Hello everyone,
well, here’s a surprising peice of information and – if it’s true – one of the most retarded World of Tanks ideas I have ever seen. Remember this video?
Let me give you a hint. It was posted here as a possible display of “artillery” consumable for Stronghold. That apparently is however not the case. Apparently, according to the post made by a WG moderator, someone had this brilliant idea to make these explosions and ambient effect (only graphics, doing no damage) on following maps: Abbey, Hidden Village, Malinovka, Mines, Fiery Salient (reworked Prokhorovka).
Because, you know, we really need more explosions on the map as an effect, lowering player FPS and confusing players – someone shooting at you while you drive through this shit? Good luck finding where is the fire coming from. Or seeing anything. Brilliant, brilliant idea… ugh. Can we have something useful instead, please?