- for now, different destructibility of objects (depending on whether they are hit by an AP or HE shell) is not planned
- in arty aim mode, the distance to target is measured as “the length of horizontal trajectory projection”
- apparently, there is an upcoming Russian law, that (under some circumstances) bans pro-gay propaganda (SS: at least that’s how I understood it, didn’t really bother with finding out more). In connection with that SerB states that it’s not their business to deal with clans, that have pro-gay names and tells players to sort this out with Support
- the conditions for roaming won’t be disclosed for now
- the repair speed of a tank doesn’t depend on the number of the crew, but on the average crew repair skill (SS: in other words, tanks with 4 crewmembers with 100 percent repair skill don’t repair faster than tanks with 5 crewmembers and 100 percent repair skill)
- armor thickness doesn’t directly affect the chance of crewmembers being knocked out by splash, only indirectly
- wheeled armored vehicles won’t be added in forseeable future
- no 4th equipment/consumable slot will be added
- FCM50t profitability apparently won’t increase (“Profit will increase when you start playing better. You are not buying automatic earnings, but a possibility to earn in a successful game.”)
- less played branches won’t get buffed apparently (SS: not sure with translation here, it can be interpreted in several ways)
- SerB doesn’t understand, why Storm made the fact that the TD’s have reduced XP coefficient public, according to him, XP- and credit-making issues are not made public in general.
- Q: “Dear SerB, a clan renamed itself to “Conscience of goddamn SerB”, will you report them?” A: “Why? That nick makes no sense anyway, I have no conscience.”
- Storm states that the increase of arty tier by 2 will somewhat compensate the increased XP gained by dealing damage with arties in 0.8.6
- more realistic ricochets (currently, the ricocheting shell can damage only the tank it ricocheted from) won’t happen anytime soon because the developers want to reduce the server load as much as possible
- SerB states that new maps are comfortable enough to play on all types of vehicles
- apparently, other less popular equipment, such as CO2 tanks and wet ammo rack will also be reworked like the spall liner was. The spall liner however was specifically reworked in connection with the artillery.
- gold shells in general won’t be removed
- it’s too early to talk about 112′s characteristícs, because it hasn’t been properly tested yet
- dynamic characteristics of the tank (affected by crew and equipment) will be implemented
- gun module damage won’t be disclosed
- detailed collision model (with armor thickness etc.) will be implemented into the hangar, internal modules location indicator in hangar won’t be implemented however, specific values about what distance the vehicle is spotted on also won’t be implemented
- it’s possible the E-100 turret was moved more than necessary (and historical), Storm will investigate
- current TD XP gain penalty does mean the TD crews level up slower
- apparently, Soviet T-24 medium tank will appear in the game as a regular vehicle, part of another Soviet branch
Monthly Archives: June 2013
Complete 8.6 MM table
- developers don’t concern themselves with WoT wiki
- there will be no special “cybersport” WoT mode with reduced RNG
- SerB would like to remove the unhistorical M-62 from IS-4 (SS: but he won’t do it, no panic)
- premium tanks purchases won’t be limited by buyer’s ingame stats (SS: a player suggested buying hightier prems for example only after some number of battles played)
- the Xbox WoT beta testing is not tied to US server WoT accounts
- devs won’t implement active perks (skills) into the game (SS: active as in you have to press a button to activate it), because they don’t want more buttons than the regular 3 for consumables (4,5,6)
- Xbox WoT will not be moddable, servers will be completely separate from PC version
- there will most likely be no special maps for historical battles
- the _RU tag on test server has nothing to do with roaming
- Xbox WoT will be exclusive for Xbox 360
- it’s too early to show any more data on WoT Blitz
- Xbox WoT wasn’t made for Xbox One, because One doesn’t have a decent base of users yet
- the fact that there are buttons for another 3 consumables in WoT keybindings settings doesn’t mean 3 more consumable slots will be added, they are there just in case
- keybindings won’t be reworked do so one consumable type is bound to a key regardless in which slot it is
- when the new fire extinguisher mechanism is implemented, there will be no possibility to active the extinguisher manually
- the tracks “toughness” (SS: earlier it was confirmed it’s 3x as high in the center of the tracks than on the edges) doesn’t refer to track armor, but hitpoints (Maus example: the track edges have cca 200hp, but their center has 600hp), the “center” counts approximately as the part with the roadwheels in the middle, basically from the point where the track touch the ground to the point where they get up again
- the fact WoT for Xbox needs golden account to work: “Sorry – it’s the rules.”
