
- the devs are studying the issue with the MM (SS: arty being balanced against heavies)
- VK4502B won’t be buffed, SerB thinks it’s doing fine
- the aim circle won’t apparently be possible to turn on and off
- aim circle is calculated on the server, but the shaking effect is doone by the client (hence it can be turned off) – it’s possible everything will be done server-side at one point, but it’s not certain
- the airplanes collision model on the airport map is fine, you can shoot under its wings – it doesn’t count as a “box”
- SerB doesn’t think that the arty is the most difficult type of vehicle to play for the newbies
- SerB also states that a lot less people than previously will level up the arty branches after 0.8.6 – and that’s a good thing
- When asked when gold actually counts as currency law-wise, SerB answers: “Without going into legal details, gold is an ingame valuable, obtainable for real life money. It has no relation to the gold metal, except for the name.”
- regarding roaming: if you have an account on other server, when roaming is introduced, it will NOT be possible to unify the account on one server with the one on another (SS: in other words, if you are American, but played some battles on SEA server before making a new account on US server, you won’t be able to transfer the tanks from SEA to US account)
- Q: “Guns too accurate in 0.8.6?” A: “How terrible!”
- the delay between the actual detection and the point when the lamp lights up (Sixth sense perk) won’t be reduced
- one of the roaming idea variants is that when a Russian account plays on EU server, the player will have _RU suffix (SS: I have a bad feeling about that…)
- SerB likes comet, but he liked Cromwell even more, he played on it even after he unlocked the Comet
- the reduced shell spread is a final decision, it won’t be removed
- SerB talking about the arty-is-underpowered whiners: “Right now, the arty noobs will be flushed out. After that happens, there will be whine that arty is OP again.”
- there will be no “switch one tier 10 for another tier 10″ possibility implemented
- other territories than Asia will also be made as maps in the future

And, a bonus question by a very “special” Russian player:
Postal_a42: Will there be any special event for 22nd June?
Storm: Don’t you feel ashamed asking such stuff?


Hello everyone,

as some of you might have noticed, there are two adsense banners on FTR from now on – one on the upper side under the main logo picture and one on the very bottom of the page. With that being said, I’d like to ask you guys – if you want to support FTR – to keep the Adblock off for this site. Who knows? You might find something interesting on the banners too :)

Any small profit this might make will be split between me and Edrard, the guy who runs wot-news.

So that’s it, I hope it’s not intrusive too much.

- SS

0.8.6: low FPS? Crashes?

Hello everyone!

For those, who experience FPS drops and crashes in World of Tanks patch 0.8.6, apparently (no guarantee this will work, but it was mentioned by developers), some these crashes are caused by 320 build of Nvidia patches. Try reroll back to 314-316. I am running 314 version and I have no problems (in fact, the game is smoother than it was in 0.8.5 for me).


Storm writes on 0.8.6

Source: http://world-of-kwg.livejournal.com/209159.html

In this post, Storm gathers feedback and answers a few questions about the 0.8.6 patch. From the discussion:

- it’s possible the dynamic camera jerking after shooting (“recoil”) will be removed altogether, devs need more feedback (actually, Storm states that many players like this, because they consider it a part of the shooting experience)
- Storm knows about the mod, removing the aforementioned jerk (SS: it’s the one I linked previously)
- Storm likes the new sounds (SS: and so do I tbh)
- apparently, the effect where for example one team has 2 tier 10 arties and the other 2 tier 10 heavies is NOT desired and it looks like it’ll be dealt with
- Storm will also watch the statistics of the accuracy, it’s too early to tell whether it will stay as it is now, because it’s possible it was overbuffed (specifically, hit statistics, average battle times on various maps and tiers and average tank lifespan)
- apparently, the extended post-battle statistics mod does cause issues in 0.8.6
- the houses in Fjords were slightly moved

Plus, a bunch of SerB photoshops and photos were posted in the thread, such as this one (the T-shirt says “nerf arty!”)

