Straight Outta Supertest: T28 Concept

Source: (and VK Wotleaks community)

Behold the tier 7 American premium/special tank destroyer. Because, you know, Storm said “no more fakes”, so here’s another one.


These are garage stats, not 100 percent crew stats

Tier 7 premium TD
Hitpoints: 900
Engine: 960 hp
Weight: 70 tons
Power-to-weight: 13,71 hp/t
Maximum speed: 29 km/h
Hull traverse: 18 deg/s
Armor: 203/101/50
Gun: 105mm T5
Damage: 320/320/420
Penetration: 181/224/53
ROF: 6,74
Accuracy: 0,4
Aimtime: 2,1s
Viewrange: 370
Radiorange: 570

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Praga Export Tanks – Part III: LTS, LT Vz.40

Hello everyone,

today, we are going to talk about what happened to the 21 LLT tanks, produced for Lithuania, but never delivered. If you are interested in that story, please get back to part 2 of the series.


In Summer 1940, Czech arms production was already firmly in the German grasp and the manufacture process was changed to suit only the German wartime needs. As a result, ČKD (now renamed to BMM) was forced to cancel all previous export deals and that included the Lithunian one. After all, Lithuania, being fully occupied by Hitler’s allies, the Soviets, was in no shape to order and pay for those vehicles anyway. All the future export deals required German export permissions in any case. And so, the produced vehicles were just standing in the ČKD factory at Slaný, waiting for their final fate.

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Tank Layout Video

Hello everyone,

an interesting video appeared on WG video channel – it describes the basics of tank design.



It’s… well, accurate enough I guess (there are more reasons for “frontal transmission tanks are taller” than just the drive shaft for example, it had to run above the floor because there were torsion bars below it).

Also, Great Patriotic War? Here, we call that Second World War and it started in 1939. Great Patriotic War begins in 1941 – that’s how the Soviet monuments depict it, you wouldn’t want the Russians to be reminded they were Hitler’s allies before that, would you?

The series looks promising however.

Jealous of TOG Event? No Need.

Thanks to Joshua H. for noticing this bit.

Hello everyone,

a quick announcement for American players. There have been some complaints about the TOGtober and the ease, with which the EU players can obtain a free TOG (hell, even I can do that mission). Well, apparently, there is no need to. According to KMaus, an American community manager, the Americans will get a “secret” event as well and it will be “even more awesome” than the TOG mission.

Well, TOG’s going to be hard to beat, but good luck :)

Insider Talks: New Achievements

Hello everyone,

more info from the Insider. This time, it’s a set of various odd achievements (awards), that is prepared (or possibly considered) for World of Tanks. No further details are known, but some of the things are pretty odd:

- apparently, the “Lumberjack” is back, it will be awarded to a player, who destroys at least 3 enemy vehicles and brings down 30 trees in battle
- same goes for the “Alaric” achievement, that will require to destroy 2 tanks and a “monument”
- an achievement for “burying enemy tank in debris”, which is connected to Havok and the fact that buildings will be destructable, plus an achievement for “bringing down a structure on enemy light tank”
- an achievement for flipping enemy tank on its roof

The above requires an explanation – in new motion physics, it will be possible to flip a tank on its roof. To it, the Insider adds that being flipped will destroy the tank quickly (basically the way a tank is destroyed now when another tank drives over it). It will not be possible to simply flip a tank back. The official reasoning for this is that flipping a tank on its roof not only destroys its internal equipment, but also crushes the turret ring and the thin turret roof armor. The developers want to make it really hard to flip the tanks, they want to specifically avoid the War Thunder situation, where (and I quote the developers) “the vehicles behave like they have West Coast custom hydraulics”

- an achievement “Bring the Barn” related to something like a 15vs15 TOG battle
- an achievement for surviving the destruction of the house you are hiding in without taking damage
- an achievement for pushing around a car (object, that will be movable in Havok) without destroying it while damaging at least 3 enemy tanks
- an achievement for “luring the enemy to drown” (as in, standing on the edge of the water, a fast-driving enemy approaches trying to ram you into water, you quickly evade and he drives into water and drowns)
- something related to “Raisenai”, involves KV-2 surviving extreme odds against German attack, not sure what this is

These achievements are tied to the Havok patch, which apparently is 9.5

Car Crushed by APC at Igromir

Hello everyone,

this is kinda interesting, have a look at what the WG competition came up with at the Igromir 2014 expo in Moscow. This time, the Armored Warfare producers brought an APC to crush some cars.



So, what do you think about Armored Warfare anyway? I’ll write my (preliminary) opinion later, but let’s hear you first.

Weekly FTR Contributor Review

Hello everyone,

once again it’s the time to thank the contributors, it’s you who keep FTR running after all! This time, following people donated via Paypal:

Mandy G. (Germany)
Jörg C. (Germany)
David C. (Canada)
_Hirens_ (Czech Republic)
Mrwanwan (Lithuania)
Björn M, (Sweden) – thanks for the wish, I appreciate that :)
Jorge C. (Virginia, USA) – thank you for a LARGE contribution, much appreciated :)
Allan R. (New Zealand) – thank you for your continued support!

Thank you, guys. I really, really appreciate it.

Now, for the Patreon cycle – this month, everything went smoothly. Today marks the seventh time the Patreon subscription got successfully used, thank you all!

Out of the 607,29 USD pledged at the point of the cycle activation:

- 568,30 USD came in successfully (the rest didn’t go through for some reason on the contributor side, insufficient funds on account etc.)
- out of 568,30 USD:

46,55 USD went to credit card fees
28,46 USD went to Patreon (service fee)

leaving 493,29 USD for FTR – much appreciated! The list of contributors can be viewed here. Once again, huge thanks for the support to all of you :)

Americans in Wartime Museum Photos

Hello everyone,

recently, there was a meeting between Wargaming and US server players in the Americans in Wartime Museum in Nokesville, Virginia. US player SpartanGuard was kind enough to provide us with some pretty nice photos of the vehicles present there. A special thing is – apparently, ALL the vehicles on the photos are in running condition. Well, except the dismantled ones under renovation I guess. Still, pretty impressive.


VA wot greet and meet 087

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Fury Premium Shop Package

Hello everyone,

just to let you know, it’s confirmed. According to this article, players will be able to purchase the Fury tank bundle in World of Tanks (PC), World of Tanks Blitz and World of Tanks for Xbox.

The “Fury Sherman” will be a premium M4A3E8 with “unique looks”:

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The PC and Xbox bundles will cost 30 USD (EU price is not set yet), the Blitz bundle will cost 15 USD. The Xbox version bundle consists of:

- USA Tier VI Sherman Fury Medium Tank
- 100% Crew
- Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
- Vertical Stabilizer Mk 1
- Improved Ventilation Class 2
- 71 AP M62 Shells
- 15 HVAP M93 Shells
- 1 Garage Slot
- 7 Days of Premium Account