Competition rigging – Aftermath

This article is the continuation of the first part.

Summary: Player KingAlphyn from US server was caught rigging a contest. After a shitstorm of moderate magnitude on US forums, he logged on and confessed he did it – not only that, he confessed to do it successfuly in the past. See for yourself:


With that being out of the table, I am sure he will face some sort of punishment by Wargaming. In the aftermath of this confession, questions were raised about other clans doing the same thing by other US forumgoers. Looks like US server gets its competition scandal after all. But that is really not the problem.

The problem is: how can we trust any Wargaming competition after this? I am not referring to some Wargaming-organized rigs, no. Simple negligence to check whether the results were in order by demanding to see replays from the winners.

Since the mechanism of the competition is the same on US and EU server, we might also assume some of the results in the EU competitions were also rigged this way. It’s logical after all – unless you are stupid and submit an obviously rigged result (like 15 kills in a tier 10 vehicle or something), there is no way they can catch you, unless they specifically check the replays. This automatic XP reward system BEGS to be exploited and it’s only natural some players take advantage of it. This is not in any way excusing the culprits – of course cheaters should be punished! But it is the nature of some people to try to exploit the system, this is inevitable.

This fail doesn’t only fall on the head of the cheaters, but on Wargaming. Sure, you might say “hey, but they are so nice, they give us the chance to win something – and you are being ungrateful!” No. What they are giving us is the illusion of a winning chance – and that’s lame. If I was to take this argument to absurd conclusions, they might as well distribute the prizes to random big clans, the result would probably be similar.

What can be done about this?

Two things.

First – and the most obvious one – would be to return to the old system, where replays had to be submitted. That would obviously eliminate most of such attempts, because even if they weren’t ALL thoroughly checked: would you really take that chance?

Second – cancel this type of competitions altogether. Instead, make the prizes lot smaller, but permanent. For example: 50 gold for – let’s say – 1000+ raw XP battle (depending on tier, this would have to be tested). How many of those do average players have? 1-2 per month? This would make checking for cheating easier. Statistically, various winrate categories have various amounts of such battles. If a player consistently gains more gold than he’s supposed to for his winrate, it would trigger the alarm and that player would get scrutinized (WG employees can pull out virtually any data from their database). If found cheating, he (and his accomplices!) would be banned (let’s say for a week during first offense, two months during second offense and permabanned during third).

Just a thought, anyway.


First: an invite code for US players (sorry, US server only): (thanks to Mister_Red for this one)
Some interesting links:
Listy’s article on WW1 tank combat:
Listy’s article on one of the armored trains:

Now, back to regular Q&A :)

- damage your shells inflict does not depend on range of the shot (SS: damage doesn’t drop with range, unlike penetration)
- there are no plans for a TD nerf for now – “if it is needed, there will be one”
- Q: “Are you happy with 0.8.6?” A: “We’ll see in a week or two. Payments go up – we’ll be happy, payments go down – we won’t.”
- related to previous question Q: “So, the project will live while the payments keep on coming? (with hope and a bit of irony)” A: “Why irony? That’s how life works.”
- the SAU40, ARLv39, AMX AC48 miniturrets are armed with a variety of weapons, from Hotchkiss MG’s to 20mm autocannons
- when 112 comes out, it does mean that there will be two T8 Chinese heavy tanks on Chinese server (112 and WZ-111): “They need it.”
- SerB thinks that when Westwood made their Soviet double-barelled tanks for Red Alert, they most likely didn’t know about the ST-II tank (SS: twin-barelled 122mm ST-I)
- SerB doesn’t ride bike (but many other WG employees in Minsk do), he uses mostly train to travel between Moscow, Minsk and Kiev
- apparently the difference of British arties from other arties is that “the British arty crews get served tea with pudding”
- this applies to RU server only I believe: SerB doesn’t recommend making forum accounts with “SerB” as a nickname and with SerB’s avatar (or something similiar), because you could be banned for impersonating a developer (SS: and because impersonating WG staff can be uncovered quite easily, right, Kewei? :) )
- SerB doesn’t think arty was overnerfed
- if you don’t like the dynamic camera, SerB suggests you disable it
- tier 8 premium with autoloader? “When there is one, I will tell”

PS: just a reminder guys, if you want to help FTR out, disable your AdBlock :) Thank you.

