E-25 To Be Possibly Removed From Shop…

Hello everyone,

following news appeared on several Russian portals. Apparently, it’s possible that (on RU server, but I do believe such a thing concerns other servers as well), the E-25 tier 7 premium tank destroyer will be removed from the regular sale in the shop (the way Type 59 was).

Now, I reached out to my own sources and I learned that while this info specifically cannot be confirmed, it is true that lead producers and developers wanted to “do something” about the E-25, so it’s possible this piece of news is true, but far from certain.

“How we make WoWs: Export Automatization and Content Verification” – Part 3

Source: http://m.habrahabr.ru/company/wargaming/blog/241083/

Part 1 can be found here.
Part 2 can be found here.

x64 Support

Not so long ago, our artists transferred en-masse from 32-bit Maya 2012 to 64-bit Maya 2014. Since the exporter is almost completely based on Python, there was practically no problem with x64 support. Only the library (.pyd), built on C++, needed some fixing. Currently, the exporter can be used both in x32 and x64 processes, as it itself performs and loads the assembly of the C++ library.

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Insider Talks: A Dev Got Fired

Hello everyone,

a fresh batch of info from the Insider: apparently, a Wargaming developer *name redacted* (but it was one of those guys, participating in the skill MM discussion) got fired. The official reason for his removal was “ineptitude”.

The word was however, that he was screwing around with some models and was responsible for example for the “hole” in Panzer 38t armor from a while ago. Whether he did that intentionally or just because he was an idiot was not known. The Insider however thinks that we will see a lot less buggy models from now on.

Panzer IV Sold for 213k EUR

Thanks to everyone, who sent me a link to this story!

Hello everyone,

in early October, I posted a piece of news about certain Panzer IV being sold in Finland in a bidding.


When the original article was written, the vehicle bid was 5500 Euro. Well, it got sold for a lot, lot more – the final bid was 213.150 Euro. Quite an expensive tank – I hope the new buyer will restore it (if it’s possible anyway).

Wargaming-sponsored 3D Competition

Hello everyone,

Wargaming (in cooperation with Render.ru) started a new competition – for Russian-speaking players only, of course (no competitions for you, capitalists!).


Basically, if I understand correctly, players are tasked with creating a 3D scene from your own map (as seen on the picture above). The map should feature environment from the 40′s-50′s and should be original and all that. The winner will be rewarded with 100k rubles (cca 1850 EUR), second place with 60k rubles and third place with 40k rubles.

The interesting part about the competition is not really the prizes, it’s the fact that this way, Wargaming is buying map and art ideas pretty much “for free”. They will just have to sort out the submissions. A pretty good idea on their side.

Meanwhile in Russia…

Source: http://wotbase.ru/archives/3702/подборка-танковых-костюмов-к-игромир.html

Hello everyone,

something lighter today – these are the results of the Russian Wargaming competition to create a “tank costume” (it was tied to 2013 Igromir). Some are nice (I guess), but some are weird or downright creepy. Enjoy!


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9.4 Undocumented Changes (Test 3)

Hello everyone,

a couple of undocumented vehicle changes for the 9.4 patch.

- Soviet 122mm HE shell damage got buffed from 465 to 530 (concers pretty much all 122mm D-25 clones, but not the KV-1S 122mm howitzer for example)

It concerns the following vehicles (and the D-25/D-2-5/A-19/other 122mm mounted on them): SU-100, SU-122-44, SU-152, SU-101, ISU-152, SU-122-54, KV-85, IS, KV-3, IS-3, IS-6, KV-4, ST-I, IS-8, IS-4, SU-8

- on Centurion 7/1, the 105mm L7A1 gun depression when facing the gun to the back of the vehicle was nerfed from -1 to -0,1
- T37 LT top turret had its ammo capacity for all guns increased by two (from 48 to 50 shells)

About the 9.5 Branch

Hello everyone,

since there is a lot of confusion about the 9.5 Firefly branch from what I’ve seen on forums, here is the branch setup, as it will appear in 9.5. Archer will be unlocked from tier 4 Valentine, M2A4 normally from tier 1.


Tier Vehicle Alternative
2 M2A4
3 Stuart
4 Grant
5 Sherman III Archer
6 Firefly IC Achilles
7 Challenger
8 Charioteer
9 FV4004 Conway
10 FV4005 Stage 2


Quick summary: M2A4, Stuart (Honey), Grant and Sherman are for most part just copies of existing tanks with some British upgrades (like 6pdrs), but essentially the same playstyle. Archer is unique (gun facing “backwards”), low-armored TD, while Achilles is simply the M10 with a 17pdr. Firefly is well known (17pdr Sherman – poor depression and likely nerfed mobility), while top tier tank destroyers are relative unarmored, but pack quite a punch. Tier 10 has very thin armor, but a 183mm gun and will likely have limited traverse the way FV215b (183) does.

9.4 Test 3 Patchnotes

Hello everyone,

yesterday, test 3 of 9.4 was started. Since I didn’t see the test 3 patchnotes on EU portal, well, here they are:

- in connection with performance issues on weaker computers, the sounds from 9.3 were returned (9.4 sounds disabled)
- improved the performance and memory use on map Kharkov
- fixed some interface and mechanics issues in Stronghold mode
- fixed the display of tracks of Object 260
- fixed the visual models of some environmental objects