Blast from the Past

Hello everyone,

lately, a lot of people have been nostalgic, longing for the “good old days” of how World of Tanks used to be. Personally, I think it’s just the usual effect of our brains deleting the bad memories, leaving only the good ones for us to remember – because the game sure did have some serious issues back then. A few screenshots from really old times, courtesy of Russian community.

Notice the amazing graphics.

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Straight Outta Supertest: Somua S35 Changes

Hello everyone,

on supertest client, Somua S35 (leaked here) was changed a bit. First, a description was added to the model:

“Thanks to its high firepower, protection and mobility, the S35 was the most successful French tank and one of the best tanks in the world of its period. Due to the use of one-man turret, the commander was forced to look for targets, aim, reload and coordinate the crew actions at the same time. This reduced the ability of the crew to instantly react to changing conditions of battle and reduced the tank firepower. By the time France capitulated on 22.6.1940, 427 S35 tanks were built in total.”

What changed:

- DPM nerfed from 1532,1 to 1248,4
- reload nerfed from 2,154s to 2,643s
- ROF nerfed from 27,857 to 22,698
- aimtime nerfed from 1,4 to 1,5s
- accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed by 25 percent

Characteristics now (elite setup, top gun, 100 percent crew):

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- currently there are no plans for tier 10 light tanks
- T34 (premium) will not be rebalanced
- 0.9.6 accuracy change did not bring significant change in the percentage of penetrating shots in the game
- platoon missions to be removed from IM’s? “I cannot say anything yet”, later on however Storm states they will stay
- the physics test ETA is the end of February or March
- the amount of HD models in 9.7 is “less than 20″ (and these models include also the new French HD tanks, so it’s more like 15 reworked HD models)
- developers do have a list of models sorted by HD priority, but in the end, the models are not released in this order anyway, they are rather released “when they are ready”
- the changes to IM’s in the future will include bug fixes and changing those missions that “interfere with team gameplay”

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Posted in Q&A

Storm’s Microdigest Q&A


Hello everyone,

Storm is talking about some of the upcoming changes in the game:

- developers are hard at work on the new motion physics, test will come soon. There will be two test versions: one will be more realistic with intertia and one will be more arcade-like, with some overrides (fixes) for better maneuverability
- developers are also working a lot on individual missions: descriptions are being fixed, many conditions will change, there will also be interface changes. Some of it will be implemented via a micropatch, some things will appear in upcoming patches
- analysis of the 9.6 accuracy changes shows that the amount of hits and amount of damage done after the change dropped by 0,5 to 2 percent. The amount of loss is depends directly on the vehicle accuracy and shooting distance. The biggest nerf happened to artillery.
- several HD models were removed from 9.7 content: AMX-50/100, IS-3 and Pershing. These vehicles had their collision models changed somewhat and since they are actively used in cybersports and there will be WGL grand final around the time of 9.7, these vehicles will be delayed to only after 9.7
- circular render range will come relatively soon. In 9.7, new BugWorld version will come and then Wargaming will deal with system matters, such as viewrange

Posted in Q&A

Regarding the Team Battle Exploit

Hello everyone,

apparently, currently, there’s a bug (exploit) in team battles, allowing you to roll out with a 7/55 team instead of 7/54:


Replay is here:

Now, I don’t play team battles, nor do I care about them too much (as in, at all), so I have no idea how this exploit works. According to some people I asked, this is not the first time such bug appeared in them (something about Maus?). I was just wondering about its principles – does one of the tanks count for one point less than it should?

In any case, it’s a really stupid way to cheat, because you will obviously be reported by the enemy team (unlike random battles, TB players actually care about their team’s results). No idea what the punishment is though, heard it’s a 3 day ban somewhere, but who knows. And of course, the *golfclap* of the day goes to Wargaming for leaving exploits in team battles. At least the competitive part of WoT and stuff connected to it should be exploit free.

Enjoy your WGL hangar.

The Insider: M6A2E1 Coming in HD

Hello everyone,

just a little bit of info from the Insider – apparently,the HD version of M6A2E1 “Alien” is coming soon. What is also coming is a special Xbox-only bundle with the M6A2E1 – again, this is for WoT Xbox, not PC:

- USA Tier VIII M6A2E1 Heavy Tank
- 100% Crew
- Vertical Stabilizer Mk 2
- Improved Ventilation Class 3
- Large-caliber Tank Gun Rammer
- 60 AP T32 Shells
- 12 APCR T29E3 Shells
- 1 Garage Slot
- 7 Days of Premium Account

Also, World of Warships beta will come “very soon”, but I guess everyone knew that.

