T-54 Light and M41 Gameplay Video

Hello everyone, one of the Russian players published two gameplay videos – of the light T-54 tier 8 tank and of the M41 Walker Bulldog (with autoloaded gun). He’s not saying anything that’s not totally obvious from the vehicle characteristics, so just have a look (you can even switch the sound off). He apparently likes both vehicles.  

Straight Outta Supertest: T-54 Light and M41 Characteristics

Source: FTR VK community Just to be clear: the FTR Vkontakte page is managed independently as a project of Russian players and I have no control over its content, thus the leaks come from them. Either way, here goes. T-54 Obl. (T-54 “light”) Stats for 100 percent crew Weight: 30,638 tons Hitpoints: 1200 Viewrange: 390 Radio range: 800 Hull armor: 80/60/? Turret armor: 160/120/? Engine: 700 hp Power-to-weight: 22,847 hp/t Maximum speed: 58,7/20 Hull traverse: 50 deg/s Ground resistance: 0,671/0,863/1,342

Storm Confirms: “Light T-54″ will be Soviet LT8

Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/3383957.html Hello everyone, so, the info, leaked earlier, is true. Storm confirmed that the LTTB will be Soviet tier 7 light tank (funnily enough, the Russians, including Storm, call it LGBT), because on tier 8 it would be completely unhistorically stretched. And so, the tier 8 Soviet light tank will indeed be the “light T-54″. Tier 8 Soviet premium medium tank will according to Storm be a “T-54 prototype”. T-54′s for the T-54 god!

Straight Outta Supertest: “Light” T-54 to be Soviet LT8

Source: VK Wotleaks community Hello everyone, it seems that Wargaming made an unusual step. You know about that tier 8 Soviet premium “light T-54″? Yeeeeea… so, the developers kinda are deciding not to make it a premium, but a Soviet tier 8 light tank, following the tier 7 “LTTB”. To that end, they – seriously buffed the ground resistance (as in, reduced it) – buffed the engine from 520 to 700hp (22,85 hp/t) (maximum speed is still 58,7 km/h) – buffed the hull traverse from 44 to 50 – viewrange buffed from 385 to 390 – hitpoints reduced from 1300 to 1200hp There are some smaller changes as well. These are of course only preliminary. Now, that’s a turn of events :) Edit: its guns are going to be various types of D-10T, it will be unlocked from LTTB and will lead to T-54, its XP price is roughly as much as other tier 8 light tanks.

Straight Outta Supertest: “light T-54″ Soviet premium MT8 changes

Hello everyone, as it is customary, the LT-54 was changed, based on the supertest data. Here is the new characteristics table: Changes from the first leaked version: – DPM increased from 1818 to 1907 – reload time from 8,347 to 7,863 – Aimtime buffed from 2,7s to 2,3s – ground resistance buffed a lot from 0,959/1,151/1,918 to 0,767/0,959/1,534 – accuracy on the move and while turning turret nerfed – maximum speed 58,7 km/h confirmed, 20 km/h reverse speed – elevation: +17 (depression -5) – vehicle still has regular MM for now Sounds like the vehicle will be competitive after all :)

Preliminary Comparison of “Light T-54″ and Type 59

Hello everyone, yesterday, the new “Light T-54″ (I will call it LT-54 in this article) tier 8 premium medium tank was unveiled and it was only natural people immediately started speculating. Will it be another Type 59? Will it be overpowered for a premium tank? Or will it disappear into the pit of mediocrity like the T-34-3? Well, let’s have a look at both. Keep in mind that the supertester statistics leaked are preliminary, which means they can (and probably will) change. The Armor Here are both armor schematics of the vehicles. Type 59:

Straight outta Supertest: Soviet premium MT8 “light T-54″

Source: VK Wotleaks community Hello everyone, this is the upcoming tier 8 Soviet premium medium tank, the “light T-54″. Right now it’s being supertested on the test. Compared to regular T-54, it has lighter armor. Currently, its ETA is unknown (possibly 9.3). The description says: “A project of the lighter variant of the T-54 medium tank. The work on this vehicle began in May 1949. It was proposed that this vehicle, thanks to its increased terrain passability, could be used for tasks, in which the use of the regular serial T-54 tanks was not practical. While the project was being developed, the T-54 Model 1949 was finished and mass-produced and there was no more need for the lighter medium tank.” Statistics: Gun: D-10T Penetration: 175 Damage: 250 Reloadtime: 8,24s (this is most likely with 100 percent crew and such) Aim time: 2,7s Accuracy: 0,4 Gun depression: -5 deg Weight: 30,79 tons Engine power: 520hp Power-to-weight: 16,89 Hull traverse rate: 44 deg/s Ground resistance: 0,959/1,151/1,918 Viewrange: 385m Radio range: 800m Battletiers: 8,9,10 (regular tier 8 medium MM) Hitpoints: 1300

Can the T-54 model 1949 “light variant” be a tier 8 Soviet premium?

Hello everyone, yesterday, I made a post about the light variant of the T-54 based on info Slakrrr from US forums found. I proposed this vehicle to become a tier 8 light tank in the post and the same question was asked by someone else too. Actually, a developer replied that WG is aware of this vehicle and is considering it. Immediately after the article, speculations arose whether this tank can become Soviet tier 8 premium (possibly replacing somehow the ill-fated T-44-85). Let’s compare it a bit with other tier 8 premiums. Now, we will be working with following premises: – Type 59 as a premium tank is overpowered – T-34-3 as a premium tank is fine – T-44 as a regular tier 8 tank is fine First, let’s compare it with the Type 59, to make sure it wouldn’t be OP immediately. Armor Upper frontal plate of Type 59 is 100mm thick at 60 degrees, T-54 (49) has 80mm at 60 degrees Lower frontal plate of Type 59 is 100mm thick at 55 degrees, T-54 (49) has 80mm at 55 degrees Turret front of Type 59 is 200mm, T-54 (49) has 180mm In practically all the armor aspects, T-54 (49) is inferior. So far so good. T-44 has 90mm hull armor (under the same angle, eg. better), but it has weaker turret – significantly. But then, that is not that big a problem, since the T-54-3 also has that typical Chinese/Soviet round hardened turret (with 190mm frontal turret armor no less). I’d say armor-wise it fits.

T-54 model 1949 light tank variant

Source: narod2.ru via Slakrrr (US forums) Hello everyone, what we have here is a quite interesting thing. Some of you (with very good memory) might remember one interview with SerB for the Goha.ru portal from more than two years ago (you can check it here), where – while discussing potential light tanks – he mentioned an ultra-lightweight variant of the T-54 tank a potential hightier candidate for World of Tanks. I’ve seen this interview before several times, but I honestly never found anything about this special T-54 variant, until it showed up on US forums today. It’s pretty interesting actually. Here’s what we know about it. The article states that there was some testing of various types of tracks for T-54 tanks around 1949. At the same time, in May 1945, the design bureau of Plant No.183 (Kharkov) designed a light variant of the T-54 tank with improved terrain passability compared to the production T-54 model. This light variant could serve during special operations, where passability, speed and agility were needed more than superior armor protection. In order to achieve that, this light variant had wider tracks (580mm).