9.3 – How the “Tanking” Reward Works

Thanks to Imperatore_of_Destiny for the picture (as well as the others who sent me different picture showing incidents such as this).

Hello everyone,

as you already probably know from the patchnotes, in 9.3, a new mechanism is introduced, that rewards the so-called “tanking” (MMORPG players are likely familiar with the terms), eg. protecting the rest of the team by attracting enemy fire and deflecting it with your thick armor. The exact definition of the “tanking” is (as per English patchnotes):

Added bonus to Combat Experience which rewards vehicle non-penetration/ricochet, applicable only when an enemy shell hits the vehicle’s hull (original trajectory of the shell must cross the hull), but does not reduce its HP.

Please note that this is NOT the same as “potential damage recieved” (turrets hits do not count for example). So, how exactly is it working? Well… strangely. Check this out:


This is not the first strange result I’ve seen from the 9.3 test. 1375 damage and 2400 damage blocked by armor, 3000 base XP… sounds legit. My theory is that there is exactly one faulty element of the “tanking” equation, that is under certain circumstances causing these wild results. I tried to re-create it, but only had a limited success with it (Maus – cca 5000 potential damage, cca 500 damage done, resulted in cca 900 XP reward and top 3 in XP).

Well, let’s hope they fix it until the release. No, scratch that, let’s hope they don’t :P

Swedish Tanks Extra: The S-Tank in World of Tanks

Author: sp15 (US server)

The list of previous parts is at the bottom of the article.


Recently, I covered the development of the S-tank as a part of the Swedish tank series here on FTR and today, I’m going to explain how I think the S-tank could work in WoT. First of all, I’d like to start by saying that despite Wargaming’s stance towards the S-tank in the past, there has definitely been an interest in it and I think there might be a higher chance to see the vehicle in the game than you might expect. Anyhow, lets get started.

Technical problems

Due to the unique nature of the fixed gun, a couple of issues would need to be addressed to make the tank work properly in WoT.

1) hull depression/elevation: in the game, we currently have hulls, that react with their suspension on acceleration, breaking or obstacles, so I don’t see why this couldn’t be taken further for the S-tank. Specifically, when the tank is stationary (or possibly moving at slow speed as well), it would be able to move its hull up and down and have its suspension move with the hull like it already does when you are driving. However, while on the move, controlling the hull elevation wouldn’t be possible (unless you are just turning on the spot) and the hull would go to a default position – this is actually pretty much how it worked on the real thing and is one of the main reasons the tank couldn’t fire on the move.

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Dynamic Tracks in 9.3

Hello everyone,

a new system of tracks is tested on the current 9.3 test server. Basically, the tracks move more naturally and all that – check this out, the first part is from current 9.2 server, second part (obviously) from 9.3.


9.3 Undocumented Feature: Artillery Fire Mission

Well… what the title says.



From what we know, this is a tested feature for the Stronghold mode – a special type of consumable. A commander will have the possibility of summoning an artillery fire mission to a certain quadrant (the way you click on the map). In case you are wondering, those are 150mm Hummel shells. Each round has 85mm penetration, does 950 damage and has a splash radius of 3,57 meters.

Chaffee Race Incoming

Hello everyone,

you know how the Insider confirmed that the event in September will be a Chaffee race? Well, damn, he was right again :) In 9.3 test patch, new tank “Chaffee Sport” was implemented.


The vehicle seems to have no real armor model, but it seems the race will involve shooting, as the gun is properly modelled, so what I think will happen is that the vehicle will not have any armor model per se, just a “hitbox” and a healthpool and evey hit will take off 50 hitpoints from the tank. Here are its characteristics:

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9.3 – First Feedback (Part 2: RU251, LTTB, T-54L, KV-1S, KV-85)

Part one: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/09/05/9-3-first-feedback/

The complete list of changes in the test patch can be found here (including list of vehicle changes, which is good). Detailed vehicle info (numbers) can be found here:

- light tanks
- KV-1S, KV-85, T-34-85M

Let’s continue with the vehicle feedback for now. A few small points:

- some players reported crashes in the 9.3 patch, as well as a loss of performance. Let’s hope Wargaming works that out. Personally, I haven’t seen any problems in the patch.
- new explosions look… strange. Kinda like over-exposed photograph image, I’ll make a video and show you.



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