Straight Outta Supertest: PvE and Huge Map


Hello everyone,

Wargaming is currently testing a huge (2x2km) version of the Ensk map. There are three bases on it. It is used for a special “defense of the palace” PvE mode – players are in the middle (in the city) and the other side (bots) are arriving in waves from various sides, trying to capture the three bases. The main goal is to kill all the bots. The bases are not equal, one of them allows players to respawn.

Here’s a minimap of the mode:


Apart from the waves, there is also a “convoy” of bots, heading from point A to B (upper left corner). If it is not destroyed and arrives successfully, a wave of boss tanks spawns. The mode is played on tier 8 tanks with practically unlimited ammo. The arrows on the minimap represent the waves of bots and their directions. There is also apparently a special “wave” of artillery, moving in from points 6 to the ares not far from it.

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Tiger #250001 Found

Some Russian archaeologists were digging around Leningrad looking for bodies of soldiers that went missing during the war, to re-bury with proper military honours. As it happens in this sort of expeditions, they came across a bunch of odd bits and bobs that set off the metal detector. However, once a part that could be identified was found, the tank was identified as a Tiger. That part also carried a rather special serial number.


Tiger #250001, the first serial production Tiger. The history of this vehicle is well known. This first Tiger was made in May of 1942, drove around for thousands of kilometers (not without numerous parts replacements, of course) at Kummersdorf, and was then sent to Leningrad with three other Tigers. All four were knocked out. The Germans managed to recover three, but the last one remained in No Man’s Land for months, without any interest from the Soviets. Eventually, the Germans blew up the abandoned tank, “sparing no expense on explosives” according to the archaeologists. This is what they’ve managed to find so far:

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Weekly FTR Contributor Review

Hello everyone,

once again it’s the time to thank the contributors, it’s you who keep FTR running after all!

This time, following people donated via Paypal:

Stoertebecker (EU server, Germany)
SlabakBG (EU server, Bulgaria)
Taggeth (NA server, United States)

Thank you, guys, I really appreciate it, as always.

The best way to help me and FTR is via the Patreon service

This is the Patreon account of For the Record. In case you read this for the first time and feel like contributing, here is an explanation what it is, how it works and how to contribute. You can find a list of all those, who pledged and help to keep FTR running here.

Thank you all!

“How we make WoWs: Export Automatization and Content Verification” – Part 2


Part 1 can be found here.

Looking under the hood

In our game studio, we actively use Python scripts. We tried to make the entire exporter using them. Naturally, Python is not suitable to work with large sets of binary data, such as vertex buffers, index buffers etc. The data model and serializers of such buffers were implemented using C++ in the form of a library (.pyd), which in a way “wrote into” the data model under Python. The entire business-logic was made in Python.

The exporter framework was planned to be used not only during “manual” export from Maya, but for any tasks where its functions could be re-used, such as the automatic verification of content. When it comes to any developer tool, we need to have it interfaces (API) for Python, a command line and UI tools.

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Hungarian Branch in WoT – Part 4: Tas medium tank

Author: Karika

Part I
Part II: Light tanks
Part III: Turán medium tanks


In this part, we’ll take a look at how could the Hungarian Tas medium tank be implemented into WoT. Everything is the same as in the previous articles: I will try not to predict game parameters (health points or alpha damage) and the balance parameters (radiorange, RoF, etc.) would not necessarely be implemented as I listed them below.

Please note that these are only the historical characteristics, the would be implemented tanks could get unhistorical stuff as a last resort, if the game balance requires it.

Unfortunately, Hungary did not produce a tank, which would perfectly fit in the in-game tier 6 slot. Therefore, to avoid implementing non-domestical or unhistorically overbuffed tanks into the Hungarian tech tree, I separated the Tas medium tank into two. In my opinion, this is the least bad solution. Let me show you my idea:

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Meanwhile in Russia…


In the south of the Krasnoyarsk region, a farmer by the name of Ivan Ivanov is using an old T-62 tank (or so they claim, I think it’s just a T-54/55) to plow fields (he gets hired by other companies to do it for them). The vehicle is capable of reaching speeds of 20-22 km/h on the field. It was actually the dream of his father to rebuild a tank to farming equipment, the conversion was home-made by the farmer himself (by removing the turret and installign a Kirovets tractor superstructure) and proved to be an excellent piece of farming equipment, exceeding a regular tractor several times. It consumes 70 liters of fuel per hour, which is, according to Ivan Ivanov’s customers, economical, because a regular tractor would take 8 hours to plow the same field a tank can plow in one. Ivanov got the tank after the 90′s army reduction as surplus.

Invite Codes

Hello everyone,

a couple of invite codes from adsads, one person who wanted to stay anonymous, sabaluigi and all the rest of the guys (I tried to redistribute some codes based on the demand)


Straight Outta Supertest: M3 Grant


First of the upcoming Firefly branch vehicles for 9.5 is the M3 Grant.



American medium tank M3 of the first series, built specifically for the export to Great Britain according to the customer’s needs. In British army, he recieved the General Grant (Grant I) designation. 1685 tanks of this type were built in total.

The statistics are for 100 percent crew.

Tier 4 MT
Hitpoints: 320
Engine: 410hp
Weight: 29,975 tons
Power-to-weight: 13,68 hp/t
Maximum speed: 39/16 km/h
Hull traverse: 42 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,055/2,205

Hull armor: 50,8/38,1/?

Gun: 75mm M2
Damage: 110/110/75
Penetration: 90/102/38
ROF: 17,381
Accuracy: 0,451
Aimtime: 1,73s
Depression: -9/+20
Traverse: 30 deg

Gun: 75mm M3
Damage: 110/110/75
Penetration: 92/109/38
ROF: 20,857
Accuracy: 0,393
Aimtime: 2,01s
Depression: -9/+20
Traverse: 30 deg

Gun: 6pdr Mk.III
Damage: 75/75/100
Penetration: 105/170/30
ROF: 26,071
Accuracy: 0,403
Aimtime: 2,21s
Depression: -9/+20
Traverse: 30 deg

Viewrange: 325
Radiorange: ?

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Straight Outta Supertest: STA-2 Changes

Source: FTA VK community

Hello everyone,

on the supertest server, STA-2 upcoming tier 8 premium Japanese medium tank was buffed thus:

- DPM buffed from 2029,3 to 2115,1
- reload time buffed from 7,096 to 6,808
- ROF buffed from 8,456 to 8,813
- aimtime buffed from 2,21 to 2,11
- accuracy loss from moving a turred buffed by cca 20 percent
- hitpoints buffed from 1400 to 1420
- repair costs very slightly nerfed

New vehicle statistics are like this:

Tier 8 MT
Hitpoints: 1420
Engine: 500hp
Weight: 34 tons
Power-to-weight: 14,71 hp/t
Maximum speed: 45/20 km/h
Hull traverse: 44 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,055/1,918

Hull armor: 45/35/?
Turret armor: 70/60/?

Gun: 90mm
Damage: 240
Penetration: 185,9
DPM: 2115,1
ROF: 8,813
Accuracy: 0,355
Aimtime: 2,11s
Depression: -10
Turret traverse: 43,8 deg/s

Viewrange: 380
Radiorange: 720