- Xbox WoT will support Live archivements apparently
- when IS-6 was considered for a tier 9 regular tank, it was to be equipped with the M-62
- shell impact angle doesn’t influence the penetration, when it comes to tracks module armor
- SerB things Sixth Sense still needs a nerf
- SerB doesn’t think British tanks are too unpopular
- SerB has a new type of “trolling”: tells people they are drunks and alcoholics: Q: “AMX-50B is worse than T57, are there any plans to buff it?” A: “You drink more than Winston Churchill in the morning. Are there any plans to do something about it?”
- Storm states that according to these documents, the traverse of SU-101 gun is correct in game
- there are no plans to reduce the general +/-2 tier MM spread
- Storm explains, why in real life tankers didn’t aim at lower frontal armor, despite the fact that in WoT it’s a vulnerable area: “Because in real life, the lower frontal plate was often covered by terrain irregularities. Tankers didn’t aim for weakspots anyway, they aimed at the silhouette.”
- in 0.8.6, the distance you can hear the sound of tanks rolling will be set to 150 meters, currently it’s less
- the range of shells in meters is 325-390m on rapid fire guns and 720 on regular non-arty guns
- there are currently no plans to fix the issue, where – when hidden behind a wreck or something – the enemy target doesn’t light the silhouette properly
- Komarin and Swamp will still return
- it’s possible that the WoWp function, where before the battle you can compare your machines to those of the enemy will be implemented to WoT also
And bonus:
- it is confirmed that 8.8 will bring SOME vehicles and it was confirmed they won’t be American regular vehicles.
Today I heard an interesting theory on RU forums (allegedly from come community contributor folks there) as to what it might be: British line, ending with Chieftain prototypes, also having allegedly some light tanks… with 20pdrs. Odd, but I really hope it’s true :)
The T110E4
Author: Priory_of_Sion
Earlier I was reading through some Q&As SilentStalker posted and I ran into these.
- Q: “Is the T110E4 armor historical?” A: “Well, give us the data of the REAL E4, we’ll be happy to have a look at it”
- the source for T110E3, E4 and E5 tanks is the Hunnicutt: Firepower book
This is a strange response by SerB. Honestly either he cannot read or someone has tampered his $200+ Firepower book. I’m going to try to set things straight with the T110E4.
Before I jump into Hunnicutt lets see what The_Chieftain had to say about the T110E4′s historical background back when the first screenshots came out (had to go digging in the “Epic Thread” for this one).
The info in Firepower tells this about the T110E4: The T110E4 was Chrysler’s response to the problems in their T110E3 design(power pack issues). The T110E4 was planned with a AOI-1490 located in the rear of the hull along with the transmission. The rear section of the hull was to be covered with infrared shielding. The main weapon of the T110 series (the T123 120 mm gun, prototype to the M58) was to be mounted in a gimbal ring mount(aka what the SU-85 & the T110E3 have).This arrangement gave the T110E4 15 degrees of movement either left or right and -10 to +20 degrees of depression/elevation. The gun mantlet was to weight ~2 tons and would be ~230 mm thick without any curvature being taken into consideration. The rest of the T110E4′s hull was to be protected by 127 mm of armor sloped at 60 degrees(254 mm of effective armor). There was to be 4 crew members with the driver and gunner being located uncomfortably in the front of the vehicle wedged against 127 mm of armor. The cupola was to have a .30 caliber MG and was to use an OPTAR rangefinder(using pulsed light instead of a laser which haven’t been discovered yet) .
There is no mention of any 180 degree turret in Hunnicutt’s book. There are even diagrams of the T110E4 that show it is impossible for there to be a turret because of the mantlet, the engine deck, and the lack of anything resembling a turret traverse mechanism.
The last image is the most detailed view of the T110E4 and has no signs of any 180 degree turret.