Matchmaker fail in 0.8.6

Source: http://world-of-kwg.livejournal.com/209487.html

Basically, Storm made a post, where he asks people to present MM fail screenshots. Currently, there are apparently some issues with the matchmaker in 0.8.6, namely the fact, that since tier 10 heavies have the same MM weight as tier 10 arties, currently it is possible for one team to have two tier 10 heavies and the other two tier 10 arties. Storm is currently considering what to do with it.

I will follow this post to see, whether they come to some conclusion.


Today’s issue is “interesting”. Basically, what happened: a flood of artywhiners, moaning about arty nerfs started spamming the developer thread and SerB switched to troll mode, as he usually does. Well… you’ll see.

- red screen of death is apparently back for 0.8.6, happens allegedly in sniper mode, the new detail reduction system automatically sets everything to minimum and then crashes. SerB’s answer: “Write a support ticket”
- the shell prices were rebalanced not only based on their damage and penetration, but also based on the type of the gun they are used in. That’s why the (weaker) premium KV-5 shells are more expensive than (stronger) premium KV-4 subcaliber shells.
- devs don’t think the tier 8 premium vehicles with limited MM will suffer from the tier 9 arty (too much)
- further measures to reduce arty amount (SS: RU server reports the same 5v5 arty battles as before)? “If necessery”
- currently it can be assumed, that tier 10 arty is balanced towards tier 10 tanks
- Q: “All the guns now have basically the same accuracy!” (SS: common complain is that the guns are too accurate) A: “How terrible…”
- Q: “Too many fires caused by accurate guns!” A: “How terrible…”
- Q: “Mods not working!” A: “How terrible…”
- Q: “Priest moved to another tier, wtf?” A: “How terrible…” (SS: this question was even in rhymes :) )
- Q: “The amount of arties did not get lower…” A: “How terrible…”

Well, basically, “How terrible…” was the answer on most complaints about 0.8.6. There is a lot of whine, including “hidden arty buff”. Some exchanges are actually really funny:

Player Vesil: “I am quitting the game!” SerB: “How terrible…”
Player Vesil: “You don’t have much of a vocabulary” SerB: “How terrible…”
Player LordStuped: “Do you have to make fun of players, who don’t like the patch?” SerB: “How terrible…”

- Q: “FPS dropped significantly…” A: “How terrible…”

(later, when asked whether he doesn’t respect players, SerB states: “It is necessery to distinguish players and idiots. Those are two (unfortunately still somewhat overlapping) categories. We do respect players, but with idiots it’s not that simple. This (thread trollflood) happens regularily – idiots come here and the thread topic is temporarily exhausted (SS: as in out of order)”)

