T7 Combat Car – upcoming tier 2 premium tank

Hello everyone,

today’ we’re going to have a look at the upcoming T7 Combat Car tank.


The T7 Combat Car was based on the T1 Combat Car light tank and was made between 1937 and 1938 and theoretically, it was a pretty reasonable vehicle, that could go both with and without tracks on the road, much like the Christie designs. Its main armament (M2 .50cal machinegun) was however already obsolete for its time, despite the fact that a 45mm gun could possibly fit in the relatively large turret.

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Active EU Missions – 5.9.2013

Hello everyone,

here are the active EU missions for today.

The Way to Glory – win 15 victories, get 250k credits once per day
Learning by Doing – be one of the top 3 XP earners in your team (no matther whether you win or lose), get 20 percent more crew XP
Know your Trade – earn 50k XP per day, get 1 day of premium account (once per day)

Small but Deadly
– kill 30 enemies with your tier 4+ light tank from 3rd to 7th September, get 1x ventilation and 10 gold repair kits, can be done only once per account
Featherweight for Victory! – win 10 battles with your tier 4+ light tank (you can use more light tanks to fulfill the criteria, it adds up), get 50k credits – once per day

Seeing the summer – win any battle on a summer map (maps that use summer camo), get 10 percent credit and XP income bonus
Hard to learn, easy to fight – win and survive a battle, earn x3 crew XP, doable only on tier 1-4 tanks

Also, don’t forget the buy the consumables, they are on discount!


- looks like the US premium TD will possibly be only low-tier. To quote The_Chieftain: “The 122-44 is at a higher tier, where there are few US options. I would not expect a high-tier US premium TD.”
- the ST-I hull rear armor has a bug, where the collision model doesn’t correspond to the visual one (there’s more slope than there should be), it will be fixed
- Storm on removing the machínegun weakspot on the Tiger II armor model: “According to the words of Hilary Doyle, German machinegun gun shields provided roughly the same level of protection as the main armor. So that’s how we’re going to slowly do it” (SS: in such a case, we can expect the removal of the other German tanks’ bow MG weakspots)
- the way the 6 perks/skills display (5x + 6th perk/skill) on WoT crews won’t be changed, because “there’s not enough room”

There might be more in the evening.

Staudegger’s Run

Hello everyone,

the official WoT forum history sections are full of heroic stories from various units and nations – with one exception: the Waffen SS. There’s a reason for it of course: any “adoration” of Waffen SS is illegal in many countries (especially in Europe) and SS insignia are banned practically everywhere.

Waffen SS units (not to mistake them with Allgemeine SS or SS-Totenkopfverbände, who were a bunch of sadists, criminals and useless in combat) themselves are the subjects of a lot of myths, that actually go both sides. Some consider them to be elite fearless and fanatical nazi supersoldiers, others consider them rubbish based on some of their combat records.

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Active EU Missions – 4.9.2013

Hello everyone,

here are the active EU missions for today.

The Way to Glory – win 15 victories, get 250k credits once per day
Learning by Doing – be one of the top 3 XP earners in your team (no matther whether you win or lose), get 20 percent more crew XP
Know your Trade – earn 50k XP per day, get 1 day of premium account (once per day)

Small but Deadly
– kill 30 enemies with your tier 4+ light tank from 3rd to 7th September, get 1x ventilation and 10 gold repair kits, can be done only once per account
Featherweight for Victory! – win 10 battles with your tier 4+ light tank (you can use more light tanks to fulfill the criteria, it adds up), get 50k credits – once per day

Seeing the summer – win any battle on a summer map (maps that use summer camo), get 10 percent credit and XP income bonus
Hard to learn, easy to fight – win and survive a battle, earn x3 crew XP, doable only on tier 1-4 tanks

Also, don’t forget the buy the consumables, they are on discount!

Locust competition

Hello everyone,

as I mentioned on FTR FB before, I have three Gamescom codes for the tier 3 M22 Locust premium light tank sitting here, thanks to two wonderful FTR readers: Hohlladung and “The Spanish Noob“, who didn’t want to be named :)

The codes are all from the same series, so they are pretty much guaranteed to work. Locust itself is a really funny tank, I love it myself :)

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Buff My Tank: Jagdpanzer IV

Recently I purchased Panzer Tracts 9-2 about the Jagdpanzer IV. I actually ordered 9-3 about the Jagdpanther, but any Panzer Tracts is a good read. I especially enjoyed the part naming controversy that might have screwed over the Jagdpanzer IV. Anyway, I noticed some discrepancies between the Jagdpanzer IV’s real life stats compared to the WoT version, nothing major but would be worth implementing.

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