect this, he will check.
- Storm states that it’s pointless to explain the mechanism changes, as it is so complicated even he didn’t understand when the developers explained them to him, one has to have deep knowledge of the system to understand
- Storm and players noticed a lot of “mirror fights” (with both team having the same vehicles) – he’s not sure if that’s a good thing, or not
- the waiting times have increased to 40s-1minute
- platoon balancing not only by pieces, but also by MM weight is not planned
- apparently, frontal armor angle of IS-4 was nerfed (unintentionally), Storm will investigate
- Storm admits that matchmaker possibly doesn’t work properly after the artillery introduction, it’s being fixed, slowly
- Q: “If all the scientists in the world confirm that the end of the world will come within a month, would you release Type 59 into the shop again?” A: “The end of the world was supposed to happen, but it was cancelled by Wargaming, because it’s bad for business”
- theoretically it’s possible to leak replays of yet unreleased tanks with the permission of the producers
- during early WoT development it was considered for one vehicle to be able to switch classes by switching modules (for example, SU-85 is a TD, but if it installs the 122mm gun, it becomes an arty), but it was decided not to do it, because it would just confuse players
- apparently, ramming damage was not nerfed (SS: a player complains he is consistently getting low ramming damage in 8.6)
- alternative turret for E-100 (SS: apparently, the Maus II turret) – “when it’s done it’s done”, E-100 however will not recieve additional guns with it
- the fact that E-50 and E-50M have only medium spall liner, despite being heavier than some heavy tanks, is intentional
- win/loss XP gain mechanism was not changed in 8.6
- SerB states that the graphic level of the Xbox WoT is (SS: roughly) equal to maximum PC graphic settings
- track armor is not always 20mm, for example Maus has 70mm thick track armor
- the thickness of the gap between tracks (that act like spaced armor) for the purposes of defeating HEAT penetration is calculated from their outer edge. In other words: the thicker the tracks, the more they are effective against HEAT
- out of the “paper” tanks, SerB considers the Borgward Leopard (Prototyp der Arbeitsgruppe C) to be the most original, as it is a “hellish wheeled/tracked autoloader tank”:
- SerB states that there was a prototype tank, based on IS-7 with a 152mm gun (based on BL-10) in the turret. As for the regular IS/IS-2, SerB is not sure whether there were any projects with 152mm guns in their turrets, but he wouldn’t be surprised if they were
- universal crews (that would fit all nations and tanks) won’t be implemented
- both the HESH and HE have the same damage mechanism, after they penetrate the armor, they create a sphere within of a certain diameter and any modules touched by that sphere will be hit
- in 8.6, light tanks still kept their permanent camo bonus
- hit decals (SS: those “holes” that appear on your tank when it is hit) disappear over time, the reason for this is engine optimization, this applies to all tank models and won’t be changed
- the system, that would allow you after the battle to inspect your tank as for damage (who hit you, where exactly and for how much HP) won’t be implemented
- it’s too early to say, how roaming will exactly work, devs are still undecided (whether it will apply for random battles too, or “only” for companies/tournaments)
- crew transfer between nations is not planned
And some more info from developer blog (and its comments):
- The new Chinese premium T8 medium tank will apparently be the “T-34-3″, something like Type 59, but less armored
- The MT-25 will have a T-34M turret
- the names of the British arties are: Loyd Gun Carriage, Birch Gun, Bishop, Crusader 5.5in SP, FV3805, Conqueror Gun Carriage, FV304, FV207
Two Soviet light tanks will apparently be added: the LTP (never heard of it) and the T-50-2.
Details of the switch:
- MT-25 will replace the T-50-2
- if T-50-2 was unlocked, MT-25 will be unlocked also
- if T-50-2 was bought in hangar, it gets replaced by the MT-25 and the player will recieve one extre crewmember (radioman) trained for MT-25, trained to 100 percent
- T-50-2 crew will be retrained for free to MT-25
- camouflage and stats get both transferred
- experience from T-50-2 gets transferred to MT-25 also
- T-50 experience gets transferred to KV-1S for some reason
- new ammo doesn’t get loaded
- emblems and inscriptions on T-50-2 get sold for their purchase price
LTP – new tier 3 LT (there are rumors that this vehicle might be the Wargaming 15th birthday award tank)
MT-25 – tier 6 LT (apparently, T-50-2 would get raised a tier)
Another funny video by Darth Woras :) Kinda made me chuckle.
For the non-European players: Terrible E-100 is a meme on the EU server, started by Xensation about one year ago:
So, we did get the miniquests before July after all. It’s just… I am not sure whether it’s serious, or trolling.
However, that is not all. Once you are in the battlefields with these beasts, you need to achieve the Victory Mission:
If you achieve 15 victories with each one of these 3 vehicles (so 45 victories in two weeks), you will be rewarded with 500 gold!