- ingame penetration indicator works automatically, there is no need to manually adjust values for it
- dynamic camera is apparently fine: “you can turn it off (if you want to)”
- Q: “Why did you decide not to implement the British arty with autoloader?” A: “Beause the arty doesn’t come in this patch.” (SS: not sure what SerB exactly means, probably just a brushoff, either way, the British arty with autoloaders doesn’t appear in the leaked British arty branch)
- it’s possible there will be various sound settings for 2.0, 2.1 and 5.1 sound
- when near tank corpses, jerking of the aim circle left and right is likely the effect of dynamic camera
- 8.7 will be a simple patch, containing apparently only content (vehicles,maps), not functional changes. SerB confirms 8.7 will bring British arty.
- developers won’t be able to judge the effect of 8.6, when 8.7 comes out (SS: meaning it will come soon), the results will most likely be known in 8.8 tho (SS: later, Storm stated that it takes roughly a month to collect the date, it’s therefore logical to assume that the British arty will come within the month)
- the average battle duration is cca 7 minutes and it practically hasn’t changed since the game came out
- developers are considering the implementation of T58 (T57 Heavy with a 155mm gun) – not as a CW reward vehicle, but apparently as a regular one – but SerB states that it’s hard to balance (as in, overpowered)
- shell ejector animation might be added, “when it’s done it’s done”
- Q: “I went thru the thread, not enough concrete answers, just ridicule…” A: “I went thru the thread, not enough concrete questions. How terrible…”
- SerB explains his attitude towards forum whiners: out of all the active players (those who play once per month), only 1/10000 are whiners, who try to pretend to be the “voice of the nation”. SerB finds that amusing.
- Westfield map was changed (SS: not sure I know how exactly, something about the sloped access from the village near the bridge towards the left base being removed), it was intentional
- the game is changed in big patches (rather then series of small minipatches), because: “That’s the general speed of development. The project is complicated, any changes must be accompanied by serious program testing. That’s not possible when doing frequent minipatches.”
- it’s possible the possibility to sell Superpershing for gold will come even after 8.7 – it’s necessery to implement the mechanism for that first. “It’s not a complicated mechanism, but as this matter concerns money, it will have to be tested thoroughly.”
- SerB on arty: “It was created to limit the heavies and especially heavily armored tank destroyers. The changes were designed to reduce arty effectivity against fast vehicles, while keeping the “heavy tank killer” function.”
- SerB doesn’t think the shell distribution within the aim circle will change further
- current maps being developed are mostly based on exotic regions, so that Clanwars maps can use those. Future maps will be more traditional, such as a “USSR city in winter” (this is an example)
- there are still issues with making the friendlist and ignorelist longer, when it comes to easy ignorelist cleaning, the developers are waiting for the new reworked chat, they don’t want any temporary solutions
- 0.8.6 contains no “hidden” changes in engine fire mechanism
- SerB states that FCM50t is doing fine in 0.8.6, players just need to play it properly – as a medium, not as a heavy, it’s sort of “anti-Superpershing”
- there will be no “spring” special camo implemented
- there will be no “art of war” competition for arty, because the devs want to nerf it, not make players play it more
- it’s unlikely that second German TD line will come in upcoming patches, but it will most likely come before the Chinese arty
- MM mechanism itself did not change in 0.8.6
- the exact percentual effect of the camo net will not be disclosed (it’s not confirmed 0.8.6 camo net gives a 25 percent bonus)
- Storm is working on new camo system description article
- it’s not possible to make the dynamic camera not-optional, because that would mean transferring the camera calculations to the server. If it becomes possible, the camera will become compulsory.
- whether your ammorack is full of shells or not (whether you loaded all the shells) has no effect on tank characteristics (doesn’t limit movement like the weight does). This is intentional, so that people wouldn’t go into battle with only a few shells and then screw their team by running around with no ammo
- it’s possible that one of the upcoming patches will contain something to improve the account security (no details yet)
- worldoftanks.ru portal is visited by less than 1 percent of active players
- the gold consumables for 1/2 price can also an experiment (SS: which probably means that if it is successful enough, it will stay)
- functions inspired by some mods will continue to be added, if the mods don’t break the game that is
- further tier9/10 arty nerfs? “If necessery. We decide, what is necessery.”
- devs don’t consider the French premium arty (LeFH) to be directly nerfed, it won’t be possible to sell it for gold – as for mechanism changes (such as accuracy for arties, or the lower 105mm HEAT penetration), those affect more vehicles than just the LeFH, that’s why they are not considered direct nerfs
- Storm states that the sounds of impact were even more “bland” in real life, it’s not like the tank was supposed to “ring” like a bell
- the mechanism of bush camo was not changed from 0.8.5
- no rebalances of light tanks (in connection with the new tier 9/10 arties) are planned
- the E-100 turret moving, that was deemed “too much” earlier will be eventually revisited, but it has very, very low priority
- in 0.8.6, second ricochet of a shell is still impossible
- the developers are tracking the effect of various game changes on the amount of people buying gold
- apparently, there was a second Superpershing historical variant, but the developers decided to implement the one, which they had more data on
- the loader perk Adrenaline Rush 10 percent HP threshold won’t be increased
- according to SerB, the fact that the tank disappears one second after it is lit up can happen, it’s neither a bug, nor a change in 0.8.6
- the “tasks” on test server (SS: you know, the thing where you did recieve ridiculously high rewards for god knows what) was just an experiment
- apparently, voting (about WG matters) in the game won’t be implemented
- the ability to freeze accounts (including the run of premium account, “vacation mode”) will not be available anytime soon – and if it comes in the future, it will be very limited. Freezing only the premium time without freezing the account itself is not even considered
- currently, multi-level water (SS: as in, lakes at various heights, cascades etc.) is technically possible, but it won’t come soon
- Black Prince armor wasn’t changed in 0.8.6
- Storm states that when it comes to vehicle balance and gameplay, the “rock-paper-scissors” principle still remains, just that there are two triangles now (HT-MT-TD and HT-arty-LT) and some of the vehicles are not as firmly belonging to one group as two years before
- developers are aware of the various fan-made trees, they have been corresponding with some sensible discussion participants from the threads dedicated to these fan-made trees. On this, SerB states that players in general have little authentic info on Japanese tech
- Murazor’s (SS: a popular WoT Russian blogger) opinion is apparently not more important to devs than the opinions of other players (SS: parallels can be drawn here with SOME EU/US players, who think they influence WG at every step)
- the “sell this tank for gold” function will be available only in very limited cases when the vehicle characteristics will change significantly, definitely not a standard option
- the top Conqueror turret is balanced as it is apparently (SS: a player was complaining that it is actually worse than the stock turret in some aspects, SerB stated that one has to take into account the armor slope and the fact it can carry a more powerful gun)
- Soviet D-5T-85BM has 10 ROF on T-34/85, 11,11 ROF on T-43 and 10,53 ROF on T-44, apparently this is intentional
- SerB states that skill MM based on some statistics (doesn’t matter what statistics) is technically possible (SS: it will not happen)
- “expert” medals (SS: not sure how they are called in english, master?) do not take premium tanks into account, because some premium tanks are practically impossible to meet in randoms
- the 0.8.6 premium shells for the Konisch gun were “sold” automatically during the patch implementation, because the developers wanted to nerf them, added them to the automatic sell list and in the end didn’t nerf them after all
- open-topped vehicles have better viewrange than other vehicles of their class (!)
- some idiot made a video with him using illegal mods and posted it in the developer thread. Made SerB happy, apparently
- SerB states that as far as he knows, the side mesh screens on Panzer IV Schmalturm do not work as spaced armor, it’s possible they will be added, when all the models will are reworked

