KTTS/ASAP: New Mode “Winter Showdown”

In Russian for now, but it has English subtitles.




- this mode resembles the encounter mode in random battles
- two teams, one base
- battle takes 7 minutes
- each team has 10 players
- there’s an option of “superplatoon” of 5 people
- three vehicles, each is specific: Arctic Fox is light and fast, Mammoth has an autoloader and Polar Bear high alpha
- two types of shells: AP and special healing shells (if you shoot allies, you heal them)
- there will be special missions in this mode for extra crew XP and credits, also a new medal

This mode will come “very soon”.

WoWs Test Results

An info picture by Wargaming… actually, I expected the numbers to be lower, but then, it WAS a stress test. There’s one more thing though. I complained about the graphics (specifically, low texture resolution) but there might have been a legitimate reason for that, as Locastan explained:

“They were afraid of other gaming companies and “freelance” chinese developers stealing their higher resolution meshes and textures for their copycat game and beating them to the finish line. That could always happen with the closed alpha client too, but at least the numbers are far less…so less chance of leakage.”

That actually explains a lot…

How Wargaming Servers Work

Hello everyone,

first, many thanks to world_of_cactus for finding this very interesting video. In it, Maksim Baryshnikov is explaining, how the server architecture works during a lecture in Minsk on 13.12.2014 (during the Wargaming Developer Contest event in Minsk). And it’s… interesting. I wish this was in English, but it is not and the guy speaks TERRIBLY (hard to understand), but I’ll do my best to bring you the info from it. So, here’s the video.



There are various servers within the cluster – (for EU it’s Amsterdam and Frankfurt). They are tied within the cluster. For some reason, RU cluster has two servers in Europe (one in Amsterdam, one in Frankfurt) and they are tied together as such:


Amsterdam has two datacenters with cca 40 servers, Franfurt has 70 servers. To compare, Moscow has 5 datacenters with 250+ servers (Novosibirsk has 80 servers, Krasnoyarsk has 70 servers).

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Straight Outta Supertest: M4 Imp Changes, AMX CDC Pics, Tiger L/56 Rumors

Hello everyone,

a bunch of small things, that happened on the supertest. First and foremost, some Russian leaker webs started showing the pictures of premium Tiger L/56 again. You might remember that this vehicle was leaked some time ago. It’s basically nothing else than premium Tiger I with 88mm L/56 (with identical model and characteristics to the non-premium one) as a premium vehicle. This vehicle however apparently was just an experiment to figure the suitability of the tank for eventual future release. As far as I know, its release is not planned.

M4 Improved was changed yet again, this time it was nerfed – reload time went up from 3,644s to 3,836s, reducing the DPM from 1811,3 to 1720,7.

And, finally, AMX Chasseur de Chars, upcoming French tier 8, was seen in supertester hands in random battles lately. It’s possible this vehicle will be introduced in patch 9.6 along with Japanese tier 8 medium, STA-2 – not certain though.


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The End of Advent Bundles

Hello everyone,

so, the last day of Christmas advent event is here and the bundle is… who the fuck knows, the shop crashed. But it’s Grosstraktor and T-34-85M in their bundles or something. Can’t tell you exactly, the shop crashed (I assume it’s not all the people lining up for the Grosstraktor, but rather a bunch of folks who expected Type 59) – oh wait, it’s working now (lots of disappointed people I guess). It’s:

- Grosstraktor + slot, 4500 gold and 30 days of prem for 29.99 EUR
- T-34-85M + slot, 1700 gold and 30 days of prem for 29.99 EUR

My advice: do not buy that overpriced shit, you’ll get a chance to buy it much cheaper in a couple of months (hell, even for free). Thus concludes one of the worst events in Wargaming history. Both bundles will be available for 25 more days (figures), so give it some thought before you spend that 30 Euro.

Another Free Day of Premium

Many thanks to Jalt for this one.

Guys, just a quick reminder – if you want one more free day of premium account (which is common with WoT), you have to log on to World of Warplanes between 24.12. and 10.1. – up to you, whether it’s worth downloading the client or not.