Please note that this mission can only be completed once per account.
Well, it’s not like the Russians had such limits. But it gets better:
Destroy one of each of the 3 vehicles in this special in random battles, and you will be rewarded with a garage slot. Oh, wooohooooo, an entire garage slot for killing one of the most elusive tanks of tier 10!
I can almost see SerB…
I don’t know. Maybe I am just ungrateful. Let’s hope it’s just a start.
- MM being bad (one team has heavies, the other arties of the same tier instead)? “How terrible…”
- Q: “What are the specifics of the Chinese server?” A: “The Chinese players are less envious”
- second French artillery branch is currently not planned
- after 0.8.6, the amount of battles played on arty vehicles dropped “several times”, “many” players sold their arties, so far, according to SerB the impact on arty is as planned
- high tier profitability was introduced, because “there was a certain disbalance between calculated predictions and real vehicle profit”
- SerB states the new reward tanks are balanced correctly, despite the fact they will be issued to very good (clanwars) players, which kinda distorts the statistics
- Sturmgeschütz E-75 (based on Spielberger’s Special Panzer Variants) will not be implemented into the game, because there is no info on it (SS: in the aforementioned book, Spielberger vaguely mentions that there was a plan to make a StuG project, based on the E-75 chassis – but nothing more, no details, sketches, nothing)
- while the module tier is just an arbitrary number, vehicle tier is not arbitrary, because it’s used when balancing the vehicles of the same tier (while modules of the same tier don’t get balanced to each other)
- Japanese tree: “when it’s done it’s done”
- SerB on why the clay fences are not penetrable: “Imagine it like this: when the shell hits the fence, it will begin to turn over.” (SS: as in, turn upside down, effectively negating any penetration ability), it will be changed in the future (fences will be penetreable), but even in the future shooting thru obstacles will make the shells lose penetration, so SerB suggests using terrain to your advantage
- T58 is overpowered even for tier 10, there will be no “premium” tier 9 and 10′s
- Object 140 is “completely possible” (SS: I have a feeling this will be the new Soviet branch tier 9 tank, it’s a Kharkov experimental tank, designed at the same as Object 430, to which it was somewhat inferior) – this is how it looks:
- SerB doesn’t want to create WG fake tanks apparently, even though he admits that the E50M is mostly a Wargaming invention, based on real life designs and solutions
- the lighting on the new Sacred Valley map doesn’t seem unnatural, according to SerB, the map was made according to photographic references – there is no such area in real life, but the architecture and elements are real
- RU server having events rewarding medals, obtained for killing arty while in fact there is nowhere near the amount of arty to get them is not trolling, according to SerB: “Sometimes the cigar is just a cigar” (SS: original SerB quote says “banana”, which in turn is – according to google, the Russian version of the famous Freud quote, so I used the original)
- SerB states that the current increased amount of tank destroyers is fine, as both teams are balanced
- apparently (if I understand this correctly), Object 430U won’t be implemented for now (SS: will doublecheck)
- Object 770 will not be implemented, as it would be balanced around tier 11-12 (SS: an experimental heavy tank from late 50′s, equipped with a modern 130mm M-65 gun, penetrating 280mm at 1000m), this is how it looks:
- Soviets won’t get 3 heavy branches anytime soon
- the fact objects and vehicles have glass parts, that aren’t transparent is not engine technical limit, it’s simply saving the client computer resources from calculating pointless crap
- open topped vehicles won’t recieve a bonus for improved ventilation, this “bonus” is already included in their base stats
- tier 11 and higher vehicles won’t be implemented
- SerB states that while it was necessery to implement the IS-7 into the game, the game can very well do without the T58
- gold shell hardcap per battle is not planned
- SerB on War Thunder garage battles: “Specifically in War Thunder, in our opinion, the garage battles were unsuccessful (including the pay to win elements) – it’s one of the serious project flaws”
- Intuition perk can kick in during the autoloader drum reload
- the possibility for a tank to “push itself away” when rotating the hull against an obstacle will not return
- no plans to implement a “give yourself up” option into the game
- although all the guns try to immitate their real life performance when it comes to penetration, for many of them WG simply didn’t have data available
- Storm states that putting more types of shells into one autoloader batch is not needed
- it’s possible premium T8 tank with 200+ penetration will appear until the end of the year
- in 0.8.6 the possibility of AMX ELC to rotate its hull with mouse (like on TD’s) was returned, it’s not clear whether this is final
- the probability of crewmembers getting killed is the same on all types of tech (SS: as in, no types of tech have special saving throws or tougher crews)
- for now, the fire extinguisher mechanism won’t be changed
- Scout Panther is doing fine on tier 7