9.1 – One More Medal “Monolith”

Source: VK Wotleaks community

Hello everyone,

9.1 will bring one more medal I forgot to mention earlier, its name is “Monolith”



Conditions: In a SPG, survive the enemy tank ramming attempt, fatal for him. The speed of your SPG at that point must not be higher than 10 km/h. Destroying your teammates is not allowed. Awarded only in random battles.

Czechoslovak Post-War AA Gun Tank Projects – Part 3

Part 1 – LP and Halftracks
Part 2 – T-34 with 57mm R10

Hello everyone,

this part will be more like an addendum to the entire series. Last time we left the Czechoslovak AA autocannons, it was with an unsuccessful one-barrel LP-157, an R10 autocannon, based on the T-34/85 hull from 1955. A mock-up of the autocannon was made (the photos can be viewed in Part 2).



Here is the upgraded version with the R12 autocannon mockup


The fate of this version was already described in part 2, I will only add that the full-scale mockup was indeed produced in June 1955. The designation LP-157 means basically “an AA gun, model 1, 57mm”. Two variants were considered actually – one with a classic “magazine”, another for continuous fire with an open “funnel”, where the ammunition could be continuously fed.

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New Wargaming Minsk Office

Source: http://it.tut.by/401423 (via Yozas_Gubka, world-of-ru)

Hello everyone,

Wargaming Minsk is building a new office for themselves and the tut.by portal got an exclusive first glimpse of how it looks. And it’s… well, you be the judge. It’s a 16-floor business center on the outskirts of Minsk. The distance from the Minsk underground train is not a problem, Minsk is paying for a minibus to constantly drive from the building to the underground station and back.

The building has a very… special decoration as well


Yea, that’s a MS-1. And the lobby:

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Weekly FTR Contributor Review

Hello everyone,

today marks the third time the Patreon subscription got successfully used, thank you all!

Out of the 548,5 USD pledged at that point:

- 526,5 USD came in successfully (the rest didn’t go through for some reason on the contributor side, insufficient funds on account etc.)
- out of 526,5 USD:

46,65 USD went to credit card fees
26,36 USD went to Patreon (service fee)

leaving 453,49 USD for FTR – much appreciated! The list of contributors can be viewed here.

And once again it’s the time to thank also the contributors, who donated via Paypal:

John L. (Norway)
Bhaarlem (Netherlands)
Aleš Š. (Czech Republic)
Brenthos (Israel) – thank you for the contribution as well as the nice message mate :)

The best way to help me and FTR is via the Patreon service


This is the Patreon account of For the Record. In case you read this for the first time and feel like contributing, here is an explanation what it is, how it works and how to contribute. You can find a list of all those, who pledged and help to keep FTR running here.

Thank you all!

SLI Bug Fixed

Source: http://world-of-kwg.livejournal.com/294676.html

Hello everyone,

in his post, Storm confirms that in the recent driver version by Nvidia (337.88 from 26.5.2014), the bug, where the performance of WoT dropped significantly when playing with SLI enabled, was fixed.

He implores you to download the newest drivers, you can do that here.

Advanced Bot developed for World of Tanks

Hello everyone,

since “there are very few bots in the game” and all that, Wargaming is somewhat lax in chasing the bots down. Today, I want to show you something – a new bot, that is practically unrecognizable from a regular player, even to trained eyes. It’s still developed, so it has glitches, but those will be ironed fairly soon. Thanks to Stormshadow for the info on this.

Check this video out:



Now, disregard the fact it’s a bot – would you recognize it’s a bot and not a bad player? This bot is called “Cyber Tank” – and it can be unfortunately downloaded for free for now. You need some sort of key to access it (I didn’t really look into details), which is given out.

And you know what’s sad?

The site of the Cyber Tank bot recently collapsed under the traffic of people, who wanted their own key and bot…

German Tank Graveyard in Rockensußra

Source: http://derstandard.at/2000001584631/Die-Panzerknacker-von-Rockensussra

Thanks to Pootch for this one.

In the middle of the German Thüringen region – specifically, in Rockensußra, there is a tank graveyard, where old German tanks (or, in this case, IFV’s) go to rest, until they are dismantled. A couple of photos were made by Thomas Peter, a photographer for Reuters. The company operating this place is Battle Tank Dismantling GmbH Koch, the only NATO-certified tank dismantling plant in Europe. It was founded in 1991 and dismantles old armor ever since.

Here, German decommissioned Marder IFV’s await their fate.


The vehicle scrapping began after the German unification, when the army numbers were reduced by various treaties. The vehicles are dismantled here thoroughly.

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1955 Czechoslovak Recon Vehicle Proposal

Hello everyone,

sometimes, projects appear in the world of armor and warfare that just click. They make sense and they are instantly recognized for their hidden brilliance and their revolutionary nature – indeed, such projects change the world of armor forever. This is definitely not one of them.


In the early and mid-50′s, the armored recoinnessance was not considered to be exactly high priority in the Czechoslovak army. The army realized by the end of the 40′s that the day of the recon light tank is over and several prospective (and very promising) projects (T-17, TNH 57/900) were scrapped as a result. Possibly the rast remnant of the light tank development was project “Leták”, a codename for an amphibious tank development (its result was actually evaluated as better than the PT-76), but politics and finances once again stood in the way and the project was cancelled.

Under such conditions, it was believed that the recon role can be handled either by halftracks or by armored cars. In early 50′s, both categories saw several projects, but nothing really came of it. The army was firmly focused on starting the production of local T-34/85 (and later T-54) tanks and this task was draining the resources of the entire Ministry of National Defense (MNO). It was in this situation that 1stLt Stanislav Reitmejer came with his proposal.

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