It is really sad that SerB claims to use Firepower as a source for the T110E4 but it has no information to support the T110E4 in WoT and rather destroys the idea of WG’s T110E4. The turret, the gun, and the armor(the armor values are actually pretty close, but they aren’t exactly the same due to WG’s imagining of the T110 series hull shape and the stupid turret on the E4–I sorta guess SerB’s first post is as bad as I originally thought, oh well) is all pretty messed up on WG’s T110E4. It would be a sign of intelligence to admit the T110E4 is a fake rather than making yourself look like you are illiterate and blind.
Sorry if this was sorta unorganized, I was kinda ranting and going in a hurry.
Source: Firepower
WoT on Xbox?
Source: http://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/46/world-of-tanks-xbox-360/
So, we will now have World of Tanks for consoles. I guess it could be expected, I mean – with such a huge success on PC, it would be strange NOT to have a console game based on the same principle.
I assume that due to the different nature of both systems, console players will be kept on separate servers from PC players. That’s a good thing, maybe it’s just my impression, but I kinda guess the console crowd is considerably… younger, than PC WoT gamers.
Personally, considering the fact that Xbox360 is getting replaced by Xbox One (somewhere I heard the two systems will NOT be compatible, is that true?), I am surprised the game was announced for the 360. Still, I am even more surprised about the
a) cool sounds in the trailer
b) cool explosion and destruction effects in the trailer
c) new battle interface, noticed that?
Why don’t we have that in World of Tanks PC too?
Today, we have some very interesting stuff going on, as there are multiple sources of answers. First, Vallter (a Russian developer) was so kind as to answer some questions of EU players on his blog. Here’s a summary of his answers (including the Quasar fail, see previous article):
- woman crewmembers and kill barrel rings are unlikely to be ever implemented
- as mentioned in earlier posts, Superpershing rebalance is still being discussed, at this moment there is no plan for SP penetration buff
- premium consumable price will likely stay as it is now, that 10k on test server is for test purpose only
- 8.8 will not bring US vehicle branch (SS: as it was speculated earlier), but there will be something interesting in it
- Waffenträger E-100 gun being 150mm L/68? “No comment, but you will like it” (SS: earlier, it was confirmed it won’t be the 210mm gun, so there are various options, including 150mm L/68 or 128mm FlaK 45)
- Firefly will be implemented after other tanks, that were promised earlier
- Garage battles most likely won’t come in 2013
- Superpershing historically had a GAF V8 engine (450-500hp), it’s not SP that is underpowered, it’s M26 that is unhistorically buffed
- you will be able to sell Superpershing for gold after it gets changed, so players have the opportunity to try it out
- at this moment, the visual camo system (you can buy only one of each type) will stay as it is
Vallter explains camouflage:
Camouflage bonus as a result of using camo net and camouflage was multiplied on the camouflage value of the given tank. This resulted in the situation when the tank with good camouflage (i.e. tanks of average size) enjoyed more advantages – for instance, if camouflageof the tank was 30% (relative value) and together with the camo net it made the following 30% * 1.25 = 37.5% – 7.5% difference. At the same time tanks with bad camouflage (i.e. tanks of a big size) this effect was very insignificant. – when the tank had 5% camouflage, together with camo net it made 5% * 1.25 = 6.25% – 1.25% difference. The coefficient from camo net and camouflage itself was equal for all vehicles – 1.25 and 1.05 respectively.
Bonus to camouflage from camo net and camouflage will now (starting from 8.6) be added to the camoflage value of that tank. In other words, camouflage and camo net use will provide a fixed bonus to the vehicle’s camouflage, which doesn’t depend on tank’s parameter but depending on the type of the vehicle. Due to the fact that during summarizing, old camo net and camouflage coefficients (+25% and +5%) would have influenced more – for instance, for the tank with 30%camouflage and camo net the overall rate would have been 30% + 25% = 55%, their value has been degraded and distinguished by types of vehicles – SPG and HT acquire a small bonus, LT and MT – average bonus, and TDs – a big bonus (the camo net bonus is still bigger than simply a bonus from camouflage – i.e. bonus from camo net for SPGs and HT is greater than bonus from camouflage for TDs).
