Author: sp15 (US server)
Part I:
Part II:
Part III:
Part IV:
Part V:
Part VI:
Part VII:
Part VIII:
Part IX:
After the rejection of the 30 ton tank projects, that were in development since WW2, Swedish tank development had to start over again from scratch. In 1949, discussions began regarding the next Swedish tank. Many of the ideas behind the project were outdated right from the start and the project would be completely revised in 1950, as it was realized that the project would be hopelessly obsolete on modern battlefield.
Our story begins in 1949, when discussions first began regarding the new Swedish tank, following the 1947 cancellation of the previous tank project. It was concluded that the new tank would be a 20-ton vehicle, mainly intended for infantry support and armed with a 75mm gun. The new project was based on the idea that large numbers of tanks have to be able to take losses, which in a country with limited resources means that armor needs to be sacrificed. It was thought that the protection of the vehicle could not be increased to a relevant degree without too high a cost per vehicle. Another idea was that Sweden did not have the resources or infrastructure for heavy vehicles and while there may have been some truth behind these ideas at the time, the times were changing and Swedish infrastructure and resources were rapidly improving as Sweden helped rebuild Europe after WW2.