Hello everyone,
I am sure you will be just thrilled to know that stronk EU portal programmink is back. Had this issue yesterday as well (“I want English, goddamn it, not Polish!”). Thanks to Falindria for the screenie.
Hello everyone,
once again it’s the time to thank the contributors, it’s you who keep FTR running after all! This time, following people donated via Paypal:
Krakonfour (France)
Krakonfour also wanted me to post the link to his modpack – here it is: it’s a modpack created especially for weak and slow computers. It reduces texture quality amongst other things. I tried it out, the FPS increase on my bad computer was significant. If you are having FPS trouble and you simply can’t set your game any lower, try it out!
Thanks a lot!
The best way to help me and FTR is via the Patreon service
This is the Patreon account of For the Record. In case you read this for the first time and feel like contributing, here is an explanation what it is, how it works and how to contribute. You can find a list of all those, who pledged and help to keep FTR running here.
Thank you all!
One more important thing.
You might have noticed that cca 2 weeks ago, someone pledged 1000 USD to me on Patreon. I am not sure who that is, I tried to contact that person, but given the fact that it’s a lot of money and you just don’t give that away without an explanation and also due to the fact the entire system is purely voluntary (there is no “check” whether you really want to give anything or even have that money), I do have a reason to believe this pledge will not go through (I like to be pleasantly surprised as any other guy, but I am also a realist). To that end, I already contacted Patreon support to actually ask that account themselves, but at this moment, I think it’s realistic to assume that the pledge is still at the “old” sum, minus that 1k – so you know I don’t make a ton of money off FTR (I had such e-mails and comments), because I don’t.
Send your 9.1 replays at darthworas@gmail.com!
Hello everyone,
today, we’re going to have a look at another Czechoslovak post-war project, although this time, it’s from the 80′s. It was developed under the code name of STROP (“ceiling”).
By the time the idea that the Czechoslovak army should get a new AA vehicle was mentioned in the 70′s, the army was still equipped with the legendary vz.53/59 twin 30mm self-propelled AA autocannon on Praga chassis, also known as “Ještěrka” (lizard) – why was it legendary? This vehicle was extremely rugged and found its way all across the globe. This wheeled SP-AA vehicle did however some notable flaws, that were relevant to the Czechoslovak army. For starters, it could be operated in areas affected by WMD’s. Its targetting system could not be connected to the effective command structure to the army and the gunner of the vehicle is practically exposed to shell fragments and small arms fire.
And thus an idea was born to provide the army with something more effective in the AA role. However, the research was complicated, took time and so it was only in 1981 when it was finally decided to properly modernize the aging “Ještěrka” AA vehicle. The development was further complicated by the fact that the at that point, indigenous AA autocannons were not being developed for quite some time and that the electronics industry was not properly developed either.
In the end, the task to create a new AA vehicle was given to the Research Institute 010, specifically its 01 Department in Slavičín, in the cooperation with Research Institute 060 in Vyškov and other 010 departments. The project recieved a code name “STROP”. The task for these institutes from 1982 was “to propose a modern AA system, that can be manufactured from parts provided by Czechoslovak industry only and by the end of 1984 to build and trial a prototype”.
Hello everyone,
need a freecam mod (free camera in replays) for 0.9.1? Here it is, thanks to Stormshadow:
Just download it and copy the archive contents into the res_mods folder. It’s activated by pressing F3 I think.
Control schematics:
Activation: F3 Key (unlock cam first with LMB click)
Bind to vehicle = N
Show Gun Marker = H
Show Marker = U
Set default Roll = R
Switch Inertia = P
Switch Land Camera = X
Switch Rotate Around Point = C
Set default Fov (Field of View) = F
Hello everyone,
this is a completely pointless piece of information, but it’s still somewhat interesting. Ever wondered, how Wargaming introduced the football mode ball into the game? Check this out.
Recognize this? This is the T-50-2, the former Soviet tier 5 light tank, that was removed from the game (and replaced by the MT-25), but its files are still present within the client, so, if you want to, you can view it for example using a Tank Viewer. Or, can you? The configuration depicted above is the elite configuration, but what happens when you switch the turret to stock?
That’s right… the ball, you are pushing around in the football mode is nothing else than a remodelled stock T-50-2 turret :) My guess is that the developers didn’t want to waste client space on yet another separate object and therefore chose to remodel a turret of a tank, that will not be ever used again (although – if alternative hulls are implemented – it might appear as one for the T-50). The ball has the nominal amount of 37mm of armor.
My another guess is that this was discovered as a by-product of the “ripped off turret” research, when the turret physics were modelled and the devs found out that they could have some fun with ripped off turrets – I remember reading of a case where two developers played some sort of “football” with a small turret during the development of this option and I guess that’s where this came from. Actually, it’s a pretty smart solution and the football idea was pretty funny.
If only it was not infested by AFK’ers, who use it to train that one crewmember… :(
Hello everyone,
botting is a constant, yet unfortunately underestimated, issue in World of Tanks (detection of bots is actually really not that hard, someone with 300 battles within 24 hours is probably not a human being, it can be verified otherwise). A lots of people seem to think that “a good bot is better than a noob” – a notion, which is actually false and quite dangerous.
- a bot does not learn, while a bad player can improve
- any player speaks their own language and can be told to and advised, a bot cannot – this is not so hard, if you see an exposed flank and a player with a name of something like PragueLoverCZ, there is a good chance this guy is Czech, so you can tell him “Praguelover jed na levo, mas tam nepritele!” (Praguelover, go left, there is an enemy!) – or just “vlevo!” (left), it works
- a bot cheats (you can’t “surprise” a bot, when you appear behind him, the program automatically knows about you), yes, but is not capable of solving any tactical situations
The video that follows is from Russian server and shows exactly the last case. An AT-2 in the video is a bot. An AT-2 is also a pretty tough bastard – a top tank of the team and he is facing only lowtier opposition. With a bit of skilled play, it is fully capable of deciding the battle! But, unfortunately, it’s a bot, so that’s not going to happen. See for yourself how one bot on team (that stays alive because it’s programmed to camp) can screw the entire battle by stupid behavior.
Notice the conflict in the program where the bot can’t choose a target and gets stuck in the middle.
A bot is a NPC. If I wanted to fight NPC’s, I’d be playing Skyrim.
Source: VK Wotleaks community
Hello everyone,
as you know since yesterday, the Murovanka map is going to be reworked and it’s going to be made bigger (from 800*800 to 1000*1000). Here’s how it’s going to look, when both minimaps are compared. Note the landscape changes and additional cover for the southern base.
Source: Wotleaks VK community
Hello everyone,
this is not a hundred percent confirmed information, but it looks like the Murovanka map will get an overhaul in 9.2 For one, it will be made bigger from 800×800 to 1000×1000, there will also be more houses for cover and the landscape was changed a bit as well. A minimap model was leaked:
Hello everyone,
game portal MMORPG.com is giving out invite codes for US server only. This invite code contains:
- T2 Light Tank
- 3 days of premium
- 500 gold
IMPORTANT – this code is NOT FOR EXISTING ACCOUNTS, it’s for creating new accounts only. If you do not need it, do NOT waste it please, be considerate and leave it for someone who does.