9.2 – General Feedback

Hello everyone,

well, the patch 9.2 is here and it’s time to gather some feedback. The thing is… there is not a whole lot going on with this patch. Not from the things that can be thoroughly tested anyway. There is the Stronkhold mode, but last night and today morning there was noone from my clan to play it and even if there was, there is not much to say about it that wasn’t already said.

Some vehicles got buffed and nerfed and some had their armor changed, which can be seen here (not a complete list, I will gather the other changes when the data is available). Then there are the new maps, including the reworked Prokhorovka – they warrant a separate post and I’ll get to it (although some the main changes were leaked already – Sacrad Valley, Cliff, Hidden Village).

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9.2 – New Prokhorovka

Thanks to Vangelis for the screenies.

Hello everyone,

as you probably know, the Prokhorovka map was reworked and now is in the game (god knows why) under the name of Fire Arc. Earlier (very long time ago) it was said that this map would appear along with the old Prokhorovka – at this moment it’s unclear whether both maps will be in the map pool at the same time.

Either way, the map now looks somewhat different, as I am about to show you. First the minimap:


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9.2 – Partial Armor Changes

Hello everyone,

this post is not the final and extensive list of armor changes, only the vehicles listed in the patchnotes appear here. Well, let’s have a look at what was changed. The English patchnotes can be found here, but strangely enough, there are some differences between the RU and US version, so I am going to use the Russian one.

VK4502 Ausf.B

This tank recieved a buff. The entire frontal plate (lower and upper) was changed to 200mm, the machinegun nest weakspot disappeared. The roof of the elite turret recieved a buff and it looks like this:


Funnily enough, it seems like despite what was written in the patchnotes, they forgot to up the roof like they stated. Oh well.

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Storm Confirms: “Light T-54″ will be Soviet LT8

Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/3383957.html

Hello everyone,

so, the info, leaked earlier, is true.


Storm confirmed that the LTTB will be Soviet tier 7 light tank (funnily enough, the Russians, including Storm, call it LGBT), because on tier 8 it would be completely unhistorically stretched. And so, the tier 8 Soviet light tank will indeed be the “light T-54″.

Tier 8 Soviet premium medium tank will according to Storm be a “T-54 prototype”.

T-54′s for the T-54 god!

Straight Outta Supertest: “Light” T-54 to be Soviet LT8

Source: VK Wotleaks community

Hello everyone,

it seems that Wargaming made an unusual step. You know about that tier 8 Soviet premium “light T-54″? Yeeeeea… so, the developers kinda are deciding not to make it a premium, but a Soviet tier 8 light tank, following the tier 7 “LTTB”.

To that end, they

- seriously buffed the ground resistance (as in, reduced it)
- buffed the engine from 520 to 700hp (22,85 hp/t) (maximum speed is still 58,7 km/h)
- buffed the hull traverse from 44 to 50
- viewrange buffed from 385 to 390
- hitpoints reduced from 1300 to 1200hp

There are some smaller changes as well. These are of course only preliminary. Now, that’s a turn of events :)

Edit: its guns are going to be various types of D-10T, it will be unlocked from LTTB and will lead to T-54, its XP price is roughly as much as other tier 8 light tanks.



English version. Inside:

- the testing of Stronkhold mode was positive, based on the feedback the devs changed the format of the raids inside it to 7vs7, 10vs10 and 15vs15, depending on tier of the raid
- described tank nerfs (as written in the patchnotes)
- FV215b (183) gold penetration was nerfed because the players used the gold ammo more often than the developers expected
- M46 was buffed (accuracy on the move and others)
- VK4502P Ausf.B armor was somewhat improved
- other buffs/nerfs described
- new HD models: IS, SU-100, StuG III and Churchill I
- reworked maps
- Komarin will now appear only for low tier tanks apparently
- new graphically improved Prokhorovka was added
- HD tanks will display in full texture quality only if you are driving that tank, other (friendly/enemy) tank HD models will show with lower quality texture
- added the foliage transparency toggle in order to increase performance on bad computers
- currently devs are working on adding new light tanks (US, German, Soviet)

World of Tanks Rush – Now Available in Slovakia

Thanks to Lonigus for this one – in fact, this article is based specifically on his info.

For those who do not know, World of Tanks Rush is a tabletop card game (as in, real cards, not playing on PC or mobile devices) from the World of Tanks franchise (the name like totally didn’t give that away) and can be played with 2 to 5 players. For the WoT collectors, the box costs like 21 Euro and contains a bonus code for the B2 German premium heavy tank. It can be purchases via the brloh.sk portal, but it is available on other places as well. Czech Republic has a version too, translated to Czech (both versions are localized)


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Of World of Tanks Wiki

Hello everyone,

as you probably know by now, after 9 or so long months, the World of Tanks wiki, once one of the best tools to look for info in, has returned. However, even after 9 months of work, I think we can all agree that the page is, to put it mildly, undercooked. I ran through it (not very thoroughly I must admit) and I found following issues:

Some parts are completely missing, such as the gallery of the STB-1 for example.


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