Occulus Rift Mod for World of Tanks – Part 3 (with Download)

Part 1: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2015/01/30/occulus-rift-mod-for-world-of-tanks-part-1-with-download/
Part 2: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2015/02/03/occulus-rift-mod-for-world-of-tanks-part-2-with-download/

Check this out – you can download the mod here:

English instructions
The mod itself

Okay, before we finish our story, one thing first – a footage of gameplay with this mod by player “shwhjw” with commentary (in English).



Okay, let’s finish this :)

Camera control

Occulus doesn’t serve only as an output (display), but also as an input device. As an input, the device uses a space orientation quaternion (in case of DK1 and HD Prototype – a matrix). That’s why we wanted to use this data not only to position the UI, but also to operate the cameras.

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E-25 Possible Size Nerf

Hello everyone,

if you read the FTR evening QA regularily, you might have noticed one thing: Storm admitting that the E-25 is way too small. Or – to be specific: he did not admit it, he just listed the ingame client sizes. The thing is… those sizes do not match the bible of German armor design, the Panzer Tracts series of books by Hilary Doyle (who – in case you don’t know the name – is the most respected authority on German wartime vehicles in the world). Let’s have a look at how the sizes compare number-wise:

Ingame width according to Storm: 2,78 meters
Real width according to Doyle (PT 20-1): 3,41 meters

Ingame height according to Storm: 1,75 meters
Real height according to Doyle (PT 20-1): 2,03 meters

Ingame hull length according to Storm: 4,5 meters
Real hull length according to Doyle (PT 20-1): 5,66 meters

But how would such change look on the model? Well, Pantheist (EU) made a comparison, using the numbers above and made a model of how it would actually look, if the vehicle was made larger.


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- it’s quite likely that compared to the first version on supertest, the Mäuschen will be nerfed
- splitting patch 0.9.7 into with the French and other features and with HD models (to reduce the individual patch sizes) is not an option
- the act alone of entering a battletogether with a friend by coordinating pressing the battle button by a countdown and pressing it at the same time is not against the game rules
- WG is allegedly capable of finding game riggers from ingame logs without having to see replays
- Individual missions are fine, but they will be polished more in the future
- Evilly states that if you encounter players rigging battles, you should write a support ticket (SS: on EU this is not working apparetly)

Posted in Q&A

T 40 Medium Tank and TVP Evolution in General

Hello everyone,

this article will partially deal with the “newly found” Czechoslovak premium candidate, the T 40 medium tank and some issues, that come with it in the Czechoslovak branch. The Czechoslovak hightier composition evolved like this:

My original concept was:

Premium: TVP Concept (the earliest proposal by the military for a medium tank from early 1946), previously I designated it “TVP Model 1946)
Tier 8: T 50 (previously T-50, but the dash is not there really), in which I included Dubánek’s Škoda proposal from late 1946 as its “stock” variant. When the project was distributed between Škoda and Praga (ČKD), the “T 50″ was a designation assigned to the Škoda project, while the Praga project was designated T 51 (it was somewhat different, for example it only had 5 roadwheels and pike nose armor, not unlike the IS-3)

At that time, the amount of data, available about both the Concept and the “T 50″ was limited to one book and thus, alternative were sought for the Czechoslovak premium slots, spawning the ideas of T-40/75 (Czech-modified Panzer IV), Cromwell (pure clone), T-34/85 or the Tiger with Škoda turret (which, while technically a heavy tank, was, as a desperate measure, considered to be allowed to train medium tank crews as well).

A short intermezzo, regarding the names of these tanks, because they surely can be confusing. The general name of the program is TVP (“tank všeobecného použití” – “tank for general use”) – so, when you say “TVP”, it doesn’t really mean one specific tank, it means the entire program, it’s like if you said “medium tank program”. Various stages of this program had various names and some did not have any names at all – the VTU proposal for example, which I then named first the “TVP Model 1946″ (after the year the drawing was proposed) or (later on), “TVP Concept”, which is in my opinion more fitting. But again, there is no official name. On the other hand, the designations T 40, T 50 and T 50/51 are historical. Please note that the numbers in this case do NOT mean weight (like they did in German VK series, althought the T 40 coincidentally weighs roughly 40 tons), nor do they mean a year. They are just numbers.

