9.5 Common Test ETA

Hello everyone,

despite the fact that the complete version of 9.5 was not even supertested yet (several lowtier tanks are not even released on supertest), it seems that according to WG information, 9.5 common test will start on Thursday, 27.11.2014.

Yea. This is going to go so well.

FTR Technical Post and Contributor Review

Hello everyone,

earlier I wanted to write a very long post about this and the future of FTR (my thoughts and stuff), but – I mean… it’s too early I guess and even I am really not sure what I am going to do about it and how to improve everything. One thing is sure though, for better and for worse, after Christmas, FTR will transform to its “final form”, that will stick until the days of FTR are over.

In the meanwhile, still working on content for the AW FTR, that will run on blogspot. Design looks like crap, but that’s not why you come here anyway, right? Anyway, back to the original purpose of this thread – it’s contributor recognition time!

This time, following people donated via Paypal:

Anton T. (Russia)
MaxMcMetal (Germany) – thanks for a VERY generous contribution mate, much appreciated :)
Eric B. (Michigan, USA)

Thank you guys, I really appreciate it, as always.

The best way to help me and FTR is via the Patreon service


This is the Patreon account of For the Record. In case you read this for the first time and feel like contributing, here is an explanation what it is, how it works and how to contribute. You can find a list of all those, who pledged and help to keep FTR running here.

Thank you all!

9.5 Object 907 Buff

Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/450670-object-907-re-balance-for-95/

Hello everyone,

in 9.5, Object 907 (CW third campaign reward) will be buffed as such:

- penetration of credit shell buffed from 219 to 264
- reload time buffed from 7,1s to 6,5s
- dispersion on the move buffed from 0,12 to 0,1
- aimtime buffed from 2,3s to 2s

Thanks to Sycopanth for letting me know (why post this stuff in clan section? Wargaming… *sigh*)

Wargaming Tries to Suppress Supertest Info

Hello everyone,

something very strange happened recently. Ever heard of Jove? He’s basically a Russian version of Quickybaby – a Wargaming-friendly videomaker/streamer, who gets promoted and has access to exclusive stuff (testing various not-yet-released tanks and such).

Oddly enough, today, Jove got bitchslapped with a copyright claim from Wargaming for publishing content (making a video), that was leaked earlier on various Russian sites and communities (world-of-ru, Wotleaks, FTA and others) – specifically it was the part about the Individual Missions.


Not quite sure why they did that – I mean, the info was out there anyway and supertest leaks are actually tolerated simply because there’s no real way how to stop them without completely changing the system (which, in the middle of production, would likely not go well). A futile gesture, that will not stop the info from being spread, but will certainly annoy Jove (I know I was actually annoyed when they took down the WoWs leak on my channel, I had to watch this stupid anti-piracy video – how terrible, but serves me right (for failing to recognize WoWs leaks are not taken as lightly as WoT ones)). So, my sympathies, Jove.

So, what exactly does Wargaming not want you to see? You can read it here.

Evolution of Tanks with Dmitryi Puchkov: Suspension

Hello everyone,

remember the “Nuts and Bolts” (or how is it called) series from the EU server, describing various parts of the vehicle? Well, Russian server has that too (translated into Russian of course), but they also have another series, called Evolution of Tanks. It is narrated by Dmitryi “Goblin” Puchkov, who is apparently a well-known person in Russia for his translations of movies to Russian.

It’s longer, more detailed and pretty interesting. And it has (at least this part does) English subtitles. So, you can have a look – don’t forget to turn the subtitles on.


SU-74, SU-76D and SU-57b (GAZ-74 Series)

Hello everyone,

you probably heard about the screwup with the SU-76I. It did put Wargaming into an uncomfortable situation – now that it’s out, they can’t nerf it (it’s a premium tank after all), all the while the vehicle in the game is clearly overpowered. And so, they will have to introduce another lowtier tank destroyer to replace it I guess. And what do you know – there are two perfect candidates for the role, the SU-74 and SU-57b (the third one would be OP I guess).


In the summer of 1943, the designers of the GAZ plant under the leadership of N.A.Astrov (famous Soviet vehicle designer, responsible for example for the T-60, T-70, T-80 or SU-76M) created two light tank destroyer projects and offered them to the national commissariat of tank industry under the designation of GAZ-74.

Continue reading

So, who wants a Hellcat?

Thanks to Nixxxie for this one.

Hello everyone,

not so long ago, finnish Panzer IV was up for sale by the Finnish military, but this time, an American company Northeast Military Vehicle Services LLC is selling something else: a restored M18 Hellcat!


It’s not cheap though, the current price is 275k USD, which is cca 221,7k EUR. The vehicle is completely restored and running. The owner states:

This tank was restored from a completely bare, empty hull. Motor was stripped apart, cleaned up, and put back together. Fully functional little joe generator. This tank needs nothing except for you to apply the stencils, and I have a full set from Rick Larson waiting to be applied. Turret hydraulics are fully functional, allowing manual or powered traverse.

So, who wants a Hellcat? 17 days left!

Straight Outta Supertest: FV4005 Changes

Source: VK Wotleaks community

Hello everyone,

based on the testing, the FV4005 tier 10 TD was changed as such (data for 100 percent crew):

- hitpoints buffed from 1450 to 1850
- turret traverse nerfed from 12,5 deg/s to 10,4 deg/s
- viewrange buffed from 330 to 390
- ROF buffed from 1,788 to 2,018
- reload time buffed from 33,562s to 29,726s
- DPM buffed from 2055 to 2321
- accuracy nerfed from 0,345 to 0,364
- aimtime nerfed from 2,68 to 2,88

The new vehicle statistics look as such:

Tier 10 TD
Price: 6,1 mil credits
Hitpoints: 1850
Engine: 650 hp
Weight: 50,802 tons
Power-to-weight: 12,79 hp/t
Maximum speed: 35/12 km/h
Hull traverse: 32 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,247/1,822
Turret traverse: 10,4 deg/s
Viewrange: 390
Radiorange: 750

Hull armor: 76,2/50,8/?
Turret armor: 14/14/14

Elite gun: 183mm L4
Damage: 1150/1750/1750
Penetration: 310/230/92
ROF: 2,018
DPM: 2321
Reload: 29,726
Ammo carried: 12 rounds
Accuracy: 0,364
Aimtime: 2,88s
Depression: -5/+8
Limited traverse: 90 degrees (45 to each side)