New “Ambience” – Explosions


Hello everyone,

well, here’s a surprising peice of information and – if it’s true – one of the most retarded World of Tanks ideas I have ever seen. Remember this video?



Let me give you a hint. It was posted here as a possible display of “artillery” consumable for Stronghold. That apparently is however not the case. Apparently, according to the post made by a WG moderator, someone had this brilliant idea to make these explosions and ambient effect (only graphics, doing no damage) on following maps: Abbey, Hidden Village, Malinovka, Mines, Fiery Salient (reworked Prokhorovka).

Because, you know, we really need more explosions on the map as an effect, lowering player FPS and confusing players – someone shooting at you while you drive through this shit? Good luck finding where is the fire coming from. Or seeing anything. Brilliant, brilliant idea… ugh. Can we have something useful instead, please?

Tank Grote

Hello everyone,

let us take a trip way, way back to the history of World of Tanks, when one particular vehicle (under the TG designation) was considered for a premium tank position.


This was the mid-2012 or so and, as you can imagine, the tree concept looked quite different back then. In any case, a model of this vehicle was made, but unfortunately, the tank was never released – and if I tell you the vehicle in real life had two main guns, I am sure you can figure out why. That’s right, multiturret support (or, rather, lack of it). Nevertheless, let’s have a look at this interesting machine.


In the early 30′s, the Soviets felt the need to improve their armored forces to incorporate modern vehicles. Attempts were made to design and build such a vehicle at home, but unfortunately, the lack of experience in such an endeavour proved to be a critical. In order to succeed, it was felt that foreign experts had to be involved and so, Soviet Union to Germany.

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The Black Brigade – Part 3

Part 1:
Part 2:

Continuing from part 2…

In late evening hours of 16.6.1940, the brigade started its assault on the town of Montbard. They managed to catch the Germans by surprise and as a result, German losses were quite high. The resistance however gradually stiffened and the brigade did not manage to capture the bridge over the Burgundy channel. The Germans started in turn counterattacking in force and Polish losses mounted, forcing General Maczek to withdraw his forces from the town and to look for another way over the channel, south of Montbard. His goal was to get his unit across Loire, regroup and to join the defense of Paris. His recon forces however found out that not only is every bridge captured by the Germans, but that his forces are practically surrounded.

The fighting took heavy toll on the Polish soldiers. Of the original number, only around 500 men were left. The remnants of the brigade found their way southeast to a forest near the village of Moloy (north of Dijon), where they regrouped. Faced with critical lack of fuel and ammunition, Maczek ordered all of the remaining heavy equipment and cars of the brigade destroyed, seeing the only chance to break through the Germans in stealthy approach. It soon was discovered that a cohesive large column was too vulnerable and attracted German forces. Maczek therefore decided to split the unit in many small groups, effectively disbanding it as a fighting body. Small groups of soldiers were then ordered to try to find or fight their way to the unoccupied regions of France.

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New Fury Trailer

Hello everyone,

new Fury trailer appeared on the Sony Youtube channel – thanks to Dom1n for linking it to me. It’s okay I guess, but why does it look like fucking Star Wars, what’s with the blaster tracers and all?


Russian Server – 300 Gold for Password Change

Hello everyone,

Russian server has yet another “change your password, recieve 300 gold” event, there was at least one before. In the portal article, it is explained that this is not random.

Recently, few days ago, there was a massive username/password leak (millions of usernames) from the biggest Russian post servers, specifically and Yandex (ironically, company is developing a World of Tanks competitor game, Armored Warfare and is responsible for at least one more World of Tanks clone). As a result, Wargaming decided to provide incentives to players to change the password.

Fortunately, EU/US has no such leaks, but, unfortunately, it also means we likely won’t be getting the same event.

Hall of Shame

Hello everyone,

welcome, to yet another Hall of Shame. It’s been a while since the last one and there is a reason for it. The reason was that a couple of Russian mod makers were developing a mod specifically for this “occasion”. What this mod does is it takes lists of names from Hall of Shame and – if the user of the mod enters a battle and a HoS player is present – it immediately reports them automatically for “unsportsmanlike behavior” or for “insults/provocation”.

If many people use this mod, many reports will accumulate and it’s completely possible to have the Hall of Shame members banned and/or chatbanned (even repeatedly and/or permanently). A prototype of the mod is already functional, but there are bugs still and its development was delayed by summer vacations – once the bugs get removed, the mod will be released to public with everyone who ever appeared in the Hall of Shame listed. I do believe this solution is more elegant than any teamkilling or anything like that. Mod will work for both US and EU server (possibly for ASIA, that was not yet tested).

With that being said, let’s get to it :) Be warned, below this line there is some of the worst scum WoT has to offer.

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The Black Brigade – Part 2

Part 1:

Continuing from part 1…

On 5.9.1939, the Polish line of defense was broken and the unit became partially surrounded by the Germans. The 10th Cavalry Brigade fought series of battles with the Germans while retreating towards the Dunajec river in southern Poland and it was only on 7.9.1939, when the unit finally got some well-deserved rest after six-days of non-stop marching and fighting. The unit used the spare time to load up on ammunition and to consolidate the troops – the fuel, however, was a constant problem.

Colonel Maczek ordered the unit to move to Rzeszów to cover any access to Lwów (Lviv). However, the march proved to be catastrophic for the Polish cavalrymen, because they were forced – due to the lack of fuel – to abandon most of their armored vehicles, including their most potent weapons, the Vickers light tanks.

By the time the Germans crossed the river San, Maczek proposed a combined operation of his brigade and the Przemyśl armies to throw the Germans back and to destroy their bridgehead. This plan however was not accepted and the brigade recieved the order to cover the Lwów-Radymno direction – from there, the brigade was moved directly to Lwów to defend the city on 12.9.1939. Ironically, it was the second time Colonel Maczek was defending the city – previously, he participated in its defense against the Soviets in 1920, this time, he is about to fight the German invaders.

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