Hello everyone,
some (not many, but some) people blame me that I include posts related to Ukraine on FTR. Well, the truth is, I try not to at all costs, unless they are related to tanks, but on the other hand, when we are already talking about it, I will not hide my opinion. But of course I am a private person, just one guy.
Wargaming on the other hand is a company. A large company. And it has business analysts. Lots of them. SerB himself for example wrote that he (and Wargaming) is aware of the specific requirements of Russian market for example (this includes Russian patriotism – and why not, it’s their market, their rules). On the other hand, Russian market is not European market. Three largest communities on EU server are German, Polish and Czech, two of which with… let’s say problematic attitude towards Russians and the history related to them.
So who the fuck did have the brilliant idea of naming a set of premium shop offers “From Russia with Love“? Especially with the recent events in Ukraine (that, however you look at it and no matter what side you are on, are tragic and involve Russia)? And to name the “main feature” offer “Hammer and Sickle?”
I can’t decide whether that’s just a gross incompetence and deliberate trolling.
As you can imagine, the Polish and Czechoslovak communities did not appreciate this very much, but neither did anyone else, considering it (ironically enough given its name) a ripoff. Some of the reactions seriously made me laugh though. Here are the best of them:
- “I see that the Buk and Grad launchers are missing. Weak offer.”
- “Good that there are no apples in the offer, although they would be pretty cheap :D”
- a certain picture
- (reacting at “get the 50 percent skill crew for free”) – “green men with 100 percent skill will go after you”
- “the offer is missing white trucks with volunteers straight from Specnaz”
- “one of the offers should be called ‘humanitarian aid’ and the other ‘white convoy’”
Etc. Perhaps next time, instead of “realizing the special conditions of RU markets”, conditions on EU server should be considered as well.