
- Storm states that over the last year, the player credit gain from tier 8 premium tanks increased, since Wargaming (several times) improved the tier 8 premium tank money making ability
- map Stalingrad is currently in development
- Havok implementation will not bring effects such as camo net appearance on the tank, it will bring nice looking object destruction and dynamic equipment on tank (SS: as in fuel cans, tools etc.) that’s hanging, moving and can be ripped off by explosions
- developers will definitely continue to develop the 0.9.1 test “Hellcat” sounds
- nothing is known of the FV217 TD/SPG according to Cannoneer
- 9.3 will bring Hellcat nerf
- the reason why WG implemented FV215b instead of having Chieftain from the start was that when the British tree was introduced, the Chieftain was considered to be too modern. After that, they sent people to measure the armor (SS: in Bovington) and found out that it’s not actually as fearsome as it was thought before.
- Centurion Mk.10 can’t be British tier 10 – its armor upgrade is already in the tier 9 Centurion 7/1 (the “/1″ part specifically signifies the armor upgrade)
- Ruinberg on fire lighting ugly and reducing performance? “How terrible”
- top light tank economy (income vs repair cost) will not be buffed
- T49 will not be nerfed in 9.3

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M36 Tank Destroyer in the Balkans

Hello everyone,

the M36 Jackson tank destroyer served in the Balkan region for practically 60 years, which is not very usual for wartime tech (the T-54 medium tank for example does have a very long career as well, but that’s not a wartime vehicle, at least not in the way the Jackson was). The Jacksons participated in practically all the conflicts in the Balkan region from 1991 to 2001 and the last pieces were withdrawn from service in Serbia and Montenegro in 2005 – at that point, the vehicles had 60 years of service behind them.


The M36 GMC self-propelled guns were sold to Yugoslavia during the Yugoslav-Soviet crisis, when Yugoslavia was threatened by the Soviets and their eastern bloc allies. It all started in 1948, when Moscow heavily criticized the Yugoslav leader, Josip Broz Tito for not bowing down to Stalin and for not following his directives. Along with the threats came embargos on various things, including military technologies and arms. Border clashes between the Yugoslav and the eastern bloc troops also happened and there was a general fear that Yugoslavia would be pulled forcibly into the Soviet bloc.

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Clan Rating Formula

Hello everyone,

as you know, we now have a new Clan Rating available. This post is based on the Russian post , explaining the formulae of the clan rating. I haven’t seen WG EU translate this to English, so… here goes.

The basic formula is this:



CR – clan rating
SR – average personal rating of clan members, calculated like this:


SRi – the value of personal rating of a player i-th player at the moment of the calculation
m – number of players in clan at the moment of the calculation

TR – team rating (see below)
C – coefficient, regulating the influence of SR on CR (currently is 1)

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The Beasts of Kabul

Thanks to LoooSeR78V for this one!

It’s an interesting insight into how armor works in current Afghanistan – basically the Afghani soldiers keep the old tanks left there by the Soviets alive by cannibalizing others for spare parts. It’s quite impressive actually, not only the fact they keep the tanks at least running in such conditions, but also that someone actually survives the dreadful heat and dust in such a tank.



- the automatized recovery of sold premium tanks (that was/is available on US server) is still in development for other servers
- earlier, SerB wrote that the profitability of a premium tank depends on its winrate – developers are collecting statistics about the influence of skill of players on credit profit on that respective premium tank, this data will of course not be disclosed
- a long time ago, it was mentioned that there is a possibility that immobilized tanks (detracked) with only one track off will be able to move in limited way. This was scrapped, SerB states that if they did that, the players would spend the rest of the battle in chain immobilization (SS: as in, they would get detracked over and over again, not sure why SerB thinks that)
- the fate of FV215b will not be disclosed for now
- Gavalov tank as tier 5 Soviet light tank? “It’s more like a development of T-70″ (SS: as in, no)
- there will be Object 430 buff
- the armor model will not be changed from “planes with armor values” to “full realistic armor” (SS: as in, armor plates will not gain real thickness), as this would cause all sorts of problems with calculations
- current armor mechanics are satisfactory according to Veider – the developers tried to consider other armor calculation variants, but all turned out to be worse than what there currently is.

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DF 105 Combat Tank

Hello everyone,

here’s a tank you’ve probably never heard of before, well, unless you are into this sort of thing. When you consider the German tanks, they are rarely pretty, but they are always functional. But what happens when the French and the Germans start to cooperate? Well, something like this:


This is the DF 105 Combat Tank. It’s a prototype, built in the mid-80′s in cooperation between the French (the turret) and Germans (the hull) by Thyssen Henschel, intended for export. The hull is of the Marder 1 IFV, the turret is French-made FL-15 by Fives Cail Babcock company (this turret was used in the late production AMX-13 as well). First, the hull – the Marder IFV was developed in the 70′s, based on the needs of the West-German army, the Bundeswehr. It’s very lightly armored (protecting the crew and passengers from 20mm APDS shells only, later increased to 30mm protection due to the armament of the BMP-2), but it’s fast and well armed. Of course, it’s “just” an IFV and as such, there were plans by Thyssen-Henschel to build several vehicles on this chassis:

- tank destroyer (please note this does not imply a casemate design, merely a role)
- infantry support tank
- IFV (the Marder)
- self-propelled gun

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Stronkhold and CW Russian Q&A Stream

Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/3403105.html

Hello everyone,

recently (23.7.2014 20:00 MST), there was a stream with some high end Russian clan players and WG employee (clanwars specialist) Dmitryi “Fluke” Grigorov. As usual, Maiorboltach from world-of-ru made a summary. Here it is!

- the difference between Stronkhold and Farmville is that everything in this mode you have to gain through combat, not outside of the mode
- on 10th tier of the Stronkhold, the bonus to credit gain is 50 percent, crew XP bonus is 100 percent and free XP bonus gain is 100 percent
- there will be no tank freezing
- going out on a raid won’t cost you resources
- the resources will be distributed amongst players directly proportionally to the XP gained in combat during the raid (even in defeat)
- resources don’t accumulate on “player account”, they go directly to the clan treasury
- the option to attack stronkholds of other clans is scheduled (preliminary, it’s possible it will move) for 9.3 (this option will be available only for tier 5 and higher stronkholds)
- 4th tier of Stronkhold will give you a 8-12 percent bonus for all resources
- all the Stronkhold functions and options are available not only to the clan commander, but also to the deputies. In the future versions, the clan positions will be updated, there will be new functions added for them, some of the new functions will be connected with Stronkhold mode

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