Right, back to the TVP program. The week before the meeting with Wargaming took place, Mr.Tintěra (Czech historian, that is helping Wargaming with the vehicles) found something interesting in the archives – the entire official name is “Combat Vehicle Škoda T 40″ and it’s a very early part of the TVP program (basically a reply on the initial VTU proposal from Škoda). It was looking very exciting, but I got to see it only after the meeting with WG guys, because instead of sending the large files per internet, Mr.Tintěra decided to bring it on the flash drive.

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Straight Outta Supertest: New Motion Physics

Source: FTA VK community

Hello everyone,

yestarday, a new motion physics system appeared on supertest of the first time. Obviously, it’s pretty hard to explain (even show on video) how different the vehicles feel, so I’m just going to put here the summary, that was published earlier.

- all the tanks now have better terrain passability, medium tanks can now climb practically everywhere
- it’s possible to flip tanks on their roof now
- it’s possible to make a “U turn” by using a handbrake
- a tank can move on one track for a couple of meters after it gets detracked, but you can’t steer if I understand correctly
- it’s possible for a tank to “rise” their frontal part during a collision, exposing their thin bottom armor – it’s completely possible to shoot them there
- braking became more difficult in some cases, it’s no longer possible to just stop from 60 km/h, there’s a chance that if you try, you’ll end up drifting
- it’s now easier to drive on the top of the enemy tank
- if you flip your tank on the roof, your ammo rack can explode

The leakers also speculate that the public physics test (scheduled for February) could be postponed to March, but this is not sure. The current iteration is very raw and unoptimized however.


You might have seen it on forums earlier, but it’s confirmed: the “Sisterhood of Steel” of girl crewmembers is compatible (activates) with BIA (basically, if you replace one crewmember in a BIA crew with a girl with SOS, BIA will activate). It is however possible this will be removed, as it was not intentional.

Update: Confirmed, it’s a visual bug of the client, that displays incorrect boost, that’s not there in reality

- Storm will investigate whether the Maus mantlet looks correctly in the game
- it’s not possible to say, how many HD models will appear in 9.7, as a few days ago, they removed some of the HD models from the build, because the patch was too big
- Storm confirms that developers are working on a completely new mode
- T54E2 and AMX 65T in the game? Storm: “I cannot say. Anything can happen :)”
- for now, the E50M will not be replaced (even though it’s a fake), because there are no suitable candidates for replacement
- E-25 to be made bigger (to its historical dimensions) when it gets reworked to HD? “Unfortunately, I cannot tell you anything.” (SS: from “inside sources”, this is actually a very radioactive topic, as it would be a defacto nerf of a very popular premium vehicle)
- T-54 armor change when it was reworked to HD did not reduce its popularity, it was actually increased (related to the pretty new HD model)
- Storm confirms that the Havok situation is complicated, when it comes to destructable buildings. They’ll work on it nonetheless.
- Char 2C model was made in 2012
- alternative hulls will come in distant future

Posted in Q&A

Is AMX CDC Worth the Hype? Comparison with AMX 50T

Hello everyone,

okay, let’s make a small experiment. Here’s a video from Sir_Havoc. He’s not a really big videomaker yet, but I had a look at some of his videos and I rather like them. He’s an okay player too. The thing is, it’s possible he’s wrong on some accounts – so let’s give him a feedback to become even better. What do you think about his video? Did he forget something? What would you improve?


“Developer Time” Q&A

Source: VK Express community

Hello everyone, another “Developer Time” show took place on the Wargaming radio (RU only), here’s a transcript. Today’s topic was “graphics”. Answering were two guys – one a video-making derpartment developer (derpveloper?) and the other guy is from the game engine derpartment and deals with graphics.

- the derpartment of the graphics engine development consists of 15 people, but not all deal with the development directly. This is the “skeleton crew”.
- at first, the developer video about how to improve FPS was 30 minute long, but they had to cut it down to 15 minutes (SS: the video can be found here along with some translations, it was never made in English)
- in the future (summer of 2015), WG is planning series of videos, the topic of which will be “how to improve your FPS”
- there will also be an independent video (not tied to WoT), where various aspects of your computer will be explained: how to optimize its running, how to set the graphics, how to clean it, how to update your drivers etc.

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