Tropical Tank 8-20-10

Hello everyone,

just a short post about something, that was kinda haunting me for a while. Some time ago, I was going through the British section of one Czech portal and ran into something called “Tropical Tank 8-20-10″. I had absolutely no idea what it was as there were no details provided, but its name intrigued me and so, after some unsuccessful searching, I asked David “Listy” Lister, since he has extensive knowledge of British vehicles. And, of course, he came through.


The Tropical Tank 8-20-10 is mentioned in the “Mechanized Force” book by David Fletcher and was created in 1922 by Philip Johnson for service in India. Four versions were proposed: a tank, artillery transporter, supply carrier and an amphibious version. It was one of the very early British tank designs. It had a 45 horsepower engine, Rackham steering and a 4 speed gearbox. Its armor was probably paper thin (protecting against small arms only) and it was equipped with two machineguns in twin turrets.

A single prototype was tested in June 1922 – after running 238 miles, the tank broke down and its development was discontinued. The prototype was likely scrapped later on. It has of course no place in World of Tanks, since it was equipped with machineguns only, but nevertheless, if you are looking for this obscure piece of hardware from the beginnings of British tank design, here it is.

World of Warships Gamescom Video

Hello everyone,

WoWs portal posted this video, in Russian unfortunately. Some answers were also given. Still worth watching!



From what was said in the video:

- models in the alpha are already created in high quality and historicity
- the models are based on a large archive of military documents
- turrets will change with configuration
- there are optional hulls (such as Minekaze early (1922) and late)
- Essex is the tier 9 US aircraft carrier
- carrier planes can also be upgraded as a module (there are several classes of aircraft with different roles, such as dive bombers, torpedo bombers, fighters)
- British and Soviet ships will appear in the game, after release

Invite Codes

A couple more invite codes, this times from Marko J.,Jamackanmecrazy, swpixy


(the last three are with Somua S35 and T2LT IIRC)

Xbox bonus code


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Gamescom Stream – Day 2

It started with QB advertising and then some random guy started talking how he started playing WoT… my god – who cares, how some random guys started playing WoT? Three hours of stream to cover the entire Gamescom day, several games and this is what you waste it on? Incredible.

And of course, some mandatory “WoT is the besterest”… I mean, it’s a good game, but “unparalleled experience”? Please.

As a bonus, the chat was completely compromised by people spamming that retarded reference Alienware shit. Well, at least there was that hot Turkish chick again. What was less funny was that the competition thread on FB was immediately infested by spammers as well, so that didn’t work too well. The rest, in points:

- Some random WG employee: “we had the really nice big booth” – but you’re not going to see it, because we will show you a bunch of random guys instead (same goes for Gamescom atmosphere, dancers, WoWs…) Absolutely retarded.
- Eikarrramba (German community contributor) appeared to explain what a community contributor does (reading FTR and translating it :P Nah, I know you do your own stuff as well and you do it nicely, keep at it!)

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Armored Warfare Gamescom Presentation

Hello everyone,

along with Gaijin and Wargaming, there is a third company with their own tank game attending Gamescom – and their very own Armored Warfare. Now, they released this trailer…



And it looks good. But wait… it seems the developers left their FTP server open, hihi :) So what have we here… some screenshots, but also a very interesting presentation!

There is also the factsheet for downloading (the closed beta will start in Q1 2015).

And finally, the screenshots. They do look very nice.

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The Mouse that Hunts

Hello everyone,

a mouse is usually a small animal being hunted instead of doing the hunting… but – what if we gave it the teeth of the crocodile?

Why is it needed? Where would it go?

Let’s start from the beginning. There are basically two reasons why a new German tank destroyer would be needed.


Some time ago, the Waffenträger E-100 line was implemented. After some time, it was found out that the Waffenträger E-100 is far from ideal. While fragile, it was also overpowered and with its phenomenal firepower, it was able to chew through practically any tier 10 vehicle within a single autoloader cycle. That of course was not exactly an ideal situation and in 9.2, WT E-100 was nerfed, but it still remains one of the most feared predators on the battlefield.

Apart from being overpowered, it has another issue – it’s completely unhistorical – in other words, a Wargaming-made fake. There have been some hints as to the willingness of Wargaming to replace something else, IF a suitable candidate is found. So far, it was not.

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WoWs Interview


Hello everyone,

Belarus portal published an interview with WoWs developer Ivan Moroz. From the interview:

- developers expect WoWs to be successful, ideally as much as WoT
- the idea of creating a naval game is very old, even older than the tanks game idea
- the developer, Lesta Studio was chosen because it’s from St.Petersburg (which is a city connected to navy) and because it was an experienced team, creating special effects for movies. They have also been working earlier with navy-themed objects.
- WG has numerous historical consultants for ships, they visited ships both in USA and Japan personally
- the earliest ship is from 1904, the latest from 50′s
- the game will come out with US and Japanese ships, later Germany, Britain, USSR and some other nations will be added
- it’s possible that submarines will appear in WoWs, but specific task (niche) has to be invented for them in the game
- to be successful, you have to maneuver constantly while trying to bring your turrets and torpedo tubes to bear
- closed beta is scheduled for winter 2015 (SS: here I think it is a typo, should be winter 2014)
- the minimal configuration will be Core 2 Duo processor or better, 2GB Ram, 8600GT or Intel HD4000 or Radeon HD2600 or better videocard

And a few screenies:


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