Saumur Pictures (Part 2)

Hello everyone,

this time, a bunch of pictures from outside of the Saumur compound. I am not sure, but I think some parts are not accessible normally (like the place where the parts of tanks are). In any case, here are the pictures. I am sorry, but I have no idea what’s on half of them, so if you help with identification, that would be great :)

Sherman with 75mm gun (Free French units – M4A2?)


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Odd Weekend Event on EU Server

Hello everyone,

by now, many have already realized that once again, Wargaming EU dropped the ball and screwed up the weekend event (and they’ve been doing SO well lately, fucking up only the Gamescom stream… or the Fury competition (the rules are very stronk)… oh well…)

The event is called “Seven Chi-Nu Kai“, which is odd, because in internal Wargaming materials from July, the event was listed as named “Tenno Haika Banzai”. I guess someone didn’t like the Banzai part, heaven forbid they hurt someone’s feelings – like a week ago, when they put “Russian power” and “Hammer and Sickle” during the anniversary of 1968 Russian invasion to Czechoslovakia… but I get it, Banzai is bad word.

So, the original event news looked like this:


And now, compare it to the current event. Oh yea, that’s right, the 50 percent discount on low tiers is missing. It wasn’t working in the morning and players complained, so – as usual, without a word – Wargaming simply removed that line. The truth is, to be fair, that the line was not supposed to be there in the first place – it wasn’t listed in the leaked event list, so someone just prolly didn’t pay attention. And of course other language mutations blindly copied it – we wouldn’t want anyone to – heaven forbid – doublecheck on stuff, depriving EU players of fail in all the languages.

One last thing made me chuckle – Chi Nu Kai is a “mid-tier armoured sniper“? With 50mm unsloped armor and medium accuracy gun (you have to count the accuracy loss after shooting as well)… well, okay…

T49 Light Tank Video

Hello everyone,

as you might have noticed, in last few days, Russian videos from new light tank gameplay emerged on the internet. Handpicked Russian players and streamers, who are basically so friendly with WG their channels are de facto WG extensions were allowed to do that. Here’s one with T49.


9.3 – Chaffee, T92 and T57 Changes

Hello everyone,

in 9.3 supertest (that is running now, public test likely next Thursday), the parameters of the abovementioned vehicles were changed as such:


This tank was reworked to the standard tier 5 light tank (original value in brackets, values for 100 percent crew)

Health: 440 (580)
Viewrange: 390 (400)
Radio: 776,9 m (same)

Armor was reworked of course (resembles current stock Chaffee now, can be seen here)

Weight: 18,392 tons (19,701)
Engine: 460hp (500hp)
Power-to-weight: 25,01 (25,38)
Hull traverse: 42 (46)
Maximum speed: 77,2/21 km/h (56/21)
Ground resistance: 0,767/0,959/1,63 (0,863/0,959/1,63)

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Storm on Multi-Core Support

Source: Wotleaks RU community

Hello everyone,

the following has been apparently posted on RU supertester forums. Storm mentions here the multicore support and its effect and… well, I’ll just translate it.


Storm: “Multicore support – that’s wishful thinking and a myth about great ingame performance, spread by players. God willing, we’ll get 20-30 percent increase out of it. It was not done earlier because it requires an overhaul of practically the entire engine.