Light Tank Q&A

Hello everyone, another part of “Developer Time” show (where a developer answers player question) was released on Wargaming FM radio. Here’s the transcript, courtesy of WoT Express community. The answering developer is Yuri Filippovsky, “game balance designer”. – unfortunately, according to historical documents, AMX-40 was classified as a light tank, not much WG can do about it – T71 started to fall behind in statistics a bit, it was decided to buff it a bit – the statistics show that the light tanks do not fall behind a lot in XP and credit farming behind other classes – RU251 will not be nerfed – it’s possible that when Havok gets introduced, some tanks will have to be rebalanced, but WG is hoping this won’t happen – AMX-40 is the most dull LT in the game – the most important role of the light tank is to spot – there is already a fun mode in development for April 1st, it’s not a “zombie” mode – AMX-13/90 will not be buffed

Posted in Q&A

9.3 – First Feedback (Part 2: RU251, LTTB, T-54L, KV-1S, KV-85)

Part one: The complete list of changes in the test patch can be found here (including list of vehicle changes, which is good). Detailed vehicle info (numbers) can be found here: – light tanks – KV-1S, KV-85, T-34-85M Let’s continue with the vehicle feedback for now. A few small points: – some players reported crashes in the 9.3 patch, as well as a loss of performance. Let’s hope Wargaming works that out. Personally, I haven’t seen any problems in the patch. – new explosions look… strange. Kinda like over-exposed photograph image, I’ll make a video and show you. RU-251

9.3 Light Tank Writeup

Hello everyone, so, here’s the new 9.3 stuff all in one place. The data come from 9.3 supertest client, so they are possible to change. Still, I think it gives us a nice insight. Where there are more values, stock comes first of course, then the middle (if there is) and then the elite. Spähpanzer RU251

T-54 Model 1945 will be Soviet Premium MT8

Hello everyone, Storm confirmed today – Soviet T-54 Obr.1945 (Model 1945) first T-54 prototype tank will be the Soviet premium tier 8 medium tank instead of the LT-54 (which will become a tier 8 light tank). So, what IS this “Model 1945″ then? Let’s have a look at some Russian sources on this. The history of the T-54 tank started in the Fall of 1944, when the Nizhny Tagil designers created as a “side project” a proposal for very strong modification of the T-44 medium tank, designed to further improve the protection and firepower of the T-44 while keeping the adequate level of mobility and terrain passability. The first documents and drawings were shown to the Tank Industry Comissariat in the last days of October 1944 and on 1st of November 1944, the comissar, V.A.Malyshev signed an order for the Plant No.183 to create a prototype.

T-54 Turret Armor in 9.0

Source: Hello everyone, in his post, Storm shows how the T-54 turret armor will change. Every model, that gets transferred to HD quality, will have its armor changed – some slightly, some significantly so. Most of the time it’s about the increase of number of armor zones. In connection with this, Storm admits that they made a mistake, when they made the 9.0 turret armor for the test. Check this out. This is how it looks now (8.11):

T49 Light Tank – US upcoming tier 8

Hello everyone, now that the fuss about the new graphics is over, we’re going to have a look at the upcoming tier 8 light tank candidate, the T49. Basically, the T49 was a prototype M41 Walker Bulldog with a 90mm gun (crew of 4). In the late 40′s and early 50′s, it was recognized that a 76mm gun is no longer enough to combat modern Soviet medium tanks, specifically the T-54. And so, in January 1950, a commanding officer of Detroit Arsenal recommended developing a light tank with a 90mm gun, specifically to install a 90mm smoothbore gun on the M41 chassis. This 90mm gun was a new weapon, designated T123. It started as a smoothbore, but after bad tests results, when it came to accuracy, it was modified with shallow rifling, creating the T123E3 gun. Two of these were mounted in the production M41E1 turrets and this combination was redesignated T49. The turret was modified too: it was somewhat higher and it was equipped with a stereoscopic rangefinder. Further modification were made when in the ammo stowage compartment. The gun itself could fire three types of rounds: HE, HEP (HESH) and HEAT rounds.

Potential Hull Upgrades: Light tanks

In the RU forums Q&A thread, SerB gave an example of a hull upgrade for the T-54: 120 mm of front armour, or 100 mm, with higher top speed in return. I will take a look at what other upgrades potentially exist for Soviet tanks in-game. Since there is a great deal of them, the article will be split into parts. This part will discuss light tanks. Let’s start from the top, the venerable MS-1. The tank was in service with the Red Army until the start of WWII, and was modernized several times. However, it did not undergo very notable hull changes, aside from a change between welded and bolted armour in 1930. Despite being a significant change in real life, it would only be cosmetic in game. Other visually interesting changes result from the MS-1a hull (T-26 suspension, simplified rear section of the hull) and T-18M (elements of the T-38′s suspension).

0.9.6 Supertest LT Changes

Source: 59-16 – hitpoints buffed from 580 to 590 – shot dispersion (accuracy on the move) buffed by 10 and 12 percent (for stock and elite suspension) – stock turret: 57mm 55-57FG reload buffed from 3s to 2,9s, 76mm 54-76T reload buffed from 3,7s to 3,5s – elite turret: 57mm 55-57FG reload buffed from 2,8s to 2,6s, 76mm 54-76T reload buffed from 3,4s to 3,2s, 76mm 54-76T with autoloader clip reload buffed from 10s to 9s WZ-131 – hitpoints buffed by 20 hp – shot dispersion (accuracy on the move) buffed by 12 and 12,5 percent (for stock and elite suspension) – stock turret: 76mm 54-76T with autoloader clip reload buffed from 8,7s to 8,2s 85mm 56-85JT reload buffed from 5,7s to 5,2s, accuracy buffed from 0,38 to 0,37 – elite turret: 76mm 54-76T with autoloader clip reload buffed from 8,7s to 8,2s 85mm 56-85JT reload buffed from 5,7s to 5,2s, accuracy buffed from 0,38 to 0,37 85mm 62-85T reload buffed from 5,7s to 5,5s 85mm 64-85T reload buffed from 5,7s to 5,5s 100mm 59-100T reload buffed from 9,3s to 8,7s, aimtime buffed from 2,9s to 2,7s, accuracy buffed from 0,39 to 0,38