How to Get Rid of the WGL Hangar

Hello everyone,

are you not interested in e-sports? Tired of WG trying to stuff their “WGL” crap everywhere? Do you consider the WGL hangar vile? Here are two easy ways how to get rid of it.


- go to your game folder
- go to /res/packages/ sub folder
- copy the file “hangar_premium_v2.pkg” to “hangar_wgl_5s.pkg” (when it asks you, whether you wish to overwrite the existing file, say “yes”)

And it’s gone.


- go to your game folder (root, for example c:\Games\World_of_Tanks)
- make a backup of the “paths.xml” file somewhere
- open the file “paths.xml” in the root folder
- find the line, that says “/res/packages/hangar_WGL_5S.pkg” and delete it.

Works as well.


Hello everyone,

a bunch of articles for you to see, if you are interested. First, there is an interview with Armored Warfare chief developer, Richard Taylor. Nothing much there, but still, interesting.

Secondly, there’s a 0.9.6 update for the useful region changer mod – if you want to play in the US and RU with EU client for example, it comes in handy. It’s no roaming though, you still need separate accounts.

Third, there’s a couple of articles on Overlord’s blog – by David “Listy” Lister about Project Foil, UK’s line of rocket launchers and a sort of legend about one Turkish corporal, who fired the Big Guns during the Dardanelles breakthrough.

- the fact that there won’t be LT9 and LT10 does not mean that LT8 tanks are equal to MT10 or HT10 in combat, it means they are the best scouts in the game (best suited for the role)
- on long distances, the coordinates of tanks are not accurate, because they get updated only once in a while to optimize server traffic and therefore, they are “estimated” by the client before they get updated by the server again. That can lead to cases, where you shoot at very long distance, but the target is “no longer there” because its position changed server-side, but not client-side due to infrequent (relatively) updates. This can lead to a “ghost shell” effect on long distances, when the player sees the shell pass through the target, while on the server, the target is already somewhere else.
- Q: “I suggest removing arty from the servers for a month and then analyse the results!” A: “I will write this proposal to SerB…” (SS: this is sarcasm. I hope.)
- a player has a feeling that after 9.6, shells started flying slower. Storm states it’s just his feeling.
- the fact that from 9.6, the rule that open-topped vehicles have more viewrange was cancelled does NOT mean that open-topped vehicles will be able to mount ventilation
- Israeli Merkava Mk.I will most likely not appear in WoT, the problem does not seem to be the gun, but the fact that there’s no tree to put it in
- introducing two shell distributions (one for unaimed aim circle and one for fully aimed aim circle) would introduce more camping (SS: as in, everyone would want the critical accuracy advantage)
- German gun penetration used in the game is based on Soviet penetration tables (and methods) at distance of 100 meters

Posted in Q&A

Straight Outta Supertest: French Somua S35

Hello everyone,

as it was announced earlier, the biggest feature 9.7 will bring are a bunch of French vehicles – not only the hightier AMX-30 prototype and AMX-30B, but also some lowtier vehicles. Today, we are starting with their leaks – first to come is Somua S35, tier 3 French medium tank. And yes, the German Somua S35 will likely be pulled from the store in 9.7.


Characteristics (elite setup, top gun, 100 percent crew):

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Tiger P HD Visual Bugs

Hello everyone,

there are two issues with the Tiger P model (thanks for people noticing). Issue one is nastier and I am sure many of you encountered it. Basically, the tracks have a fucked up model, that, under some circumstances, causes visual glitches, a sort of “bar code” artefacts coming from the tracks, essentially like this:

This is a known bug and will be fixed in the next update. Not sure what triggers it, I haven’t seen it in my client myself. Second bug is of a bit funnier nature. Check this out, this is the commander cupola of the top turret. Missing anything?

Tiger (P)_14-31-1

That’s right, there are no vision slits in the cupola, it’s just a metal bucket. Oh well, guess the commander doesn’t really HAVE to see anything – next patch will feature viewrange reduced to 0.

Yes, it’s a known bug and this too will be fixed in the future I assume. On the other hand, several people contacted me, asking about the size of the hole behind the mantlet, specifically that the size of the hole was MUCH increased and the turret now is nowhere near as durable as it used to be. Well, this is intentional. If you compare the mantlet and the collision model, you’ll see that it actually makes sense.