Regular Q&A:
- tracks have various armor thickness, which doesn’t directly depend on vehicle weight and type of the vehicle
- toughness of tracks (SS: and it’s not clear, whether hitpoints, armor, or simply module thickness are meant here, even to the player asking) is 3 times bigger in the center of the tracks module than on its edges, it’s connected with the fact that a loss of one supporting wheel is not as critical as a loss of a roadwheel)
- the reason of 50 meter automatic detection distance is somewhat realistic: at this distance, the infantry supporting the tanks can hear another tank and warn the tank crew. However, as SerB states: “want realism? join the army”
- there will be no infantry in WoT, because it would raise the game age restriction
- apparently (SS: and this is based on one Russian blog post), chat rules are practically not enforced on test server. A player tried to report some other players for advertising some botting or fake gold seller, got told that Support doesn’t deal with tickets regarding test server, SerB stated only that developers don’t deal with this
- developers, even the big boss (V.Kisly) pay for gold
- the purpose of test server is not for players to test all the vehicles (SS: SerB replies on whine that other vehicles than arties are practically impossible to test)
- SerB states that stats such as these are possible even without botting (102k battles, 48 W/R)
- apparently, there were cases, where some developers were banned from the game and forums too, for breaking the rules
- there is a theory on RU forums that in the 2nd German TD line, the tier 10 TD will be the Jpz E-100, in the first line it will be replaced by Jagdmaus. SerB: “No comment” (SS: that would be truly retarded, as performance-wise, those vehicles were very close to each other. And yes, there was a Jagdmaus project.)
- will some high-caliber guns be nerfed somehow in connection with their increased accuracy in 0.8.6? “If needed.”
There was a KWG post from Storm too, I’ll get back to that in a separate article.
Spherical Tanks
About two months ago, Wargaming put out a fake news post on spherical tanks: the ShT-1A and ShT-2T. They went as far as making a fake historical article on them, as well as fake wiki pages. Apparently, people will believe anything, since I’m still seeing Google searches for those tanks.
However, spherical tanks are very much real. During my last Q&A, interest was shown in them. Here are a bunch of spherical and rolling tanks that were actually designed, and some even built!
Additionally, Yuri Pasholok, Wargaming’s historian, is working on a book about Soviet spherical tanks, titled “Stalin’s Steel Balls”. Keep an eye out for that one.
WG EU fail: Quasar edition
So, once again, WG EU dropped the ball.
For those, who don’t know him, Quasar is the EU server “developer/producer”, who occasionally posts some answers to some questions. Nothing wrong with that, the problem is, he occasionally posts bullshit.
Some of you might remember that some time ago, Quasar posted that Panzer 58 and other Swiss tanks won’t be implemented, while the Russian developers said they would. What I did was I asked Edrard (the wot-news guy), who relayed this question to Veider (RU forums developer), who confirmed they have a high chance of coming in the EU tree. Quasar later backedited the post.
Well, Quasar did it again:
67. Was the idea of the female crew completely abandoned?
Not at all, but it has a very low priority for the moment.
65. Any update regarding more options for customizing the exterior of our tanks?
Also at this moment in time, we are also working on projects of the rings for the gun barrels:
Edit: a screenie, because at some point it will probably get backedited, as it did in the Panzer 58 case.
These are his answers. Those, who follow my RU translation know both of these options were denied specifically by SerB and Storm, that’s why I went and asked Russian developer Vallter directly (this post is made with his knowledge). To quote him:
“No, they will most probably not happen”
If you don’t believe me, Vallter has a blog, you can doublecheck the answers there. In other words, Quasar is pulling answers out of his ass, without checking with Minsk central. Makes you wonder, what good is such Q&A for and what ELSE is wrong…
(Special thanks to Vallter for indulging my incessant questions)
Super Pershing penetration buff? A misunderstanding…
Well, folks, I have bad news for you.
Vallter, who yesterday sort-of confirmed the Superpershing penetration buff, just went back on it. Apparently, it’s still being discussed at Wargaming, but we can be reasonably certain some sort of buff will take place, since the vehicle barely reaches the intended 49 percent winrate as it is and a frontal armor nerf could send it plummeting.
To make this absolutely clear: it is possible, that the penetration buff will happen, but not nearly certain.
Super Pershing buff: penetration
Earlier today, developers hinted at the fact that in order to compensate the armor loss for Superpershing, it will also recieve a buff. Now, Vallter (one of the developers on his blog) unofficially confirmed that (possibly amongst other changes), Superpershing will recieve more penetration, around 200mm: