Swedish Tanks – Part XXI: Ikv ny

Author: sp15 (US server)

The list of previous parts is at the bottom of the article.

In 1964, a project called Ikv ny was started. The goal of this project was to acquire a new cheap vehicle, which could offer good mobility and still be able to both support infantry like older Ikv’s, but also would be able to fight tanks. Essentially, the idea had come about as there simply weren’t enough modern tanks in the Swedish army and there was a need to re-equip a large part of the army, which was still using modified WW2 era vehicles.

In the discussions leading up to the project, a number of different armament options had been considered, ranging from ATGM’s to 10,5cm and 12cm tank guns, but to cut down the unit cost, it was decided that the new Ikv should use a 9cm gun capable of shooting modified ammunition from the newly developed Pvpj1110 recoilless rifle, which was entering service at the time. These discussions also set up series of other requirements for the vehicle, described as a lightly armored vehicle weighing only 15 tons, which was to have the top road speed of 70kph with a crew of no more than 4 men. The vehicle was to be able to operate in the harsh conditions of the northern parts of the country, have good gun traverse and the gun elevation of at least -10/+20 to allow it to make use of hull down positions.

As the project moved on in 1965, three different companies were contacted to propose their designs for the new Ikv. The first company was Landsverk, who had created the original Ikv’s and had been producing tanks since the 1930s. The second was Bofors, who was already working on the completion of the S-tank project. And finally there was Hägglunds, who was a newcomer to armored vehicles, but had recently won the contract for the Swedish army’s next APC.

Given their different backgrounds it’s not surprising that these companies came up with very different answers to the same requirements.

Landsverk’s Ikv ny proposals

The Landsverk proposals were probably the most traditional and realistic with mainly casemate designs, some of which were based on the old Ikv chassis. However, since both the other companies came up with turreted designs, Landsverk was asked to come with one of their own, which did lead to two rather interesting designs. Most of Landsverk’s proposals had been designed to make use of existing vehicles and many components were to be shared with the Pbv 302 APC to allow for greater interchangeability of parts between the vehicles. The main armament was a 90mm L/53 Bofors low pressure gun, which could fire HE and HEAT rounds. Overall, the Landsverk proposals were very light on the armor even when compared to the other Ikv proposals and a lot of the casemate designs had a maximum of only 15mm at the front. One thing the designs did have however was excellent gun traverse (40dg) and depression/elevation (-10/+35).

Bofors Ikv ny proposals

Bofors had an interesting mix of features, which borrowed from their ongoing work with the S-tank, all of their designs had – like the S-tank – frontally mounted engine and some models featured an autoloader. Initially, three versions, called Ikv 90 A, B and C were offered. The A and B models were pretty much the same vehicle but differed in the use of a casemate on the B model and a turret on the A model, both of which could be equipped with an autoloader. The C model was the smallest one and was designed with a shorter 90mm gun than the other two models, this model was however not liked and later dropped when the proposals were redesigned. To meet updated requirements on gun elevation Bofors redesigned the model A and B into models T and S. The model T differed very little from the model A but it did have changes to the turret and hull, however model S had turned into what was basically a miniature S-tank but with gun elevation and depression independent of the hull.

Hägglunds Ikv ny proposals

Unlike the other companies, Hägglunds had focused their efforts on mainly turreted designs for the new Ikv project. They had also probably overestimated some aspects of their vehicles, like the projected top speed and the use of autoloaders on certain models. In any case, Hägglunds had done a more thorough research of the possibility of using foreign engines or guns and had even based their projected vehicles around a French 90mm gun rather than the Bofors model. The guns, considered by Hägglunds, were the DTAT 90mm L/51,5 from the AMX-13, a licensed produced version of that gun by Motala Verkstad, the Bofors 90mm L/53, used on the other companies Ikv proposals and a DTAT 105mm low pressure gun using the same recoil mechanism and breach as the French 90mm. These guns were to be available for use with either a conventional loading system, a fully automated loader or a semi-autoloader with a 4 round magazine, which would be continually fed by the loader. The armor of the vehicle was – as with the other proposals – very light with a maximum of 20mm at the front, but unlike the other companies, Hägglunds made extensive use of spaced armor for the hull sides and sometimes rear. It was however very thin and was only meant to offer protection against small arms.

As the project continued into 1966, it became clear that the Bofors proposals were the most problematic, as they were completely new vehicles, sharing no parts in common with other Swedish vehicles. Because of this, it was decided that development of the Bofors proposals would be discontinued, it’s at this point where Landsverk and Hägglunds are asked to finalise their designs for the Ikv project. For Landsverk, this means redesigning the Alternative 5 design into a sort of half turret design seen below.