Technical: On comments

Hello, everyone

guys, just a small update about the comments under the articles. Look, it’s like this: in the past, I tried not to censor any comments. You can be rude here, but please – within reason. Yesterday, I removed a bunch of all caps spam from under one of the articles. Yes, I am talking about you, Mark Chapman, aka palmnut (same IP). Don’t do that shit again, please. Thanks.

On the matter of spam: as I mentioned when this blog started, Edrard installed a hardcore spam filter (that’s why the comments are still for the unregistered, I think it’s more comfortable that way for everyone). This however means one thing: sometimes legitimate comments do fall into the spam folder. If you post something and don’t see the comment, it doesn’t mean I deleted it, it usually means it was filtered as spam. I go thru spam folder regularily and remove legitimate comments from it.

However, be aware: if you post two links and more in your comment, it will fall into the spam filter AUTOMATICALLY. I know, annoying, but nothing I can do about it, sorry, if it wasn’t this strict, we’d be neck-deep in spam.


71 years ago, this day…

Hello everyone,

this is not something that has anything to do with tanks, more like with WW2 history.

71 years ago, on 18.6.1942, Czechoslovak paratroopers, trained in Great Britain, lost their lives in the Orthodox Cyril and Methodius Church in Resslova street after a firefight with Waffen SS in Prague, after assassinating the notorious cruel nazi monster, Reinhard Heydrich (operation Anthropoid). This act firmly formally estabilished Czechoslovakia as one of the allied countries, fighting against nazi oppression.

If you are interested, you can read more about the operation here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Reinhard_Heydrich

It might not be the most important day in WW2 history, but I do believe these people, who fought for their country, should never be forgotten.

PS: Yea, I screwed the dates first. That’s what you get for trusting your friends and not doublechecking stuff :) Either way, still good to remember those people I think.