Reaction on the Hall of Shame Apology

Last post about the Hall of Shame, I promise :) Player Der_Mittelfranke, who was insulted by the apologizing HoS ex-member contacted me with his reply to the matter and I was asked to – if possible – publish it. Why not – both sides get to talk. I think it’s an important example altogether of how things should really go. Thanks to both sides for settling this. English translation (not mine): Yes, I was the one who submitted those pictures (“Der_Mittelfranke”, EU-Server). I am certainly not a shy guy and when my nerves are stressed it might happen that I call other palyers “noobs”, “idiots” or “assholes”. I also understand other players, who occasionally lose their temper and write some insults in chat to their team. Everyone has a bad day every once in a while, gets bad teams or is trolled by RNGesus. If someone calls me an “idiot” or “asshole” I’m not going to make a screenshot of it or report it etc. I just don’t care enough to be arsed to do so. But what I can’t stand are those anonymous internet-warriors, who threaten you in RL by death or who make racist comments. I am sorry, but as a German, I don’t have any understanding for such actions, no matter how angry someone is at that very moment. The player in question is German himself. He should know that racist remarks regarding this period of our history are intolerable. No matter if it was a insult in a game or in RL. I have Jewish family members which could tell him some not-so-funny stories from that period of time. Nevertheless, his apology is a step into the right direction. I accept his apology and hope, that he learned something from his misbehaviour so he doesn’t insult like this again in the future. For me this whole matter is closed.

Hall of Shame Member Apologizes

Hello everyone, I think this is really worth posting. BadBroetchen, involved in the recent Hall of Shame, apologizes for his behavior. You know what? I can really appreciate that. So, there you go, removed from Hall of Shame. I mean, I am sure everyone realizes that I know these guys aren’t really bald tattoeed fat swastika-wearing nazis, just raging kids. Doesn’t mean this should be tolerated of course, but it’s a good thing what he wrote: Dear “For the Record“ community, I am very sorry about what i`ve done in those Random Battle. It`s been a long time since i wrote that into the channel and i was too childish to understand what i wrote there. Im definitly not a Nazi and it is very embarrassing for me for getting shown at such an article. I don`t know where my thoughts gone and i know it will never happen again. So please accept my apology. I dont know how to make up for that. I`m not against jews or any other ethnic minoritys. Normaly im not in that rage mode but somehow i wasn`t by myself that day. I know that some of you will think that im doing this just for deleting my post in the hall of shame but it is important for me that you know that im not such a horrible person. I will apologize first of all to “Der_Mittelfranke” and, if it was somebody else sending this post in naturally also at him/her. Thank you gratefully, Your Max aka FlyingBroetchen And a nice letter from his clan, I actually really appretiate this. Dear SilentStalker,

The Insider on Hall of Shame

Hello everyone, after yesterday’s Hall of Shame, I recieved an e-mail from the Insider. Apparently, he was quite amused, but had something to add. I’ll leave his e-mail here (slightly redacted – removed some personal info – and with typos fixed). Here goes: Minsk does read the Hall of Shame from time to time and knows well about certain clans with racism mottos, in fact they have handed a couple death threats to police already and the amount of bans has increased since last year. However, they hand the info to the Paris office, what they do with it… who knows, however it’s most likely shit clans like UNICA and EFE will never appear in an official WG article or contest due their behavior. Garbad from US cluster, his absolute douchebagginess towards a certain sector of the playerbase got him a forum ban, directly ordered by the RU office. The Insider adds that the Russian server has different issues, specifically clans supporting the Russian occupation of Ukraine (founded for political purposes) – in such cases (as well as clans supporting fascist figures in Ukraine), the entire clan gets booted. Regarding what Wargamer or can/cannot do about nazis in the game: Alternatively, WG could also be pressured to act, however it’s kinda tricky, basically you need a player to actually go to the police and hand the “death threaths”, especially in those countries, where the sole mention of nazism and its offsprings are legally forbidden, but make sure the offender is actually in one of the countries where this is enforced, that’s the tricky part, they put attention to especially nasty folks who stalk in places like Facebook, are ill minded and even generally open about it. Think it’s a joke? Nope, a guy in the USA is facing jail for handing death threats on Facebook after losing a game of League of Legends and other law enforcement states in the USA are opting for an attitude of similar ways. The police can actually pressure Wargaming into forcing to either give the information about the offender, or force them to ban the player, or face legal charges and fines for “protecting violent behavior”. All it takes, is one person to be willing to spend an evening on the police to do it. To close this matter, as far as I know, there are around 7 cases with open investigation for such, 2 of them in Germany, 1 in France, the rest in Belgium or the Czech Republic, and the mentioned accounts have a permanent suspension currently.

