Evilly on CW campaign reward

Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/2359622.html

This applies apparently for RU server. I am not sure, if everything works analogically on EU/US servers, but:

- the M60 tanks will be awarded next tuesday or wednesday, along with the slot
- it will be awarded to TOP 50 clans of the campaign (which did 5+ fights per stage and 10+ in the campaign)
- the next campaign reward will be the VK7201 (Failowe)

Soviet rocket tanks

Source: http://world-of-kwg.livejournal.com/220800.html

Hello everyone,

yesterday, an interesting post about Soviet rocket tanks by RU user leisheng appeared on the developer blog. While the author did try to make it into a branch of sorts, I think I’ll just pluck out the most interesting part – the vehicles.

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Good morning, everyone

today, we have a morning trollsession with SerB (he decided to answer some stuff after all) :)

- SerB is apparently in France in Fontainbleau (lolwut, how about a Q&A session for EU players?), he’ll be in Chicago in August to oversee the Xbox 360 WoT
- the implementation of an additional spaced armor equipment is only assumed, not confirmed. SerB is hopeful that it will be implemented, but they didn’t get to it yet

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FV4202 buff possibly incoming

Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/257640-the-fv4202-visit-and-inspection/

Hello everyone,

this post is probably not news to many people, but still an interesting piece of info. Not so long ago, a player called clanmcwood from EU forums did have a trip to Bovington and measured the thickness of the FV4202 turret. The results were interesting:

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