Competition rigging on US server

So, remember how I told you a few days back about competition rigging and how to do it?

To recap quickly: basically, if you want to rig a competition, you make as many platoons of you and your friends and possible, log in during low population hours – and there is a really good chance that all those platoons will end up in one game, especially on not-so-populated lower tiers (although technically lower tiers are the most populated tiers in the game, they are played thru the day, because only “hardcore” people play deep in the night – and those actually play high tiers only).

Few weeks ago, US server (just like EU and RU servers) hosted an XP competition. You know, the “have the most XP on new vehicles and get rewards” one. That one the concerned the new Soviet light tanks plus the German tanks.

Long story short, a player named KingAlphyn (clan leader of PUPEH) fixed the competition, using the method described above.

First, he logged into battle with many platoons of his clanmembers:

KingAlphyn 1

Then, he and his squad of goons fixed the battle so that he gets to kill everyone:

KingAlphyn 2

In the battle, he “scored” 12 kills:

KingAlphyn 3

Here, the results of the battle (notice the XP amount he got):

KingAlphyn 4

And… voila! Instant competition victory (same XP amount, so this battle was used to win):

KingAlphyn 5

So, KingAlphyn gets to enjoy the top prize (Type 59 or 5000g, I can’t remember). Makes you wonder… since the WG folks don’t check even the overall winning replays, what ELSE is rigged? And does it even make sense to participate in such events, when it’s so easy to do this and if not for the “detective” work of several players, he’d have gotten away with it?

I really hope he gets banned…


Hello everyone,

you might have noticed I have put up a new poll. We’ll get to that in a second. The results of the one I just closed were actually better than I expected, very few people consider this new interface to be outright bad. TBH, while the start had some small issues (the comments for example) and I do miss certain functions from the blogspot (the look was easier to modify and there was the function to see exactly the page where the visitors are coming from – google analytics doesn’t have that, as far as I can see, only the general source), I do believe everything is working pretty smoothly right now. So – thanks everyone for your continued support :)

To the new poll: it is confirmed that the next tree to appear in World of Tanks will be the Japanese tanks (possibly very late 2013 or early 2014, given the fact that WG ran into some problems when gathering sources, the latter is more probable). Apparently, two branches (19 tanks) will initially be implemented: a light/medium mix and a heavy branch.

What are your thoughts about that? Are you looking forward to it?


- Storm himself in’t happy with the 0.8.6 sounds. Some sounds will be reworked or moved back to the 0.8.5 version in 0.8.7 (namely the tank being hit and explosion sounds).
- the T-44 will have the sound of shifting gears and various engine RPM sound on various speed implemented, based on real life T-44 sounds
- apparently, the Russian weekend event with double XP/income for top players is VERY popular
- Wargaming’s statistical data on how many people played/play arty won’t be disclosed
- Type 59 won’t be rebalanced (like the Superpershing)
- the fact whether arty gains enough XP per battle in 0.8.6 will be known after 2 weeks or so (when first statistic results come in)
- Storm states that it is not true that the 0.8.6 brought reduced performance (FPS) for a lot of people. In fact, he says it’s the other way around, 0.8.6 increased FPS for a lot of people (SS: including me), if you have lower FPS in 0.8.6, Storm suggests to write a support ticket and ask there. Otherwise the complaints on FPS drops are normal after each patch.
- upcoming patches will bring new game features and optimalisations
- Pz38H (“Micromaus”) had its MM weight reduced
- general light tank rebalance is not planned
- it’s possible destructible sand hills (SS: not sure what exactly is meant here, but I don’t think it’s the terrain dunes, more like small sand terrain features) will be introduced, but not soon
- dynamic amount of complaints per day (SS: the more you play, the more times you can report someone in game) will not be introduced for now


- Storm confirmed that tank destroyers keep their better camo coefficients than the rest of the vehicles despite camo coefficient’s rebalance to fit it to the vehicle dimensions
- when considering rebalance of vehicles, the current principles stay the same as before
- contrary to earlier reports, the new 0.8.6 shell distribution (AKA “increased accuracy”) DOES apply to arty also, the arty accuracy nerf was actually meant as a balance so that their accuracy remains the same
- King Tiger is “too small” for the superheavy spall liner
- it’s possible to delete the content of X:\Games\World of Tanks\Updates folder safely, those are just old files
- the miniquests (“combat tasks”) won’t be permanent, WG will continually introduce new ones and remove the old ones
- there were rumors that the new map will be called “mansion” – that is not the case
- Storm when asked whether he likes new sounds: “50/50″
- some players were whining about TD’s being the new arties (too many), Storm thinks it’s BS (“Give me 10 screenshots of 10 battles on tier 10, that follow each other, with 7-10TD’s in every team. If you don’t, I will ban you – ok?”
- historical “normalisation” on Soviet guns varied a lot, it was from 0 to 7-8 degrees (SS: “normalisation” effect – improving the impact angle – was archieved by soft-capped shells, that partially deformed upon impact and “chewed” into armor)
- for now it’s not yet decided, whether a special MM rule, forcing the same type of top tanks in both teams will be implemented (SS: so that one team doesn’t have two T10 heavies and the other two T10 arties)
- special map-based MM (SS: for example heavies often having maps with more cover) will not be implemented
- so far, Storm thinks the accuracy wasn’t overbuffed, but he will keep an eye on statistics
- the Westfield bridge was repaired only for the assault mode
- shell distribution within the aim circle IS dependent on the gun accuracy. A gun with 0.33 accuracy will have more shells flying straight to the center than a 0.4 gun.
- official shell velocity data won’t be made public
- British and German tanks won’t recieve any buff to compensate for the fact that now ALL the tanks are reasonably accurate and not just them
- if you hit enemy tracks and recieve “that one bounced” sound, even though you detracked the enemy, it’s not a bug, it means that the shell didn’t penetrate the armor behind the tracks
- Q: “Is it true that at this moment, WoT is more popular than World of Warcraft or Counterstrike?” A: “Depends which parameters you measure.”
- during the announced big rework of game models, both tanks and other objects (houses etc.) will be reworked, but not necesserily at the same time
- the fact some tank has covered tracks by (real life) spaced armor plates doesn’t automatically mean these plates are actually working as extra spaced armor, it’s different with each tank (SS: for example the Schmalturm PzIV side mesh armor doesn’t work), but if it does, then it counts as two layers of spaced armor: one is the plate and one is the track module behind it
- realistic sounds like in Gnomefather’s mod? “We need time to implement such stuff, so we can do it in good quality”
- the reason for the roaming mechanism are clanwars and international championships, roaming in randoms is just a “side-effect”
- SerB states that the current negative reaction on the patch is not unusual: “It’s always like that”, this negative reaction comprises largely of the reluctance to adapt to new conditions
- SerB commenting on the fact that while some vehicles in the game are historical and it’s not a problem, some are not and when players point that out, the reply is “it’s not a simulator”:

“We have a game (a game, not a simulator) based on historical basis. We decide, where the basis ends and the game begins. Yes, whenever we want and however we want.”

- Evilly (RU community chief): it’s still an open question, whether there will be permanent rewards for medals

No credit miniquests for you, bloody capitalists!


Hello everyone,

today, the forums were abuzz with the amazing event action with the miniquests (“combat tasks”), awarding double credit reward to the top 3 players of each team on the battle.

So, you thought you’d be getting that too, EU and NA server? Well, too bad, you ain’t getting anything.

Storm: “There won’t be any such credit miniquests anymore. They are too good. This event will run to the end unchanged. But in the future, we won’t most likely do that. It breaks the economy.”

Wow, what does this remind me of… oh, that’s right, something about some 32pdr shells. No credit event for you, bloody western capitalists!

RU server Operation Bagration event: “miniquests” in action

Hello everyone,

this weekend, RU server has an event, dedicated to operation Bagration (and not Barbarossa, like some jokers suggested). It’s a pretty nice – although standard – event, but the interesting part is the first implementation of the “miniquests” within battles.

In other words:

During this event, top three players of each team, who dealt most damage, get TWICE as much credits for this battle. Also, all players, who gained 500 and more clean XP (eg. without counting in the premium account and daily double) will get TWICE as much XP for that vehicle.

Edit: This miniquest can be repeated (within the timeframe of the event) unlimited number of times and both rewards can add to each other ( in other words, if you consistently gain 500XP+ and are in top 3, you will consistently gain double income and XP)

The second miniquest (XP) is limited however to certain vehicles this event concerns (from tier 5 to tier 7), the first one (credits) is for everyone.