Hall of Shame

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest Hall of Shame! You waited for it, you asked for it and here it is. But not just that. This time, it’s different. This time, we’ll be actually DOING something about that. What exactly? That will be revealed in the next (separate) post, but I think you’ll like it. Plus, there will be bonus codes in it for you, so stay tuned – and for now, enjoy the gallery of WoT filth, knowing that soon, those HoS members from CW campaign participating clans will be specifically targetted first since the campaign is time-limited and we wouldn’t want them to make too many fame points now, would we? The Great Crusade (hehe) starts soon and you are all cordially invited :) PS: don’t forget that WoT is a perfect family game :) Let’s start with something light, as always. This guy got shot by an arty and sure got angry.

Hall of Shame: Credit Card Thief Edition

Hello everyone, sometimes, but extremely rarely, an e-mail reaches me and after I read it, I have absolutely no words. I have to close it, open it again and make sure I did read it correctly. In this case, I… well… I’ll just translate it. Incredible. As you can see, it’s a screenshot from a support ticket. Don’t ask me how I got it. Patrik343: “Hello, on my way home, I found a credit card lying on the street. I took it and I tried to pay in World of Tanks shop with it. And now, my account is blocked because of stupid 650 CZK. I hope it will get solved soon, my account is blocked and I want to play, I am nervous about it.” Support: “Hello, thank you for contacting us. Using a credit card without its owner’s permission is a crime in most of the countries. What happened here was that the card owner contacted the bank and requested the cancelling of all operations, that happened after the card was lost. In order to have the access to your account restored, you will have to purchase again the goods, the payment of which was cancelled. The goods were as follows: 1000 gold 1000 gold SU-85i 500 gold The total sum is 21,04 EUR. It is possible to purchase a larger bundle (for example 10000 gold), after the payment goes through, the value of the gold owed will be removed from total gold sum and after that, the account will get unblocked. Contact us further after the payment of at least 21,04 EUR goes through, we can continue after that.” I mean… wow. How dumb and nasty do you have to be to do this kind of stuff? This fucker should get his account permabanned and he should be reported to police for credit card fraud. Incredible.

Hall of Shame

Hello everyone, welcome, to yet another Hall of Shame. It’s been a while since the last one and there is a reason for it. The reason was that a couple of Russian mod makers were developing a mod specifically for this “occasion”. What this mod does is it takes lists of names from Hall of Shame and – if the user of the mod enters a battle and a HoS player is present – it immediately reports them automatically for “unsportsmanlike behavior” or for “insults/provocation”. If many people use this mod, many reports will accumulate and it’s completely possible to have the Hall of Shame members banned and/or chatbanned (even repeatedly and/or permanently). A prototype of the mod is already functional, but there are bugs still and its development was delayed by summer vacations – once the bugs get removed, the mod will be released to public with everyone who ever appeared in the Hall of Shame listed. I do believe this solution is more elegant than any teamkilling or anything like that. Mod will work for both US and EU server (possibly for ASIA, that was not yet tested). With that being said, let’s get to it :) Be warned, below this line there is some of the worst scum WoT has to offer.

Hall of Shame no more…

Hello everyone, after (literally) weeks of considering the matter, I have decided to drop the Hall of Shame altogether, despite the outcome of the previous poll. On one hand, it was fun, but I feel that it adds nothing to FTR anymore. I will ask you not to submit any more idiots per mail of Facebook anymore. It is my belief that even the clans, harboring most retards (EFE, FAME and others) don’t need further promotion anyway, everyone knows what kind of people they are anyway. I hope you understand my decision. SS

Hall of Shame – Clanwars Nazi Edition

Hello everyone, so, I have this huge folder, containing material for Hall of Shame. Normally, when someone sends me a picture, I simply save it there, but every now and then something so vile comes along that it needs to be displayed as soon as possible. Meet Czech clan “No Respect” (_LOL_). Yesterday, they were playing clanwars against Polish clan The Herd and… well, you be the judge. Despite his “Polish-sounding nickname” (explanation: that’s generic Polish term for “opponent”), the nazi is Czech as well. I think all the offenders from the screenies should be permabanned and the entire clan banned from clanwars forever (KakaCZ is the clan deputy commander for heavens sake…)   The Polish text is googletranslated obviously. The Czech text means: “Hey you jewish swine, climb out of your hole, fucker” and “I will send you a nice German shell”