Landsverk’s redesigned Ikv Alt 5

Hägglund also redesigned their proposal 1 to be more viable, which meant the removal of the autoloader and a change in turret design and results in what would become the Ikv 91. It was said that the army actually preferred the Landsverk proposal, but that they ultimately chose Hägglunds proposal due to the greater interchangability of parts between their vehicle and the Pbv 302, also designed by Hägglunds.

Hägglund’s redesigned Ikv

In World of Tanks

Well where do I start… the different Ikv 91 proposals could be used for a lot of things, personally I have created a whole TD branch with them and there are still plenty left over for premiums/reward tanks. I think they would function like a mix of light tanks and tank destroyers in the game, offering little to no protection but with great mobility and some very nasty guns, if we include some of the autoloaders or the more exotic gun options.


Honestly there just isnt enough space to fit all the data here so i will link you to my posts with the information on the American WoT forums

http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6947171
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6948214
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6948312
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6948402
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6953270
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6953430
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6953537
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6953618
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6953737
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6953828
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6953891
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6953906
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6954072
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6954105
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6954144
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6954204
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6954259
http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php … try6954362

Next time we conclude the parts on the Ikv’s with the story of the Ikv 91 and its prototypes.

Part I: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/03/07/swedish-tanks-part-i-strv-m21-29/
Part II: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/03/12/swedish-tanks-part-ii-strv-m31-strv-fm31/
Part III: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/03/15/swedish-tanks-part-iii-landsverk-l-100-and-l-120/
Part IV: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/03/21/swedish-tanks-part-iv-landsverk-l-60/
Part V: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/03/27/swedish-tanks-part-v-strv-m37-and-strv-m41/
Part VI: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/04/08/swedish-tanks-part-vi-sav-m43/
Part VII: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/04/18/swedish-tanks-part-vii-strv-m42/
Part VIII: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/05/08/swedish-tanks-part-viii-pvkv-m43/
Part IX: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/05/12/swedish-tanks-part-ix-tlp-46-and-strv-leo
Part X: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/05/15/swedish-tanks-part-x-strv-lansen/
Part XI: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/05/17/swedish-tanks-part-xi-ls-50/
Part XII: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/06/01/swedish-tanks-part-xii-emil-1951/
Part XIII: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/15/swedish-tanks-part-xii-emil-1952-1958/
Part XIV: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/23/swedish-tanks-part-xiv-strv-81/
Part XV: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/08/06/swedish-tanks-part-xv-strv-a-strv-t-strv-k/
Part XVI: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/08/13/swedish-tanks-part-xvi-the-s-tank-1956-1961/
Part XVII: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/08/21/swedish-tanks-part-xvii-strv-103/
Part XVIII: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/08/27/swedish-tanks-part-xviii-strv-74/
Part XIX: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/11/15/swedish-tanks-part-xix-ikv-72-ikv-102/
Part XX: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/11/22/swedish-tanks-part-xx-ikv-103-ikv-65/

29 thoughts on “Swedish Tanks – Part XXI: Ikv ny

    • SS! You swedish-tank-lover!
      21st part!?
      And what about PL tenks!?
      What with them in the game? – you surely know something! What do you say?

      • These are sp15′s articles, SS was just kind enough to give him an opportunity to publish them on his blog.
        All we all knew is that WG is seriously thinking about implementing Swedish tanks into their game, along with many other European tanks. Although, no details are known yet.

      • Man- just in this single article there is 17 interesting tank projects and some of them are looking really original compared to what we already had in WOT. And what we can bring to EU tree except of copies of soviet stuff and “Czolg Pancernik” – a 5 minutes sketch done on toilet (with all the respect for Stanislaw Lem) which looks like monkey doodle in comparison to every drawing in this article. Let’s face it- Swedish tanks looks: fresh, original and interesting. And this is what we need in WOT. Now what we don’t need is a 1253353754835743573′th copy of T55. And I’m polish btw.

        • Feel free to educate yourself about the European tanks and AFVs. For example take a look at the FTR’s ‘History’ tab.
          There are plenty of other Italian, Czechoslovak, Hungarian, Swiss, Yugoslav, Romanian – and so on – tanks that are “original” or “interesting”.

          • By [And what we can bring to EU tree except of copies of soviet stuff and “Czolg Pancernik”] I was referring just to polish AFVs. I’m interested in Italian, Czechoslovak and Hungarian stuff as much as you…

  1. Don’t forget the Diesel armour! These tanks have fuel cans and fuel tanks for anti HEAT protection!

  2. hey, SS have you made the article about the 103 in wot? or have i just missed it? because, you know the one with the 103 has no part about how it would work in wot.

  3. Ahh…as a TD lover this makes me happy to see that the swedes even had something for me there…god bless this beautiful country!