This is valid for US server, but apparently it works for EU as well.

Christmas, FTR Future in 2015 and some other random crap I wanted to rant about

Hello everyone,

so, tomorrow’s the Christmas day here and there are only a couple of days left till the end of the year. It’s time to look back – and forward. If you forgive me, this time, I’ll just skip the contributor review, I will make a separate post later on. Thank all of you who contributed of course – it’s just in this post, I want to focus on something a bit different, the past and the future. It’s going to be a long post, so be warned. Gonna split it in parts by topics.

Of me and Wargaming

Right… where to start. A lot of people think that I actually hate Wargaming. This is a matter I explained several times, but still the feeling lingers on, fuelled by my… let’s say more negative posts. It’s not true, at least mostly not. My attitude towards Wargaming is actually quite complicated. For me, it’s about the specific people. There are people I respect immensely and in a way am glad I am not bearing their burdens of responsibility – people such as Storm, or Evilly. Practically all of the people I really respect are Russians or Belarusians, although I must say that despite having some disagreements, I also am very fond of American server’s very own historian, The_Chieftain (and his epic hat), I also remember Overlord, who moved on to WoT Blitz and god knows what he’s doing now, haven’t heard from him in ages. And let’s not forget the historical and balance department, those are some awesome guys. And the supertesters, some of them are pretty great as well :) Won’t give names, reasons are obvious.

On the other hand, there are people who I truly detest, like the EU staff, who I think are generally a bunch of pisspots. Yes, I know many of you like Ectar & Co., I don’t. There are exceptions of course. Then there’s Yuri Pasholok, but that’s a very specific case. We’ll see how he acts in real life, won’t we? According to WG guys I met, he’s coming in January to Prague… pack a raincoat Yuri, the weather here is shit. That’s global warming for you.

Overall, I was surprised myself to find out that there are more specific people I like than those I dislike, at least specific people – strange, yes? What I really dislike is the way Wargaming shifted in last months. Maybe it’s just me… I don’t know. I just have this nagging feeling that something changed in last half a year and Wargaming as a whole moved much more towards the “money at all costs” policy. I mean… too many offers, the discount system is almost arcane, hard to keep track even for me these days. I get it actually – World of Tanks is still the main product that HAS to be used to make as much money as possible. World of Warplanes didn’t work and World of Warships… that I don’t know. The feedback for that seems to be really positive, but even if the final game is MUCH more interesting than what we’ve seen in the test, I really don’t believe it will ever cross the “niche genre” boundaries, because ships – that’s very niche thing (tanks on the other hand are not niche in post-Soviet countries, there is a huge fanbase of armor, the Great Patriotic War and all that, much larger than a ship fanbase I’d wager).

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Don’t forget to get your free 1 day of premium – the bonus code is 2015WGNY.

- the 9.5 minimap will be reworked further, according to Storm
- the new 9.5 minimap can reduce FPS, but only a tiny bit
- the “flickering transparent bush” bug was not fixed. According to Storm, there was no way found how to fix it without losses to FPS. This bug emerged in connection with the changes in render, that in turn were made to optimize the game and so it’s not possible to roll the render back to the version before the bug appeared
- regarding implementing a damage panel, Storm doesn’t want to do that at all
- additional hangar filters will be implemented
- player stats reset for gold is not planned

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Posted in Q&A

Meanwhile in Toy Stores…

Hello everyone,

I was walking around a toy store in the shopping mall today and I noticed this and I just HAD to take a picture. I mean… this is (according to the box) for 3+ year old kids. I know I should be outraged or something, but I am not even mad, a toy mentioning gun caliber with barrel length, historical weight and years of production, that’s actually amazing.


I forgot to take a picture , but I shit you not, on the backside of the box there’s an actual history of the Panther, hell the little German soldier (look how happy he seems with the Panther!) comes with a Panzerfaust and there’s even an explanation what a Panzerfaust is.

There’s other stuff too…

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